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Beginning Accutane


Posted : 06/03/2013 12:07 pm

Hello all. This is my first time posting on the forum after lurking for a while and today I start accutane. I've had acne for about 3 years and am currently 18. I would define my acne as mild to moderate, but I still have been breaking out on my chin in particular and my back. My doctor prescribed to take 20 mg of accutane 3 times a day. I was wondering if this is normal to be taking it 3 times a day as I have not seen others do this.


Posted : 06/03/2013 12:31 pm

Yep i have the same! I take 1 20 mg in the morning and 2 20 mg at night with dinner. :) I just started about a week and a half ago and watch out your face does + hair drys out fast. Good Luck!


Posted : 06/03/2013 4:36 pm

Well I don't think it's anything strange, I mean every doctor is going to try something different. Personally I was on a low dose of 20mg a day and it was extremely effective within two weeks, which makes me lucky I guess because most people have to wait months. My skin really liked it, and 20mg was low enough that I had barely any side effects. My acne did come back, but not nearly as severe as it used to be.

3 times a day could be hard to remember to take if you're like me. xD But I think you'll be fine, if your doctor believes that's the appropriate amount for your body. Good luck! cheer.gif
