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Accutane After Doxycyline


Posted : 04/26/2014 3:08 pm

Hi there. I took doxycycline 60mg for about 6 months. It cleared me up beautifully. However, I have been off doxy for about 4 months and the acne has come back in full force :\

My entire family is pressuring me into taking Accutane and now I feel like I've no choice. I've tried every topical imaginable. Epiduo worked nicely but stopped after a while

I also have body acne as well and it sucks not being able to wear short sleeves or open back dresses (I am literally wearing long-sleeved shirts all the time I'm only 19).

I have a derm appointment next week. The first thing he suggested months ago was Accutane. We argued a bit. I said no.

Fast forward to now. I am seriously at my wits end. I want to take Accutane but I'm afraid of the possible side effects. I'm extremely concerned about my liver (since I've had rounds of anti biotics in the past), hair loss (I lose so much hair in one day I seriously can't imagine losing more and having it not grow back), joint problems, depression (already depressed because of my skin), seizures, infertility, these amongst many others complications but the one thing I am absolutely terrified of is if the acne comes back. Like, imagine suffering through a plethora of crazy side effects (possibly long term) and having your acne come back. I'm worried because my acne always comes back no matter what I do and it is so frustrating. I know you all understand what that feels like -_- And I know Accutane is completely different from antibiotics since it reduces oil production whereas anti biotics temporarily kill off bacteria causing acne but still.

Anyway, here are my questions: will it be bad to take Accutane AFTER taking 6 months of antibiotics? Will my liver take a serious beat down? What can I do to prevent really bad side effects? Also, since my body is quite small (5'2, 43kg), should I take a lower dose or higher dose - or does it not matter at all?


Posted : 04/26/2014 4:45 pm

Nah,it's good. Sometimes antibiotics are given before accutane to prevent a massive flare up.


Posted : 05/03/2014 7:20 am

If you are not 100% sure accutane is for you, don't do it. Side effects can be mild or devastating and until you do the drug, you won't know. Have you tried to help your acne from the inside? Try Paleo, green smoothies and a good exercise, stress management and sleep plan.

Do whats best for you.


Posted : 05/05/2014 12:08 pm


we have very similar stories. First off I am 27 but have been struggling with moderate acne since I was 20. I am African American and have extremely oily skin. Once my acne flare ups would go away I was left with severe hyperpigmentation. I was also told to go on accutane a few years ago but I said no, and was thinking I'm sure my acne will eventually go away. Well fast forward a few years and later and it hasn't. I have been on epiduo, finacia, differen gel, proactive, antibiotics (For the last 2 years off and on doxycline twice a day) and still nothing. So finally I was fed up with my skin and decided to just try accutane. Now I have only been on it for five days, and I am also on a low dosage. My doctor was telling me that people with the severe side effects tend to have very high dosages and of course I do not know how severe your acne is. My blood work came back good, and I have to do another blood test in about a month to make sure everything is still okay. And this is what I told myself, if I get severe side effects then i will come off of it because its not worth it. And again it is totally your choice, so you have to do what is best for you. So far I am good, but again I have a low dosage.If you are interested I will keep you posted, will even send pics if that will help. This is what this blog is for, to help and also encourage each other if we are going through tough times with our acne. I think it is also helpful to have a strong support system while doing this. :) Hope you have a wonderful day.



Posted : 05/15/2014 1:58 pm

Thank you for your replies. I had a dermatologist appointment last week. The derm said that he will start me off with 40mg a day for the whole treatment. This worries me as I weigh only 43kg and my acne is not severe (it's moderate). I've heard many stories of people who weigh more (with severe acne) and they had 20mg for the whole treatment. They experienced very minimal side-effects and their skin has been perfect for years. I don't think I can persuade the derm to lower the dosage. He assessed my face and observed that even though my skin isn't as bad as before, I should still take 40mg for 6 months. I sort of want to take 40mg because then I guess the acne won't come back as bad (if it did)... but then I don't because of the possible side-effects.

What do you think my dosage should be?

Anyway, my next appointment is in June. I will talk to him about the dosage next time.

ALSO: Yes, I have done diets. It did absolutely nothing except make me look like a toothpick. My skin did glow but that was because all I ate was organic foods (no carbs/no refined sugars/no MEAT). I was literally living off supplements and vegetables. I couldn't even eat certain fruit! On top of that I had 4+ hours of ballet 5 times a week so I was eating healthy, taking supplements, and exercising, but for some reason my skin was still covered in cysts. Naturally, I waited it out thinking maybe it would get better. Worst decision ever. It never got better. It did more harm than good and was the reason I visited the dermatologist's office in the first place, 8 months ago.

That's why I've had it. I've wasted so much time, so much money, so much of my youth on acne. This seriously sounds so silly. Blemishes are keeping me from living my life. Blemishes. I'm sick of it and I'm ready for it to go away already.


Posted : 05/16/2014 5:47 pm

40 mg seems to be your full dosage. You should be starting at 20 mg. I started on 40 mg but i weight 64 kg,so my full dosage would be 60 mg. Anyways i'm not upping the dosage,and if i suffer to many side effects i will down it to 20 mg.

Start it and see how your body adapts to it. If it is to harsh,ask your derm for downing it to 20. she will understand.

Anyways you will see people that weights the same as you and are in a 80 mg dosage. or even more.And don't suffer any side effects more than the commons one.

You will also see persons that weight a lot more than you,and starts on 20 mg or even less. And they suffer the worse side effects.

It all depends on how you body reacts to the drug. You obviously need a correct dosage,and 40 mg seems right.
