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Posted : 04/27/2017 4:24 pm

I am desperate for some help/answers, I have suffered badly for a few years with cystic acne. Iv seen a dermatologist who refused to let me try roaccutane, due to side effects (I already have kids and have never had any psychological problems).

Is there anyone who has suffered the same? If so has anything helped? 

My acne isn't constant it appears every few months or so. My skin will then clear up and then re-appear, it's extremely painful and very depressing when it happens! I am at my wits end, desperate to get some help.  

Iv attached some pictures (sorry!!!) to see if anyone has suffered the IMG_9778.JPGIMG_0599.JPG


Posted : 04/28/2017 10:24 pm

Hello, I know how you feel. I've dealt with really severe cystic acne for years now and I've only recently gotten it under control. What's helped the most for me is using gentle skincare products with vitamins. Specifically vitamin c has helped the most. It's helped reduce redness, and it helps boost collagen production which helps your skin stay moisturized and healthy/thick and can prevent damage which can lead to more breakouts. I also really like caffeine in my skincare, because it reduces inflammation/redness. Sulfur has been a great spot treatment for me too. It usually works best on my chin/eyebrow area. Another thing that's helped me is keeping my skin cooled off. It sucks during the summer, and I've unfortunately had to cut down on how much I exercise because of it, but I seriously love to exercise so going from exercising seven days a week to just three isn't usually that hard for most people anyway. I've started keeping my skin cooled off with ice packs and they have helped a lot.

I tried for a long time to use things like benzoyl peroxide and alcohol based acne treatments and they really damaged my skin, and damaged skin is a great place for acne to develop. Especially cystic acne, because it's so deep below the surface of the skin that by using harsh, drying products I was just damaging the surface of my skin and making it harder for any cysts to heal.

I recently made a post about how I majorly reduced my cystic breakouts, if you want to go read it, and my main point was that my skin started to get better once I started to learn more about skin health and focus on things like collagen production and staying moisturized. I also mentioned that my skin got so bad, and I was terribly sick on antibiotics for almost a year when I decided to get a chemical peel. Though I think it's helped a ton, I don't think it's something people with cystic acne NEED to get. I think I needed it because I had such a severe case. I definitely think it could help though, but it can be pretty pricey.

So to summarize it all up:

* Vitamins C & E
* Chemically exfoliating (glycolic acid)
* Staying moisturized (hyaluronic acid and/or glycerin based moisturizers/sheet masks)
* Caffeine
* Sulfur spot treatment
* Cold packs
* Sheet masks

I don't use these all the time everyday, mainly just the vitamins and moisturizer daily, sheet masks 2-3 times a week, and I use the other stuff when needed. If you want any suggestions on specific products I use feel free to ask.

Sorry this is so long but I always hated when I asked for skincare advice and I'd get like a two sentence reply about how "you can't treat cystic acne from the outside" when clearly a lot of people have done just that. Anyways, good luck!


Posted : 04/29/2017 5:21 am

Try roaccutane. I am 40 this year (female), used it 20 years ago for cystic acne. Cured acne apart from minorhormonalbreakouts for the past 20 yrs.
It's come back recently but only ina very minor way, I have had it treated with antibiotic, Differin and now trying Benzac 5 percent for about a week and it's working.

But, I am in New Zealand and I highly recommend Roaccutane (called another name now)from a dermatologist. I hope someone will prescribe it for you.


Posted : 04/30/2017 8:50 am

PS, OP, your doctor must've prescribed something, though, if not roaccutane? I assume you'll use that?
