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Girls: did Accutane change your period?


Posted : 05/03/2011 11:14 am

The last time I had my periods,I had horrible cramps,I fell unconsious and I cut my chin,even that I took ibuprofen...and all this happend before my class in university:(,so take care girls.


Posted : 05/19/2011 3:37 am

A lot of girls on here have said that Accutane delayed their periods but not many of you have said that it caused prolonged periods. Is this still normal?


I am on my first month and I am also on birth control which usually keeps my periods regular at about 2-3 days but ive now had my period for a little over 2 weeks. Its very annoying, uncomfortable and frustrating for both me and my partner. Will this go away?


Posted : 08/12/2012 10:13 am

hey gals... i have started my acutane on the third day of my period. (july 2) ... after that i got back my period on july 23 (very light and little)- but from july 26 onwards till today (12 aug) my period has been heavy with lots of clots and and i am not able to go anywere without a washroom nearby. i SEEM to be getting clots almost every hour or 2 . I told ma derm atologist last week that i have heavy bleeding. he dint seem to care much about this. no cramps or pain but very frustrating. Is this normal or do i have to worry about it and tell any extra information to my dermatologist. /??? pls help soon


Posted : 08/14/2012 6:38 am

Hi, I started my accutane on the first day of my last period. It's been 5 weeks, I still have my period!!!!! Aaaagh!

I'm usually 4 days. The first 2 weeks were like my normal period. The last three it's been very light, but still there...every day. I asked my specialist and he said accutane should not interfer with my cycle. But looking at all of your blogs, it obviously does. Anyone else had the period for that long?

Lavny liked

Posted : 12/16/2012 11:56 am

Hi girls how's it going I myself started accutane at the end of my last peroid I'm on 20mg for the whole month I was getting brown discharge! Now I am due my peroid but no sign what's so ever my derm does not seem concerned and is saying this has nothing to do with Accutane but clearly it does as I've never had this problem before

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Posted : 08/23/2018 1:33 pm

I was on birth control for years prior to accutane. I'm currently on 60 mg. First month of 30 mg was fine, nothing abnormal (I usually have small cramps first day and then that's it, finished with period in 4-5 days). The second month, though, was a whole other story. I felt as if I had just gotten my period for the very first time. My cramps got progressively worse. By day three, I couldn't focus, I was nauseus, my back was throbbing, and I had extremely heavy periods. Ended about the same time, but just watch out.

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Posted : 11/22/2018 12:44 pm

I have been having my period for many years (at a regular pace). I'm currently on my second to last month taking accutane. I hadmy period regularly 2 weeks ago, but I am now starting it again. should I be worried, because It is also lasting much longer and is much heavier.(Please note that it was heavy at the second month of accutane. But did not worry to much.)

If someone can help please do.!


Posted : 04/06/2019 10:03 am

On 5/3/2011 at 4:30 AM, EmilyLaessle said:

I have heard a lot of girls saying that there periods were late but has anyone experienced a difference in the flow? I have been on accutane for two whole months now and have not been late really it seems to be coming around the same time as always however, I have had bad cramps and it is a lot heavier then normal. Almost to the point where I thought I should go in. Has anyone had anything like this happen to them?

Same here!! Its been like 2 months since I started using Accutane 40mg. It seems like Accutane is messing up with my period. It started with dark brown discharge with no blood stains and gradually it became heavier and still continuing. I had perfect flow and cycle before. I should ask my dermatologist!!


Posted : 05/24/2019 8:45 pm

Thank god I read this Bc my Daughter who is 100% abstinence was so scared she has been getting her period later and later each month!! Shejusttold me! Thank God for this site!! BTW I AM 100% positive :shes not pregnant!


Posted : 06/16/2022 11:29 pm

Ive been on it for three months now and the first month was normal for me which is 5-7 days. The other two however, timing wise was good, but they are definitely shorter at only 2-3 days. Im happy with it though lol


Posted : 08/21/2022 9:03 am

I started my acutain on March 11 and I just got off it a week ago, but during jt I didnt have period once but I would still get cramps once and a while but nothing would happen otherwise, now that Im off it Im getting my regular period cramps but still not period?
