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Lymecycline X Finacea


Posted : 01/05/2014 7:27 pm

So I'm using Tetralysal/Lymecycline again now and my GP wanted me to stay on this and Finacea for 4-5 months. Its been a month and I don't think any major changes have occurred.


What are your experiences with Finacea, Lymecycline? What product (any product that you used for acne) do you think worked the best and how long did you use it for?


Posted : 01/05/2014 9:11 pm

I started using tetralysal/lymecycline over a year ago now and it did make a slight change but not very much. I'd have to buy more and more to keep my face clear, it damaged my skin by making it dry and patchy (not sure if this has happened to anyone else) if you're desperate to get rid of acne I recommend using duac cream, it works really fast and keeps your skin clear for ages. But don't use it too much because it is really strong and will weaken your skin.
