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Month 2 Of Accutane, Problem With Dermatologist


Posted : 07/08/2014 12:31 am

Is this normal? Not one thing has gone right so far with this dermatologist and I am feeling pretty turned off by the whole process. Is there a way around this? If I (can) switch doctors do I have to essentially start my waiting period over again? I really just want my Accutane and to finally be able to move on and have better skin and this is insanely frustrating.


Posted : 07/08/2014 9:34 am

No not really normal I would think...I am sorry...hopefully things get sorted out and this was a fluke.


Posted : 07/08/2014 12:40 pm

No, definitely not normal. Their lack of understanding about how Ipledge works indicates the dermatologist may have very little experience prescribing the medication (Which is NOT something you want to deal with). If you end up having to restart the whole process (this may happen if it is your first prescription), just go to a different dermatologist in your area that is experienced with prescribing the medication. It is absolutely crucial to the success of your course that your dermatologist be completely familiar with treating patients with isotretinoin, and worth the hassle of finding a new derm in my opinion.


Posted : 07/15/2014 6:23 pm

What kind of problem are you having? If, for example, your dermatologist's office might be experiencing difficulty getting a prior-authorization from your insurance company to cover Accutane. I had to wait a week the first time my dermatologist prescribed Accutane-- my insurance company at the time needed their office to justify prescribing it-- which involves paperwork, long phone calls, justifying the use of the medication. I was frustrated like crazy and kept hounding my pharmacy, but it was my insurance company, not the dermatologist, that was making me wait. From working in a doctor's office, I can tell you that some insurance companies do not want to cover drugs that will cost them a lot, especially ones that are considered "cosmetic" in some way-- even if ten doctors claim the patient needs it.


Posted : 07/16/2014 2:48 pm

When I was on Accutane about a decade ago, dermatologists were giving it out like candy.

But like JMTM asked, what is the specific problem you're having with your dermatologist?
