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Low Dose Accutane


Posted : 02/09/2009 5:42 pm

yep. I know about this treatment, saw a couple of articles about it on the net.


My derm also told me about this. That the new trend was to start at/or administer low doses, since they saw just as much improvement with the higher doses except with lessened side effects for mild-moderate acne.


I am currently on a low dose right now 20mg a day. After 2 months, i go back to my derm for an assessment of my acne. He said that, if he sees improvement, he'll keep me on that dose for the remainder of the 6 month course.


Was your low dose course successful in treating your acne? How long did the course last and were there any side effects? Were you on 20mg the entire time?


Look forward to your response.




Posted : 02/16/2009 6:00 am

I have pretty mild, but persistent acne...been on many antibiotics, Dianne etc etc etc and I decided that enough's enough - I'm 25 and want this thing sorted...So I went to a derm and he agreed to put me on Accutane for 6 months. I discussed the "low dose" thing with him and he said if you're going to do Accutane, then you do it properly and get good results (a longer rollover period, as he called it. Otherwise the acne will just come back quickly apparently). So I'm going to be taking 40mg a day for the whole 6 months. Waiting on my blood results, then he's going to post the script. Can't wait. Will keep everyone posted on my results. I weigh 55kgs by the way which I think is around 125 pounds.


Posted : 02/16/2009 9:23 pm

I have pretty mild, but persistent acne...been on many antibiotics, Dianne etc etc etc and I decided that enough's enough - I'm 25 and want this thing sorted...So I went to a derm and he agreed to put me on Accutane for 6 months. I discussed the "low dose" thing with him and he said if you're going to do Accutane, then you do it properly and get good results (a longer rollover period, as he called it. Otherwise the acne will just come back quickly apparently). So I'm going to be taking 40mg a day for the whole 6 months. Waiting on my blood results, then he's going to post the script. Can't wait. Will keep everyone posted on my results. I weigh 55kgs by the way which I think is around 125 pounds.


I agree with your doc. Everybody should always try two to four full six-month courses at doses of 1mg to 2mg per kg of body weight per day before resorting to long term low dose.






Posted : 02/21/2009 4:55 pm

I really think it depends on the persons situation.


My acne was moderately severe, the first 2 months I was on 10mg, I'm am nearing the end of my 3rd month on 20mg a day, and I'm clear!! I've heard nothing from my dermatologist about needing to stay on a maintenance dose... but thats where I think it come down to the individual case. I was very low in iron so my skin wasn't healing as well as it should, so I don't think I'll have to take accutane again now that I have my iron levels up.


I feel so sorry for people who are taking really high doses with lots of horrible side effects, then for it to not work as well as they wanted.


Posted : 02/21/2009 11:06 pm

I really think it depends on the persons situation.


My acne was moderately severe, the first 2 months I was on 10mg, I'm am nearing the end of my 3rd month on 20mg a day, and I'm clear!! I've heard nothing from my dermatologist about needing to stay on a maintenance dose... but thats where I think it come down to the individual case. I was very low in iron so my skin wasn't healing as well as it should, so I don't think I'll have to take accutane again now that I have my iron levels up.


I feel so sorry for people who are taking really high doses with lots of horrible side effects, then for it to not work as well as they wanted.



I think everybody should take a good multivitamin. JAMA medical journal in 2002 made the same recommendation. The multivitamin I take is all amino acid chelate form for minerals so you absorb about 50% of the actual labeled dosage.


Most multivitamins for example have magnesium oxide in the ingredients for their magnesium source. So, if the label says 100mg of magnesium oxide you are only getting 4% meaning 4mg.


Natrol "Take One" Multivitamin. Make sure to take with your first meal each day:


If you enter referral code: DUJ828 you get $5 off your first order. So, after shipping & about $2 post office shipping it will run about $7 on your first order after shipping. Iherb ships same day if ordered by 1pm PST.


This formula has iron. Only people under 18 years old or women with a period should ever take iron. Men or postmenopausal women should never take iron unless their iron blood test is under 35 meaning anemia! Myself, I take the same formula just without iron.


Posted : 04/16/2009 11:42 am

I have had acne for 15 yrs now. I've tried accutane for 3 times and still havent had complete remission. My first & second treatment went upto 60 mg/day. My third one went upto 80 mg/day. Most of my acne cleared by (face and body), but I now have acne in my scalp. Scalp acne can be very annoying and painful.

I spoke with my Derm about starting on a low dose long term accutane regimen. He prescribed me 20 mg/day. Today's my first pill on this regimen. I hope to see my scalp clear up following which I am going to request an ultra low dose maintainance regimen of maybe 10mg/wk as clinical research shows that such a dose is effective in preventing remission and is also not very demanding on the liver. I havent come across any research that shows bone density is affected with a low dose regimen.


If anyone has any info, could you pass it on?

Will update my status once I see some results on this low dose regimen.




Posted : 04/16/2009 1:26 pm

I have had acne for 15 yrs now. I've tried accutane for 3 times and still havent had complete remission. My first & second treatment went upto 60 mg/day. My third one went upto 80 mg/day. Most of my acne cleared by (face and body), but I now have acne in my scalp. Scalp acne can be very annoying and painful.

I spoke with my Derm about starting on a low dose long term accutane regimen. He prescribed me 20 mg/day. Today's my first pill on this regimen. I hope to see my scalp clear up following which I am going to request an ultra low dose maintainance regimen of maybe 10mg/wk as clinical research shows that such a dose is effective in preventing remission and is also not very demanding on the liver. I havent come across any research that shows bone density is affected with a low dose regimen.


If anyone has any info, could you pass it on?

Will update my status once I see some results on this low dose regimen.




chirarg- first u have been on three courses already, I believe there is a member on here that did something simalar and ended up with problems regarding bone. also please see this link regarding accutane and bones.


It state Effects of multiple courses of Accutane on the developing muscloskelatal system are unknown. There is some evidence that long term, high dose,or multiple courses of therapy have more of effect on the muscloskelatal system than a single course. (There's more click on the link or type it in)



read that thread also I believe the members name was radikal.


hope this helps. There are numerous studies on bones... If u want them I'll be glad to send them.


Posted : 04/16/2009 1:34 pm

Anyways, I am only a click away from begining a course of low dose accutane.

Somewhere between 2.5mg-10mg per day for up to 6 months.

I will probly begin with 1mg per day for the first month, judge results....

Then 2 mg per day for a month......judge results

5mg per day,etc until I notice improvement, upon which time I will remain at the current dose for the remainder of the 6 months, where upon I will begin to decrease the amount of accutane each month until results indicate otherwise.

A good measurement for me will be just at the point my lips begin to become dry and thats more.

Ahhh, fun with science:)


Definitely a work in progress.

If I decide to go through with it.


Liver normally makes Accutane from essential vitamin-A:


Isotretinoin no effect on bone mineralization. But, lowers 1,25 hydroxyvitamin D:


Etretinate, but not of isotretinoin, was associated with low bone density:


Accutane reverses photoaging (ups rate of cell replacement). Like an all over Retin-A (only proven cream against wrinkles) without the topical application inconvenience:


2008 Brazil low dose isotretinoin study:most women had anti-aging:


Unlike excess toxic vitamin A, Isotretinoin is not stored in the liver. Plus, Isotretinoin stimulates production of killer T cells.


Good luck. But, taking less than 5mg per day may be a waste. Even, if you clear up after about 2 months. Odds are you'll still get an occasionally pimple. Only thing worse mentally than a pimple is a pimple while on Accutane. So, you begin to wonder why you're even on it.


Some people will need 20mg to 40mg per day to shut down the oil glands enough to not get that occasional pimple. With up to 20mg per day you usually will just get chapped lips is all. Just go to Trader Joe's and get their 3-packs of lip balm which has SPF 15 as well. All healthy people are suppose to wear sunscreen on their lips anyways even without being on Accutane.


40mg a day you might get a rash on the back of your hand, etc. Just buy "Fragrance-Free" Curel lotion with time-release 20oz at WalMart is only $6 & change. Apply several times per day (after shower, after washing hands) and you won't get rashes!



Then, there's these 10 supplements that help counteract the negative effects of Accutane:






1. Flaxseed oil "with lignans" softgels.


(Avoid Fish oil or excessive fish consumption which increases the risk of irregular heartbeat according to a study. Unlike Flaxseed oil, Fish oil has only been shown helpful in people with heart diease not healthy people according to the American Heart Association. Plus, 50+mg of Flaxseed Lignans per day lowers mens risk of balding and prostate cancer. Same 50+mg amount lowers a womens risk of breast cancer)


Take 4 per day (2 with 1st meal & 2 w/last meal). Provides a whoppinjg 80mg of Lignans. Also, helps Accutane absorption:


2. Pureway-C 500mg capsules.


(Lowers CRP/ C-Reactive Protein level- a proven measure of inflammation and major heart attack risk factor by far more than regular vitamin C or Ester-C):


Take 3 capsules per day. 1 upon waking, 1 w/1st meal, 1 w/last meal:









3. NATROL Take One Multivitamin (Iron-free). (Get formula with iron only if you're a woman with a monthly period or under anybody under 18 years old). Take 1 per day with 1st meal. Has Biotin so you keep your hair. Accutane lowers the B vitamin: biotin. You should never take 1 single B vitamin alone long term:


4. NOW Black Currant Oil softgels. Take 4 softgels per day. 2 with 1st meal & 2 with last meal:


5. SOURCE NATURALS Magnesium Malate Tablets. Take 3 tablets per day. 1 upon waking, 1 w/1st meal, 1 w/last meal:


6. NOW Quercetin 500mg Vcaps. (Keeps Accutane in its more desirable form: retinoic acid)Take 3 Vcaps per day. 1 upon waking, 1 w/1st meal, 1 w/last meal:


7. MRM Glucosamine & Chondroitin. (lasts 2 months) Take 3 capsules per day. All 3 capsules upon waking with 8oz of water:


8. NOW Empty Vcaps. Use with Natrol Biosil drops.


9. NATROL Biosil. (lasts 2 months) Take 10 drops per day upon waking. Put 10 drops in empy Vcap close and take right away. Acts together with Glucosamine & Chondroitin to help prevent wrinkles and joint problems.





10. BIO-TECH D3-5 250 capsules. (Lasts over 8 months) (Vitamin D3 5,000IU). Accutane lowers vitamin D levels causing depression. Take only 1 capsule per day with 1st meal. USE COUPON CODE: 2BUCKSOFF PLUS, MAKE SURE YOU SELECT BIO-TECH VITAMIN D SHIPPING:




Then, just take your Accutane as prescribed by your doctor ideally twice per day. 1 w/1st meal & last meal along with the above listed supplements!


Posted : 04/16/2009 4:15 pm

Anyways, I am only a click away from begining a course of low dose accutane.

Somewhere between 2.5mg-10mg per day for up to 6 months.

I will probly begin with 1mg per day for the first month, judge results....

Then 2 mg per day for a month......judge results

5mg per day,etc until I notice improvement, upon which time I will remain at the current dose for the remainder of the 6 months, where upon I will begin to decrease the amount of accutane each month until results indicate otherwise.

A good measurement for me will be just at the point my lips begin to become dry and thats more.

Ahhh, fun with science:)


Definitely a work in progress.

If I decide to go through with it.


Liver normally makes Accutane from essential vitamin-A:


Isotretinoin no effect on bone mineralization. But, lowers 1,25 hydroxyvitamin D:


Etretinate, but not of isotretinoin, was associated with low bone density:


Accutane reverses photoaging (ups rate of cell replacement). Like an all over Retin-A (only proven cream against wrinkles) without the topical application inconvenience:


2008 Brazil low dose isotretinoin study:most women had anti-aging:


Unlike excess toxic vitamin A, Isotretinoin is not stored in the liver. Plus, Isotretinoin stimulates production of killer T cells.


Good luck. But, taking less than 5mg per day may be a waste. Even, if you clear up after about 2 months. Odds are you'll still get an occasionally pimple. Only thing worse mentally than a pimple is a pimple while on Accutane. So, you begin to wonder why you're even on it.


Some people will need 20mg to 40mg per day to shut down the oil glands enough to not get that occasional pimple. With up to 20mg per day you usually will just get chapped lips is all. Just go to Trader Joe's and get their 3-packs of lip balm which has SPF 15 as well. All healthy people are suppose to wear sunscreen on their lips anyways even without being on Accutane.


40mg a day you might get a rash on the back of your hand, etc. Just buy "Fragrance-Free" Curel lotion with time-release 20oz at WalMart is only $6 & change. Apply several times per day (after shower, after washing hands) and you won't get rashes!



Then, there's these 10 supplements that help counteract the negative effects of Accutane:






1. Flaxseed oil "with lignans" softgels.


(Avoid Fish oil or excessive fish consumption which increases the risk of irregular heartbeat according to a study. Unlike Flaxseed oil, Fish oil has only been shown helpful in people with heart diease not healthy people according to the American Heart Association. Plus, 50+mg of Flaxseed Lignans per day lowers mens risk of balding and prostate cancer. Same 50+mg amount lowers a womens risk of breast cancer)


Take 4 per day (2 with 1st meal & 2 w/last meal). Provides a whoppinjg 80mg of Lignans. Also, helps Accutane absorption:


2. Pureway-C 500mg capsules.


(Lowers CRP/ C-Reactive Protein level- a proven measure of inflammation and major heart attack risk factor by far more than regular vitamin C or Ester-C):


Take 3 capsules per day. 1 upon waking, 1 w/1st meal, 1 w/last meal:









3. NATROL Take One Multivitamin (Iron-free). (Get formula with iron only if you're a woman with a monthly period or under anybody under 18 years old). Take 1 per day with 1st meal. Has Biotin so you keep your hair. Accutane lowers the B vitamin: biotin. You should never take 1 single B vitamin alone long term:


4. NOW Black Currant Oil softgels. Take 4 softgels per day. 2 with 1st meal & 2 with last meal:


5. SOURCE NATURALS Magnesium Malate Tablets. Take 3 tablets per day. 1 upon waking, 1 w/1st meal, 1 w/last meal:


6. NOW Quercetin 500mg Vcaps. (Keeps Accutane in its more desirable form: retinoic acid)Take 3 Vcaps per day. 1 upon waking, 1 w/1st meal, 1 w/last meal:


7. MRM Glucosamine & Chondroitin. (lasts 2 months) Take 3 capsules per day. All 3 capsules upon waking with 8oz of water:


8. NOW Empty Vcaps. Use with Natrol Biosil drops.


9. NATROL Biosil. (lasts 2 months) Take 10 drops per day upon waking. Put 10 drops in empy Vcap close and take right away. Acts together with Glucosamine & Chondroitin to help prevent wrinkles and joint problems.





10. BIO-TECH D3-5 250 capsules. (Lasts over 8 months) (Vitamin D3 5,000IU). Accutane lowers vitamin D levels causing depression. Take only 1 capsule per day with 1st meal. USE COUPON CODE: 2BUCKSOFF PLUS, MAKE SURE YOU SELECT BIO-TECH VITAMIN D SHIPPING:




Then, just take your Accutane as prescribed by your doctor ideally twice per day. 1 w/1st meal & last meal along with the above listed supplements!


**Mod Edit: Removed several URLs - Read Board Rule #13**



Okay one he has already had three not so low doses....One I don't think Roche prints that it can effect bones and cause other bone problems b/c they like too.

So, I guess he can come to you and have u help him when he has problems.


Seven patients underwent retrospective radiographic examination 10 to 16 months after high dose isotretinoin therapy for severe cystic acne. One patient, who received the highest isotretinoin dose (approximately twice the average dose taken by the remaining patients), had multiple small hyperostoses of the thoracic spine and tarsi navicular. These findings were identical to the skeletal changes known to occur during retinoid administration. Prospective studies are needed to ascertain the risk of developing hyperostoses during isotretinoin therapy for acne at the lower doses currently employed. In this preliminary study, clinically significant hyperostoses were not a late sequela of high dose isotretinoin treatment for acne.


Hyperostosis- A high prevalence of skeletal hyperostosis was noted in clinical trials for disorders of keratinization w/ a mean dose of 2.24 mg/kg/day. Additionally, skeletal hyperostosis was noted in 6 out of 8 patients in a prospective study of keratinization. Minimal skeletal hyperostosis and calcification of ligaments and tendons have also been observed by x-ray in prospective studies of nodular acne patients treated w/ a single course of therapy at recommended doses. The skeletal effects of multiple accutane tx courses for acne are unknown. Hyperostosis may take a longer time frame to appear.

Spontanous reports of osteopenia and osteoprosis and bone fractures and delayed healing of bone fractures have been seen in the accutane population. While Causlity to accutane has not been established, an effect can not be ruled out. It is important that accutane be given at recommened doses for no longer than recommended duration. Longer term effects have not been studied. I got severe osteopenia from accutane (isotretinoin) thank you on a 7 1/2 month course was 5'6 1/2 before accutane and after 5'5. Vit D didn't help.......Doctors admit it was accutane.


Roche products U.S.A. provide in the link below in my previous post.



Titre du document / Document title

Greater trochanter enthesopathy : An example of short course retinoid enthesopathy: A case report

Auteur(s) / Author(s)

STITIK T. P. (1) ; NADLER S. F. (1) ; FOYE P. M. (1) ; JUVAN L. (1) ;

Affiliation(s) du ou des auteurs / Author(s) Affiliation(s)

(1) Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, UMDNJ-New Jersey Medical School, West Orange, New Jersey, ETATS-UNIS


Resume / Abstract

Irreversible skeletal changes have been described in patients with dermatologic disorders treated with isotretinoin (Accutane), a synthetic vitamin A derivative. Although retinoids were developed to avoid toxicity associated with vitamin A, skeletal lesions and rheumatologic consequences are possible hazards of isotretinoin treatment. Enthesopathy is one of the potential musculoskeletal sequelae and is characterized by pathologic, sometimes painful changes at the insertion sites (entheses) of tendons, ligaments, and articular capsules into bone. We report a patient who was referred secondary to an extended history of bilateral hip region pain. She was subsequently found to have a greater trochanteric enthesopathy. A detailed patient history revealed past use of Accutane for cystic acne. The subsequent treatment course, including medications, corticosteroid injections, physical therapy, and activity modifications, is described and the pertinent literature is reviewed. We believe that patients who are prescribed isotretinoin should be warned about this potential pathologic condition at the initiation of treatment and that physicians who are treating patients with a history of Accutane use should be suspicious of underlying enthesopathies as the etiology behind pain of musculoskeletal origin.


American journal of physical medicine & rehabilitation ISSN 0894-9115 1999, vol. 78, no6, pp. 571-576 (32 ref.) Anglais Lippincott, Baltimore, MD, ETATS-UNIS (1988) (Revue)


Should I go on, do u need more? You want to debate of what the maker of the product states. It is reality folks...............It's one thing to deny indviudal studies it's another to ingnore the company that that prints its warnings and little studies they have done.


long term use of accutane even in low doses is not recommened and has not been studied.


Posted : 04/16/2009 9:07 pm

Hyperostosis- A high prevalence of skeletal hyperostosis was noted in clinical trials for disorders of keratinization w/ a mean dose of 2.24 mg/kg/day.


long term use of accutane even in low doses is not recommened and has not been studied.


Hi Oli girl, :)


Please don't just choose to use the part of that study you like:






Prospective studies are needed to ascertain the risk of developing hyperostoses during isotretinoin therapy for acne at the lower doses currently employed


Mean dose of 2.24 mg/kg/day is a huge does not used for acne. As stated above that dose is used for disorders in keratinization.


Even, the worst form of acne: acne conglobata is maximum allowed dosing is 2mg per kg. Higher than normal dose of anything is bad including water. More than gallon or so of water in one hour can kill you too!


Eight extra strength Tylenol's will cause liver failure if taken within a 24 hour period.


Posted : 04/17/2009 1:06 pm

I have had acne for 15 yrs now. I've tried accutane for 3 times and still havent had complete remission. My first & second treatment went upto 60 mg/day. My third one went upto 80 mg/day. Most of my acne cleared by (face and body), but I now have acne in my scalp. Scalp acne can be very annoying and painful.

I spoke with my Derm about starting on a low dose long term accutane regimen. He prescribed me 20 mg/day. Today's my first pill on this regimen. I hope to see my scalp clear up following which I am going to request an ultra low dose maintainance regimen of maybe 10mg/wk as clinical research shows that such a dose is effective in preventing remission and is also not very demanding on the liver. I havent come across any research that shows bone density is affected with a low dose regimen.


If anyone has any info, could you pass it on?

Will update my status once I see some results on this low dose regimen.





Good luck with this. I have found 10 mg/week a highly effective maintenance level.


Posted : 04/17/2009 3:30 pm

Hyperostosis- A high prevalence of skeletal hyperostosis was noted in clinical trials for disorders of keratinization w/ a mean dose of 2.24 mg/kg/day.


long term use of accutane even in low doses is not recommened and has not been studied.


Hi Oli girl, :)


Please don't just choose to use the part of that study you like:






Prospective studies are needed to ascertain the risk of developing hyperostoses during isotretinoin therapy for acne at the lower doses currently employed


Mean dose of 2.24 mg/kg/day is a huge does not used for acne. As stated above that dose is used for disorders in keratinization.


Even, the worst form of acne: acne conglobata is maximum allowed dosing is 2mg per kg. Higher than normal dose of anything is bad including water. More than gallon or so of water in one hour can kill you too!


Eight extra strength Tylenol's will cause liver failure if taken within a 24 hour period.



Don't I just love it on here, when people don't read the whole post,they only choose to comment on certian portions or only read what they want to see. I believe I also posted the links for the rest of the studies and Roche products. Unfortuantly my hands hurt to much to type the whole book of roche, before accutane might of been a diffrent story. Maybe u need to go to the links and


reread also what I wrote about acne related study. I did add the keratinzation portion also. Do I need to bold it all for u in each post. It's not fiction people, keep telling ur self that.

I guess my documented osteopenia, and other people at age 21,23yrs of age that have gotten fx and osteopenia from one course of accutane are just fake.


the other point is did you take 3 courses of accutane before low dosing?


Chirag has taken two at 60mg and one at 80mg. So what makes u think that he will be okay long term.

He hasn't even had complete remisson w/ three high dose courses.

I am sorry did u make accutane?

lionqueen no disrespect, but that brings me to ask u did u take three high dose courses and then 10mg a day or wk after three high courses? A low dose has worked for u, but u haven't taken three high courses before the low dose. I believe u even posted on the member radikal's thread. link in my first post. I belive ur comments to radikal were on the 2nd pg of the post. You even commented on hyperosotosis.


Chirag-good luck with whatever decision u decide to make, just remember u have to live with the outcome of ur health.


Posted : 04/17/2009 3:37 pm

I was deliberately staying out of the whole bone loss discussion, as I have neither researched it nor experienced it.


My comment means exactly what it says, no more. 10 mg/week keeps me clear, has done for months. I make no guarantees for anyone else.


Posted : 04/17/2009 7:14 pm

Call me crazy but while I was on my treatment of Accutane, I wore these molded pair of addidas sandals 24/7 around the house. I can no longer run on the tread mill with shoes now because of the heel toe design the shoes make you run without my shins and knees burning up with stress. i have to run barefooted or in socks and coax my bones into running heel toe rather than on the sides of my feet to get a proper cardio workout. Accutane messed up my bones pretty bad, I have since then thrown away any pre molded sandals and now only buy flat kind.


it seems to me long term low dosage would slowly change ur bones you wouldnt know it until you decided to go for a run like me. and then you will have the task of paying a chiropractor and sitting at the computer with golf balls under your feet like i am right now.


Posted : 04/17/2009 9:18 pm

it seems to me long term low dosage would slowly change ur bones you wouldnt know it until you decided to go for a run like me. and then you will have the task of paying a chiropractor and sitting at the computer with golf balls under your feet like i am right now.


Also, seems to me that since it's a fact that Accutane lowers Vitamin D. Which was obvious to begin with since Accutane is basically vitamin A. Vitamins A & D compete with one another. Hence, why Accutane is linked to depression because it simply lowers vitamin D.


Low vitamin D along with low vitamin K2, silicon, boron, magnesium malate, will cause the calcium to deposit elsewhere. Not just in odd parts of the bone but in your blood vessels increasing your risk of heart disease. So, thats why I recommend supplementing with all the nutrients I stated above.


You must remember that all studies showing any side effects on the bones are with high doses or lower dosing without any supplements to counter the negative effects. I would be shocked if up to 40mg per day caused any severe bone effects if the proper supplements are taken as a precaution.


You won't find Roche growing a brain to pay for a study to test my theory either since their exclusive patent on Isotretinoin expired in 2002!


Posted : 04/18/2009 12:27 am

^ Vitamin K2! that would explain for the puffy bags and racoon eyes i got under my eyes after stopping accutane. i tell ya this accutane has you learning new things everyday how the body functions we should all be med students.


Posted : 05/02/2009 12:05 pm

I was just wondering if the low dose accutane worked for you?


Posted : 05/02/2009 2:28 pm

i started accutane 3 months ago,my dose for the 1st month was 10mg a day ,and 20g for the 2nd and 3rd month,from my personal experiance i have to say that low dose on accutane is pretty good and it really worked for me so far.i had moderate acne and they were inflamed 3 months ago now my acne are back to mild with red marks but much better from what they use to be


Posted : 05/10/2009 3:03 pm

Hi everybody i'm new here,this is my first post :D..i did accutane treatment for 4 months,just 10mg perday then i stopped for around 3 until 4 face looked really horrible before,but it's get better after the four months course.I thought my acne won't come back again,but my hunch didn't comes truth ..i'm having acne problem again for last two months,i tried some regimen to control but it's not really work for me.When i was considering to take a look with dermatologist again,simultaneosly i tried to figure it out why the treatment doesn't put my acne in remission.At last i find out that i need to finish the course according to my weight,120mg x 62kg=7440mg.It's confuse me alot because the previos doctor never told me this info before,so i've decide to try the other doc.The latest dermatologist that i've visited gave me the same prescription,10mg per day but he consulted me to take it around 24 months for the best result..i knew that i can finish the course with no mistake according my weight at this time but i'm still afraid that low dose assure nothing,and my acne never in remission.I questioned a nurse about my confuse at the second time i went there,anyway she just told me listen to what doc said and be patient seem this treatment need months to get result.So i just started my 2nd accutane journey for around 4 weeks,my lip dry and swallon as before so i think accutane still work even just 10mg?my nose and forehead no more oily,but there is still some big breakout..but it's no pus like the first time of my badly breakout.Should i take the low dose 10mg for two years as doc told me or it's safer if i ask for adding?Alot of previous acne had permanent damaged my face and left scars,i hope this 2nd time course can help me thoroughly to put my acne remission.I know this is a long post,and my english gramma sux..really appreciate those who read this and giving me some answers or advices as well,thanks alot have a nice day.


Posted : 05/24/2009 6:32 pm

Hey, for those of you who took a low dose treatment, how much of an initial breakout did you experience, how long did it take to form, and how long did it last? Thanks.


Posted : 05/24/2009 8:02 pm

Hey, for those of you who took a low dose treatment, how much of an initial breakout did you experience, how long did it take to form, and how long did it last? Thanks.


See it all depends on how bad your acne is now. But, initial breakout should be over at 2 months. Problem is your skin in general heals slower while on Accutane. That is the major catch to the low dose regimen. Since, your skin heals slower on Accutane that occasional pimple may take 2 to 8 weeks to heal vs just one to 4 weeks off of Accutane.


You'll probably still will get that occasional pimple on the low dose regimen. That's until you're on a dose that shrinks your oil glands enough. For me, 40mg a day is enough. But, I take many supplements to counteract any of the negative effects of Accutane like:


Enter: DUJ828 for referral code at for $5.00 off of your first order. Orders over $40.00 have free UPS ground shipping. If you order by 1:00pm PST then it leaves that same day.


Enter: 2bucksoff for coupon /promotional code at checkout on which takes $2.00 off & be sure to select shipping for Bio Tech Vitamin D for a slight shipping discount.




1. Swanson's Flaxseed oil with "Lignans" - 1,000mg softgels. Take 4,000mg per day (Four total per day- Two with first & last meal). (available at:


2. Natrol "Take One" Mulitvitamin "without iron" tablets. Take just one tablet per day with your first meal. (available at


3. Source Naturals Vitamin K2 as MK-7 - 100mcg tablets. Take one tablet per day. (1/2 with first & last meal) (available at


4. NOW Black Currant oil - 500mg softgels (for GLA which helps moisturize skin & hair). Take 2,000mg per day. (Four total per day- two with first & last meals) (available at


5. MRM Glucosamine Sulfate & Chondroitin Sulfate - 1,500mg GS & 1,200 CS per day. (Take 3 capsules when waking on empty stomach with full glass of water. (available at


6. Natrol Liquid "Biosil." Put "10 drops" into an empty NOW Vcap & take with three MRM capsules in the morning. (Biosil is clinally proven to reduce wrinkles, make hair & nails stronger, work with GS & CS for joints, & even ups bone density) (Both Biosil & NOW empty Vcaps available at


7. Source Naturals Magnesium Malate "tablets". Take 3 tablets per day with food. (one tablet with breakfast, lunch, and dinner) (available at


8. Pureway C - 500mg capsules. Take 1,500mg per day. Take 3 capsules per day. (upon waking with MRM, & Biosil) (available at


9. NOW Quercetin - 500mg Vcaps. Take 1,500mg per day. (one Vcap with MRM, Biosil, and Pureway C in the Morning, one with first meal & one with last meal) (available at


10. Bio Tech D3-5 - This 250-capsule bottle lasts over 8 months for about $20 after shipping. Take 5,000 IU per day being only one capsule. Do not take more than one capsule per day. (available at


Posted : 05/25/2009 4:41 pm

I had mild acne when I started. I'm on 10 mgs a day. I had no IB. My skin oil went away a bit ago, but it's just now getting dry, so is my hair. I'm starting month 4. I still have a few tiny one's here and there, but not a big deal.


This is also my 2nd course. I probably won't take it long enough to reach the cumulative dose this time. I did that last time. The 2nd course is being more effective, because I started out with skin that wasn't even half as oily as it was the 1st time. The first time my skin never got even a little bit dry, because I was sooo oily to start with. I think maybe this time it may clean everything out that it missed the first time, because it has less work to do.



I will probably only be on it about three more months.


Posted : 06/26/2009 10:16 pm

Even though I had mild adult acne (is it ever really mild?) at 40+ years, I talked my doc into switching me off tetracycline which I had been taking for the previous 10 years and onto a course of accutane. I had the typical reactions, dry lips, etc but it was otherwise not terrible.


After a few years however, my acne came back. Not as bad as it was, but annoying nonetheless. I put up with it for the next five years or so and finally decided to try accutane again -- self-medicated.


Last year I began with a 20mg daily dose. In a few weeks my acne was gone. The side effects were mild to nothing. But the oil and it would come back within a few weeks of going off accutane.


Earlier this year I went on about three months of 60mg per day. I had dry lips and it was hard on my upper back muscles. I also have a shoulder impingement that seem to start back when I was taking the 20mg dosage. I had the impingement a long time ago too, before any accutane treatments, so it might be a coincidence.


I've been off the accutane at 60mg now for just under a month and in the last few days I can feel my oil starting to ramp up again. My lips are completely recovered. I suspect I'll be developing acne again soon.


So I think I'll go back to a long term low dosage treatment, as it keeps me clear. This time I will try to go the opposite direction and reduce the dosage as much as I can.



Posted : 07/16/2009 3:20 pm

6. NOW Quercetin 500mg Vcaps. (Keeps Accutane in its more desirable form: retinoic acid)Take 3 Vcaps per day. 1 upon waking, 1 w/1st meal, 1 w/last meal:


Daniel J, where did you hear this? I've done some research and can't find any studies or information at all that indicate that quercetin has any effect on isotretinoin.


Posted : 08/08/2009 3:46 pm

This is the best post I've seen on this site. I've read a fair bit of journals myself but like others saw too much negative and am only now at 24 10yrs of severe acne going on tane, 10mgs for 2wks then 20 for another and I hope to keep it there. If not I'll do 40mgs and then follow with a 5mg maintenance course.


Superman knows best people! CUSTOMIZE! EDUCATE YOURSELF!


