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Second Course Of Accutane.....inspiration!


Posted : 01/24/2014 4:05 am

Hello everyone!

Here is my story.....

Hope you all are having a fantastic day.

A little bit about myself,

I am 22 years old currently, Asian if that matters lol, In college attending the greatest school in Florida pursuing a degree in Nursing!

Let's see, I have taken accutane before back in 2010, I think between May of 2010-October 2010. I have posted some pics of myself in the accutane gallery of how many skin looked like preaccutane first course. I have always visited ever since I was 16 but never really signed up but I want to inspire everyone that it does get better with accutane. It is a miracle drug!!!!!!rolleyes.gif Now to say the least, I am on my second course of accutane currently......Started 14 days ago to be exact. I broke out again unfortunately and I think more worse this time then last time in my opinion but now the acne is more on my cheeks, side of face near my ear, just along the jawline. A few on the forehead but I get the cystic ones now compared to before back in 2009 where I broke out a lot on my forehead the most and cheeks. Back before my first course of accutane in 2009, my skin was bad but it cleared up tremendously after taking accutane in 2010. My skin stayed clear up until October of 2012 so about two years after my first course of accutane ended....I started breaking out and it progressively got worse. Here I am in Jan 2014 taking my second course of accutane.....I know you probably will have a lot of questions....but I promise you that it will get better.....I mean I know it completely sucks at the moment but accutane changed my life and made me more confident when my skin was clear.....although my skin is horrible now....I know that in a few months my skin will be clear and my confident will be up!!!!

Now I know a lot of you guys are wondering if accutane is so great, Why am I on accutane again?!?!?!?

Well to answer your question, Everybody is different no matter who you are. There are many factors that pertain with acne and everybody is completely different. Things happen, and especially with acne, you just never know. There are many contributing factors that makes you different internally!

My current derm thinks that I wasn't put on the correct dosage during my first course because when you are accutane....You are prescribed a certain dosage pertaining to your weight, I weighed about the same when I first started accutane at the age of 18 and now. I am 135lbs currently and at that time I was prescribed 40 mg once a day the first month and the second month until the end of my course I was prescribed 20 mg once a day. I was taking claravis at that time, one of the generics of accutane but my current dermatologist told me that she sees patients again for a second course of accutane with claravis because claravis does not absorb that great compared to the other medications. Now also like I have said....My current dermatologist said I wasn't prescribed the right dosage during my first course of accutane. I am currently on Amnesteem (another generic of accutane) which she says works much better, and I am currently one 40 mg once a day, during my first month, and when I go back in February, My dermatologist told me she is upping my dosage to 60 mg a day for the rest of the duration of my accutane journey until the end of June 2014 or beginning of July 2014.

I have tons more to say......Just tired now....being studying all day for my Anatomy class....I will def post more later....

If you all have any questions for me.....please feel free to comment away. Check out my before pics of my acne back in 2009 before my first course of accutane please!






