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Repairing the long-term damage from Accutane


Posted : 10/16/2023 8:31 am

seriously though accutane sucks. peanut butter and coffee is pretty much the best diet along with smoking a LOT of MJ i have been able to live a "decent" life.. but thats only beacuse i found marijuana. thank you and god bless each one of you and good luck

This post was modified 6 months ago 2 times by Aforsberg

Posted : 10/20/2023 9:25 pm

i also used to drink a lot of water for YEARS i would drink water. i dont touch the stuff anymore its straight to beer for me cheers cheers cheers


Posted : 10/30/2023 2:10 pm

Currently supplementing with cauliflower capsules, apricot capsules, black currant capsules. and Laminaria capsules from Amazon. Cauliflower is rich in sulforaphane and choline, Probably the two most important nutrients for the liver. Apricot is rich in beta carotene. Black currant inhibits beta glucuronidase. Laminaria is rich in trace minerals, carotene, vitamin c, and Alginic acid, which helps remove radioactive materials such as accutane from the body. Definitely not healed but I do feel better with these supplements than without.

This post was modified 6 months ago by Thomas76

Posted : 11/17/2023 8:29 pm

The worst effect I that the leydig cells have gone through a lot of apoptosis. Most people that have taken the full dose of the medication have about 50% of their original testosterone levels. Full testosterone replacement therapy costs $4000 a year. This is not to mention telomere shortening, general premature aging, and lower dopamine levels. I would have almost rather have had my left hand chopped off than have taken this god damn medication. For the depleted dopamine levels, you can take Mucuna Pruriens which raises your baseline dopamine levels. For telomere length and general aging, you can do mediation. Life will never be the same of course, there is no cure for feeling like a shadow of yourself. Personally, I suffered from schizoaffective disorder until I started taking Mucuna Pruriens every day.


Posted : 11/17/2023 8:29 pm

I had to stop taking Accutane after 4 days (20mg per day) because I discovered a ringing in my right ear and it stayed the next day. Then I stopped taking it immediately and have now been without Accutane for 12 days. The tinnitus has gotten louder. My ears are sensitive to loud noises and I find certain noises muffled. I also have dizziness, which is what bothers me the most. I also see very, very blurry at a distance or out of focus and see a little worse in the dark.

What I'm wondering is, when will Accutane be out of my system? Since I still feel slightly dry lips and dry eyes, it must still be in my body.

Am I going to have this dizziness for the rest of my life? Or will the dizziness go away with my blurred vision?


Posted : 12/03/2023 10:09 pm

has anyone tried chondroitin sulfate? 800 mg

Posted by: @Thomas76

I believe glycosaminoglycans are the key to recovery from accutane. What do virtually all accutane victims have in common? Joint issues. Glycosaminoglycans are huge for joints and many other things, such as cellular division and cell hydration. Whole food glycosaminoglycan sources include beef bone pills or powder, chicken stock, and aloe Vera capsules or juice. Im also doing full spectrum ginkgo capsules. Not a source of glycosaminoglycans but excellent for circulation.
Get enough glycosaminoglycans into your body and post accutane dehydration and all of its negative effects should be a thing of the pa

This post was modified 5 months ago by tryingtohelp2014

Posted : 12/03/2023 10:23 pm

Ive tried chondroitan sulfate and it did me more harm than good. Caused RLS. Caffeine causes extreme agitation for me.
I believe the drug is trapped in the body long term and getting it out is key to recovery.
Ive read interesting things about burdock SEED, not root. The seed seems to be what we need for skin and lymph detox. Ive got some burdock seed powder coming in on 12/11. What I hope is the burdock seed will stimulate the sebaceous glands and lymphatic system to push this poison out of the body once and for all. Will report how things go that week.

This post was modified 5 months ago 2 times by Thomas76

Posted : 01/08/2024 5:06 am

Hi Guys,

Okay, so the story is long but in short: I found something, maybe you guys want to try and see if it also helps you.

In the past 8 years I've been following a Nutritional Balancing/Development program. I've also become a practitioner of such a program, using hair testing to assess mineral imbalances and then using supplements, diet, procedures (sauna&coffee enemas), meditation, and others, to balance and heal the body.

This had worked but only to some extent, and I found that I am dependent on less EMF areas, so most of these years I lived in remote locations.

Recently I noticed that even there things worsened. So I played a bit with blocking EMF in my home. I noticed it does help improve symptoms. Then I noticed what is more affected in a EMF dense area. It was my stomach/digestion. So I figured why don't I wrap my belly in aluminium foil to test. I created a waist band from alu foil and tape, put it over clothes, and even slept with it. It seems to work quite well. Well, bear in mind I do a lot of stuff: diet with loads of vegetables, saunas, coffee enemas, etc.

If this helps anyone, it probably means our digestion is affected by waves/EMF/wifi etc., or something else.

The good news is they seem to make t-shirts and all kind of stuff that blocks EMF, with silver wire, and other materials.

Try it out and let me know pls 🙂

All the best


Posted : 01/15/2024 5:52 am

sorry but i think you guys need to focus on getting the accutane out and moving forward. to do this you have to keep "flushing" for me it was coffee and beer and throwing up for a few years, and now im able to digest better. of course i was drinking saint paulis imported beer which was known to shrink your penis but that is a story for another day. my point is you really have to cycle the tretinoin out of your body because it needs to get reset and to do this you can do fasting coffee teas used to be beer but cant get any good beer anymore, and of course starving yourself dry works wonders. another way to "get accutane out" is to eat penut butter because it binds to the fat and is removing whatever you eat steadily great for shredding that stored accutane. plus for awhile skippy contained some natural peanuts. what else then? well for me its been bobbing my boddy or keep things moving and staying as positive as possible. im in pain from roaccutane physically so this is not easy but i know i made the right moves by "flushing" the accutane out instead of just sitting there doing nothing and now its been 10 years and im going to do it again. keep things upbeat, fuck use drugs if you have to but just get the damn roaccutane out of your system and try something new everyday if you have too if you drive you can stop and get a coffee and know youre doing something good for yourself. stay away from hard alcohol as it dehydrates you! and of course if you feel sucidial it will pass and tomorrow is another day to tackle ro accutanes damage and were all in this together so hard this is such an awful drug i cant tell you all the damage it caused me in my upbringing it caused me depression back pain anger and vision problems and its been 10 years dont you think im close to flushing it living the kind of lifestyle ive described i hope so

This post was modified 3 months ago by Aforsberg

Posted : 01/15/2024 6:04 am

also try eating a lot of milkshakes and garbage to flush it out of you thats what i recently did but now im detoxing from ALL THAT ICE CREAM from anywhere fuck we took roaccutane think i care where my ice cream comes from. FLUSH THIS ACCUTANE OUT GIVE ME THE SHITS WHATEVER IT TAKES MAKE ME iLL i am now detoxing from the ice cream diet and truely hope it absorbed the last of the roaccutane in my body. i should have a clean bill with how hard ive flushed the last ten years. anyway hope ive helped with my flushing method. remember coffee. milkshakes. dry fasting and for me i took it too far and threw up from drinking. but these are whats important to flush accutane out . mainly coffee and fasting and using your body.

This post was modified 3 months ago 3 times by Aforsberg

Posted : 01/15/2024 6:13 am

listen guys im just trying to HELP ok. im a girl by the way but the way to detox from accutane is to give yourself the shits and throw up until your skin and bones and then refeed again and get as big as you can ok and then do it again and again you feel will feel better from the ro accutane okay

This post was modified 3 months ago by Aforsberg

Posted : 01/15/2024 6:22 am

if you dont liisten to me your fucked you have to flush it out


Posted : 02/28/2024 8:35 am

Forsberg I agree with you about the drug being trapped in the body. I think theres an easier way to get it out. Im trying chicory root prebiotic daily starting today.
I believe the drug keeps getting recycled back into the body at the bowel. The hope is the chicory root prevents accutane from being recycled back into the body at the bowel via beta glucuronidase reduction.

Ive dealt with ibsd ever since taking accutane. I will report how it goes soon. Take care.

This post was modified 2 months ago by Thomas76

Posted : 02/29/2024 5:15 am

32y.o. Used accutane 10mg/day (on my 85kg) on and of for like 7-8 years and developed ligament calcifications and osteoarthritis in hips. Perhaps also in other areas of the body. Cannot run, and have pain in hips with prolonged standing and sitting.

Anybody has similar experience?


Posted : 02/29/2024 6:06 pm

Rapha yes, thank you for sharing. I believe the drug is trapped in your body. Im using chicory root supplement and drinking beverages rich in beta carotene, such as veggie juice and carrot juice. Will keep the board posted.


Posted : 03/29/2024 3:31 pm

Im starting to think accutane syndrome is a choline deficiency. Just started choline this week. Will keep the board posted.


Posted : 04/25/2024 7:05 am

Finally a thread for this! If anyone is following the whole history of the thread: have there been any improvements in peoples syndromes?

In my experience accutane can also increase autoimmunity. There is research on that. And symptoms are seemingly the same with Sjogrens syndrome. Any thoughts on that?

what was helpful for me is Biotin but its only a tiny bit better and only for a period of taking a super high dose since biotin increases your secretion.


For bowel: what was really helpful is using fungi medicine. Ask your funigitherapist, it might be candida owergrowth that needs to be fought off.

for other things Im on my way. I think that Ayurvedic treatments with oil might also help a huge lot.


Posted : 04/25/2024 3:48 pm

Posted by: @Chico Esposito

I have extremely severe sebborheic dermatitis of the face as a result of taking Accutane when i was 17 years old. The seb derm was so bad, that i didn't go out the house for years, it covered the entire length of my face and scalp in thick diffuse plaques similar to psoriasis. I have to use vaseline every night to stop my lips from cracking and bleeding. Likewise I've developed scarring of the face as a result of the skin condition. I'd suffer from very bad joint cracking and hair loss as well. All in all pretty brutal stuff.


Anyway i'm not here to scare people into not taking Accutane, i understand what happened to me was an extremely rare thing, although unfortunate it should not deter people from taking the drug. I am only here to help people suffering from the long term side effects of the drug. I've had this for 8 years now and as you can imagine i've tried everything under the sun to cure it. I'm getting better now, alot better infact and it's down to the things i'll share with you now. Bare in mind everyone is different, what works for one might not work for another, but there are certain things all people suffering from Accutane side effects have in common and can benefit from.


Firstly as i say, all these symptoms are based around retinoic acid (accutane) and it's effect in the body. Retinoic acid cannot be stored in the liver like normal vitamin A. It only works in the skin cells. All these people thinking Accutane is still stored in their livers are wrong, it's not. The reason in my mind why Accutane causes side effects is because it is a glucuronidated drug. Ie as it comes into the body, the liver binds the retinoic acid to glucuronic acid molecule which makes it more water soluble. The only problem is over time these glucurides build up and slow down bile flow, or bile acid transport to be precise. Just like anabolic steroid's Accutane causes a similar Liver toxicity. If your suffering from accutane side effects, check your stools....i know i sounds gross but how dark are your stools? if they are a light brown / clay colour you ain't got enough bile flow, chances are your bile has slowed to a snails pace.


Heres an analogy....imagine a bathtub, now look at the hole in the bottom of the tub, it's filled with clumps of hair, the taps are on full blast, eventually it's going to overflow right?


Well the hole is your bile flow (or lack thereof) and the water is the toxins that you accumulate from living ie processed food, air, shampoos, cleansers, soda's, trans fats.


First port of call is to clean up your diet, eat a high percentage raw food diet, organic fruits, vegetables, lots of green juices, spring water, small amounts of soaked nuts, natural personal care items, throw out your perfumes, cleansers, synthetic chemicals, if it's not natural don't put it in your body or on your body (everything you put on your skin is absorbed into the bloodstream in 15 minutes)


Now if you do have low bile acid transport as a result of Accutane toxicity their are certain things that help.....Firstly if you got very low bile flow you cant digest fat or fat soluble vitamins


1. Virgin Coconut oil - is a MCT, it's a medium chain fat.....which means it doesn't need pancreatic enzymes or bile to be absorbed. Without bile it's almost certain you wont absorb any fat so Coconut oil will be one of the few you can absorb very easily. Coconut cream, young coconuts, coconut meat anything coconut related it fine, as long as it's raw.


2. You wanna avoid eating lots of high retinol foods they'll make you more milk, cheese, eggs, liver etc. Retinoic acid is a derivative of vitamin A (retinol), so taking large amounts exasperates hair loss, skin conditions, joint cracking, impotence, chellitis etc.


3. Drinking lots of alcohol is very bad for those with long term accutane side effects as retinoic acid react's with alcohol, especially those with liver problems related to accutane.


3. Organic raw food diet is the best tactic to bring about healing, as it stops the chemical load coming in which takes the strain off the liver, kidneys etc. Plus its just the natural way to live. You can eat some steamed chicked occasionally, but at least 70% of your food should be organic raw food, with some green juices, ginger, lemons etc


Accutane basically shuts down the bile acid transport in people with severe accutane side effects, joint cracking, hair loss, seb derm, psoriasis, impotence. All these side effects are caused by the accutane still being in your body, because once the bile has stopped, how is the retinoic acid going to be removed? it isn't? the bodys going to go into hibernation mode and it'll try and protect the organs by storing the accutane in the fat cells. A lack of bile means a lack of fat absorption hence inability to gain weight.


Thats my two cents.


This one is a great thought. Thank you!
