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Documenting My 'tane Journey 37 Year Old Female


Posted : 09/30/2014 11:54 am

The dr said I might have an IB again, but I've never stopped breaking out so I don't know how I would know if it's IB or not.

So far so good with 80 mg. I'm so nervous about being taken off 80! I have about 9 days until I need to redo my bloodwork.


Posted : 10/06/2014 10:10 am

Progress pics

Day 103 I think.


This is the day I started 80 mg so you can see a few inflamed cysts and now all those spots healed and the inflammation isn't as bad.


Posted : 10/07/2014 5:10 pm

I've been on 80 mg for about 12 days and my skin is responding well. I haven't had a new spot in days and the rest are healing. I hope this continues! My bloodwork came back and my triglycerides dropped from 215 to 183 so the dr was pleased. She's agreed to keep me on it since I have no terrible symptoms and my labs are good.

So if anyone is having problems with high tris I dropped them 32 pts in 10 days by:

taking 4000 mg of specifically ELA Omega 3 Fatty acids in fish oil supplements

Cut out most fatty red meat (ate some lean sirloin twice)

Made sure to take pill with sufficient fat grams

Oatmeal every morning


Posted : 10/08/2014 11:13 am

Blah I shouldn't have said I was breakout free for a week. A new spot has popped up in the middle of my cheek.


Posted : 10/10/2014 8:41 am

I spite of the new pimple, it looks and sounds like you're at least seeing positive progress on 80mg. AND you'll get your cumulative dose much sooner! Keeping my fingers crossed for you!

Rachelwp liked

Posted : 10/18/2014 12:10 pm

Ok was on 40 mg daily for 3 months, now I'm on week 3 of 80 mg and I have my first signs of dryness! I'm getting that split in the corner of my mouth. It's really painful! Time to pull out all of the treatments! I'm also noticing dry patches on the corner of my nose and chin. I still have about 3 active break outs right now. I have my dr appt in 4 days to start my 5th month!!!

I hope she lets me go at least 6 since I'm just now getting better!


Posted : 10/18/2014 5:32 pm

Ok was on 40 mg daily for 3 months, now I'm on week 3 of 80 mg and I have my first signs of dryness! I'm getting that split in the corner of my mouth. It's really painful! Time to pull out all of the treatments! I'm also noticing dry patches on the corner of my nose and chin. I still have about 3 active break outs right now. I have my dr appt in 4 days to start my 5th month!!! blink.png

I hope she lets me go at least 6 since I'm just now getting better!

So happy for you!!


Posted : 10/19/2014 11:48 am

This sounds very promising! Yay!

I'm sure she'll let you go 6 months. I go in in four days as well, and will be in a similar boat: I have to ask for a dosage boost AND an extension. Somehow, I don't think our derms will be the problem. The insurance companies might be, though.


Posted : 10/19/2014 9:55 pm

Insurance companies are the worst. I don't know how some of those policy writers sleep at night. This is just acne medication I can't imagine fighting for life saving treatment!!!

I've been slacking on my fish oil so I hope my tris don't go too high.


Posted : 10/22/2014 9:42 am

Just got back from my Dr. appt. I'm starting my 5th month! I can't believe it! I'm still not clear, but it's getting better. The doctor was very pleased I suggested going to 80 mg. She thinks the other dose just wasn't cutting it for me. Because we switched late in the game there's a good possibility of doing a 6th month. I'm completely fine with this. I really don't want to stop if I'm still breaking out. I'll upload a progress pic in a minute. My left side, forehead and chin haven't broken out in a few weeks, but my right cheek is a mess!!!! My back has been totally clear since around month 2.

So for anyone afraid of asking for a higher dose know that my doctor actually thanked me for suggesting it! I guess they are scared of going too high and you getting side effects, but really any side effects I've had are so minor compared to acne. I'll take side effects all day long.


Posted : 10/22/2014 10:03 am

The first one is the bad side, the second one is the better side. Lots of hyper pigmentation but no actives, same with my nose and forehead.




Posted : 10/22/2014 2:30 pm

So happy for youI definitely see an improvement. Things should progress really well now.


Posted : 10/23/2014 9:34 am

Ugh my tryglicerides, glucose and ALT (liver function) results were all elevated. The doctor wants me to go down to 60 mg a day. However, we know from earlier drama that my insurance doesn't cover 30 mg pills. The nurse was talking to the doctor and calling me back.


Ok my doctor called back and is prescribing three 20 mg pills daily. So it's 60 mg everyday. I guess it's better than going down to 40. I'm slightly bummed about having to drop at all.


Posted : 10/23/2014 6:45 pm

Ugh my tryglicerides, glucose and ALT (liver function) results were all elevated. The doctor wants me to go down to 60 mg a day. However, we know from earlier drama that my insurance doesn't cover 30 mg pills. The nurse was talking to the doctor and calling me back.


Ok my doctor called back and is prescribing three 20 mg pills daily. So it's 60 mg everyday. I guess it's better than going down to 40. I'm slightly bummed about having to drop at all.

What were your numbers if you don't mind sharing. My enzymes went into the 400's and 500's and my glucose went up too so i had to discontinue treatment. Good luck.


Posted : 10/23/2014 7:51 pm


Ugh my tryglicerides, glucose and ALT (liver function) results were all elevated. The doctor wants me to go down to 60 mg a day. However, we know from earlier drama that my insurance doesn't cover 30 mg pills. The nurse was talking to the doctor and calling me back.


Ok my doctor called back and is prescribing three 20 mg pills daily. So it's 60 mg everyday. I guess it's better than going down to 40. I'm slightly bummed about having to drop at all.

What were your numbers if you don't mind sharing. My enzymes went into the 400's and 500's and my glucose went up too so i had to discontinue treatment. Good luck.

The dr didn't give me the exact numbers, but the lab usually has my results on the website in a few days so I'll update when I get them. Sorry you had to discontinue! What month were you in?


Posted : 10/24/2014 7:45 pm


Ugh my tryglicerides, glucose and ALT (liver function) results were all elevated. The doctor wants me to go down to 60 mg a day. However, we know from earlier drama that my insurance doesn't cover 30 mg pills. The nurse was talking to the doctor and calling me back.


Ok my doctor called back and is prescribing three 20 mg pills daily. So it's 60 mg everyday. I guess it's better than going down to 40. I'm slightly bummed about having to drop at all.

What were your numbers if you don't mind sharing. My enzymes went into the 400's and 500's and my glucose went up too so i had to discontinue treatment. Good luck.

The dr didn't give me the exact numbers, but the lab usually has my results on the website in a few days so I'll update when I get them. Sorry you had to discontinue! What month were you in?

The first month. Everything happens for a reason.

Rachelwp liked

Posted : 10/24/2014 9:46 pm


Ugh my tryglicerides, glucose and ALT (liver function) results were all elevated. The doctor wants me to go down to 60 mg a day. However, we know from earlier drama that my insurance doesn't cover 30 mg pills. The nurse was talking to the doctor and calling me back.


Ok my doctor called back and is prescribing three 20 mg pills daily. So it's 60 mg everyday. I guess it's better than going down to 40. I'm slightly bummed about having to drop at all.

What were your numbers if you don't mind sharing. My enzymes went into the 400's and 500's and my glucose went up too so i had to discontinue treatment. Good luck.

The dr didn't give me the exact numbers, but the lab usually has my results on the website in a few days so I'll update when I get them. Sorry you had to discontinue! What month were you in?

The first month. Everything happens for a reason.

I completely agree!


Posted : 10/26/2014 10:08 am

Ugh my tryglicerides, glucose and ALT (liver function) results were all elevated. The doctor wants me to go down to 60 mg a day. However, we know from earlier drama that my insurance doesn't cover 30 mg pills. The nurse was talking to the doctor and calling me back.


Ok my doctor called back and is prescribing three 20 mg pills daily. So it's 60 mg everyday. I guess it's better than going down to 40. I'm slightly bummed about having to drop at all.

Sorry to hear this.

I don't really understand doctors' concern over short term rise in cholesterol, tris, glucose, etc. If it's directly related to Accutane, then levels will go down after treatment stops. Or is it that one is in immediate danger of a heart attack/other health problems because of it? When I was discussing with my doc at the beginning of treatment (I have high cholesterol, but my triglycerides hover between 50“60, and my glucose is not elevated), she said she would just put me on a statin for the duration if my cholesterol remained elevated”there was no talk of keeping the dose low or stopping altogether. I suppose every doc is different, though.

I remember when I did my first course 25 years ago”at that time the nuclear option (80mg per day for 5 months) was the standard treatment plan”my cholesterol shot up to 330. I don't remember what the individual numbers were, but within 2 months off treatment, I was back down to around 190 and pretty much have stayed there up until this new course (265 now).

At any rate, fingers crossed that you see continued improvements on 60mg. It might just be that you'll have to go an extra month or two. Not ideal, but you WILL clear :)


Posted : 10/26/2014 10:25 am

I wonder the same thing! I only have 2 months left I don't see how slightly elevated numbers would hurt for a short time. All my past blood work was good so it's obviously temporary. Oh well, it is what it is. I feel like my skin is FINALLY turning a corner. I have three spots perfectly in a row on my cheek healing and that's it. The fun will begin when I get to try to get rid of the hyper-pigmentation after this is all over. I'm excited I can even think that far ahead!


Posted : 10/27/2014 6:55 am

I got my labs and they aren't crazy high or anything.

My glucose is over by 2 points, my alt by 10, and my Triyglicerides 270ish.



Posted : 10/28/2014 8:12 am

Nope, I don't think these numbers are cause for worry, especially with only a couple months left. HOWEVER, if you don't reach your cumulative dose and/or don't see clearing for two months, kindly request an extension of another month or two.

Rachelwp liked

Posted : 10/28/2014 10:39 pm

I think the dr and I have agreed that an extra month, at least, will be necessary. I'm really making progress now. Nothing new in a few weeks and just a few spots healing. I'm sure because I said that I'll wake up riddled with acne. LOL


Posted : 11/06/2014 6:31 pm

Checking back in! I'm in my 5th month. I haven't had a breakout in about a month. All my old spots are healing and I'm finally feeling relived! The 60 mgs seems to be okay for me. I go back to the doctor in 2 weeks.

Side effects of 60 mg

Dry inside of nose

the crack on the side of my mouth

VIVID dreams. Insanely weird dreams if I take the pill before bed.

Irregular menstrual cycles

Side effects I still don't have:

mood changes

dry skin

bowel issues

joint pains (I did at 80 but going down to 60 they are gone)

vision issues

thinning hair (I have TONS anyway so I'm not sure I would ever notice)


Posted : 11/07/2014 4:48 pm

No breakouts in over a month? WOOT, PROGRESS! I'm so happy for you!

Rachelwp liked

Posted : 11/13/2014 10:17 am

So I'm at 5 months 3 weeks and I've broken out in two places. One on each cheek. It's the inflamed kind of breakout too. I swear this will never end! I'm afraid I'll be doing another round of accutane in the future. I'm sure she will extend me another month since I'm breaking out, but I doubt she would go 7 months.
