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Tazorac Has Worked!


Posted : 10/11/2013 10:15 am

Im not quite sure if this is where I should post this but I came back on here to give hope to others.


I knoe not everything works for everyone buy I feel some people dont apply taz right and dont give it enough time. Time is the important concept here.


I have had acne since I was about 9 years old and I am now 21 and it has been really bad some years and sometimes just a little better due to thr millions of things Ive tried. Been to many derms, put on many topicals and creams, antibiotics, birth control, have tried every facewash and over the counter products, tried

changing my diet, taking vitamins, and have even been on 2 rounds of accutane. BBBoth times cleares me up for about half a year but it always camr back.


I had been on tazorac before but I was young and had used it wrong. I used way more than pea sizes, did not wait to apply after washing, and did not give it enough timr because the initial breakout was bad. If any of those three things apply to you I highly reccomend giving it another shot because coming from someone who has had completely unbeatable and unbearable acne, even after accutane, I'm sure this could work for others too.


My regimen:


wash face with neutragena acne free face wash

I apply a product by clean clear after drying called acne spot treatment. It has SA in it and def helps to reduce pimples and very much helps during initial breakout. My derm had given me aczonr but honestly I feel like this stuff works way better.

Then I moisturize with cerave moisturizer



wash face with cetaphil gentle clenser

Let dry for 15 to 20 mins VERY IMPORTANT

then that is it. When I first started I would wash off after an hour for the first week oe two and my face was really dry so I would apply cerave night moisturizer but after I got used to the taz I just used it because it works better alone.

Im typing this on my phone and its almost impossible to edit what ive written so what I meant to say ilafter let dry for 15 mins is to apply a pea size of tazorac ...


Anyway it took about 3 1/2 months to get my skin clear and its so worth it. The inital breakout is bad and I'm also on thr antibiotic doxycycline once a day but I'm about to quit that. Yesterday I got maybr first new pimple in about 3 weeks and its very small. Ive read that you see complete results at 6 months so I'm super excited because I just passed the4 month mark about a week ago.


My red marks were super bad. During thr firat three months every new pimple I got left a really red ugly mark. It looked like ihad more pimples than idid because of all the marks. I was getting so discouraged and wanted to give up buy didnt and im so glad. Noe my red marks are fading and my complexion is better than ever.


Give this a try if you havent anf most of all be patient. There is hope for everyone!!


Oh and I stopped eating dairy anf sugar and thar seemed to I'm eating sugar again and it doesn't seem to break me out with taz. Wanting to try dairy again but I'm a little nervous but I plan on it but yes I do also believe diet has atleast a little bit of influence on acne


Posted : 10/22/2013 1:45 am

Okay so I've been using tazorac for about two weeks and my skin has never looked so bad!!! I want to stop really really bad cause I believe it's just irritating my skin and not "purging" it like people say. I have literally 30 new pimples since I've started. I'd get like 3 new ones everyday and if I'm lucky they're small ones but lately it has been BAD. Like my chin JUST recovered from a cluster of 5-6 huge pustules and today I woke up with three new ones, also very big. In addition I'm getting whiteheads poppin up everywhere. I never/rarely get pimples on my cheek or jawline and since I started using taz, I've gotten numerous breakouts on those areas. I don't believe anything that is supposed to help your skin get better should make you break out like that. I am completely frustrated and angry that my face now looks like a pizza, literally, thanks to taz.
