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Posted : 06/11/2013 8:48 am


just been to see my GP about my skin my acne is getting bad again am getting red big spots now that hurt spots on my back and chest

i've just can't take it any more. i'm getting spots on my arms now to

so i got to see a GP i told him that my skin is worse i've tried lots of antibiotics creams herbal tablets face washes nothing has worked

i've told him i would like to see a dermatologist and he said yes because i've had all the antibiotics that their can give me he said the best thing would be to go on roaccutane to clear my skin.

he said the letter would get to me by the end of the week and i would just phone to get appoiment to see a dermatologist i can't wait.

i just need help with my skin and a dermatologist is the best to help me.i just hope i can have roaccutane please this is the last thing that will help.

i know it's a very strong drug and the side effects a long but i will just have to try.

i've had acne for 14 years am now 27 my mum just said to see if you can try it get it see how it goes.

here is what my face look's like



i hope people will help me though this journey.surprised.gif

i will post again when i get a appointment.

thanks guys.



hope people will help me though this journey.

thanks guys.






Posted : 06/11/2013 1:21 pm

To be honest, your acne isn't bad at all. Have you at least given up dairy? Not saying give up the whole food chain like I did. But I'm well aware standard and not organic dairy products actually contain hormones in them that rile up andogens.


Posted : 06/11/2013 1:37 pm

Your skin is actually not bad at all Emma. Cheer up!


Posted : 06/11/2013 6:11 pm

Yeah your skin actually looks quite good. At first I thought these were photos of improvement because of roaccutane.


Posted : 06/17/2013 4:55 pm

So i got my letter today from my GP i have got appointment to see a dermatologist on the 29th of august which is two months away but if i did not take this

appointment date i would have to wait till september.

i see it this way it's nearly the end of june so i think it will go quick.

so wish my luck and i will update after i have my appointmentsurprised.gif


Posted : 06/29/2013 9:31 pm

So update on my acne it's been three weeks since i stop the regimen. and my face is not so red now because of the benzoyl peroxide

am still getting little spots here and there but ok so far still getting breakouts on my back and chest.

so my shower routine is

1. wash my hair if i have to

2. wash my body a sponge body wash is neutrogena clear body wash with 2% salicylic acid hope it works only been useing it for a couple dayrolleyes.gif

3. when i get out of the shower i put on my body lotion which is bravura london Rejuvenating Body Lotion 12% Glycolic Acid.

now my face both morning and night.

1. wash my face with my new foreo device for combination skin and cleanser.

2. put on my face moisturizer which is new Pure Australian Golden Jojoba Oil got for [Removed] fran is so lovely.

3. use Australian tea tree oil on my spot's helps alot.

i've just order the Australian Grown Neem Leaf Extract for [Removed] hope it help with my body acnerolleyes.gif

i get alot of blackheads so i use skinmiso blackhead strips and comedo remover once a week it help's love koren brands.

am not sleeping very well at the moment i keep thinking about my skin and it gets my upset the other night i woke up my parents because i couldn't stop crying

it just gets you down when you have acne and i know my acne is not that bad but i've had it for 14 years.

i've been drinking chamomile tea to help me only started two days ago so here's to helping me.

my parents are the best their are helping my mum tells my try to clam down because i could make my skin breakout more if am stressed.

so that's it for now here is new pictures of my skin been in mind i took this at night so their are abit white








Posted : 06/29/2013 10:08 pm

I would like to make some friends on here so please read my post's and tell me about your troubles with acnesurprised.gif

we could help each other.

thanks guys.


Posted : 06/30/2013 5:15 am

I would LOVE to have skin like yours, it's really not bad at all, you look good! :)


Posted : 07/01/2013 11:47 pm

Yea, I'd love my skin to be like yours too.
