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My Accutane Journey Round 2 🙂 + Pics


Posted : 01/29/2013 4:27 pm

Hi all rolleyes.gif

I've struggled with acne since the age of 11, i'll be 28 next month. I've tried antibiotics, contraception, diet, every kind of topical skin treatment both prescription & over-the counter, the regime didn't work, the only things which did work were Dianette (but this made me depressed & tearful, terrible mood swings and basically a mess! and as soon as i come off it the acne always came back twice as bad) and Accutane. I've only had 1 course of accutane, it was about 4 years ago & a 6 month course and although i struggled with the treatment it worked wonders. I had gotten to the point where i was afraid to go outside or have people look at me and i developed a panic disorder. Accutane quite literally turned my life around, I found confidence again. However the acne is starting to come back on my face & back and those old feelings are starting to come back a bit. I have a doctors appointment tomorrow so I'm going to ask for a dermo appointment and I think i'm ready to give accutane another go.

Although my skin is nowhere near as bad as it was the first time round it is enough to make me feel a bit stressed & it is sooo oily now so i think it's just going to keep getting worse and i really don't want it to get as bad as it was before before I start treatment again. I have a beautiful 1 year old boy, my skin was awful during my pregnancy, then it pretty much cleared up for a year after he was born, last few months it's been creeping back again.

The first round of treatment was soo worth it but i did find that it made me feel quite ill last time so i thought i'd join up here to speak to others going through the same thing this time smile.png

Hope everyone is well & your skin is winning much love xx


Posted : 01/29/2013 5:48 pm

Congratulations on your baby boy. I really hope this course is the long-term solution for you. If it means anything, you look really beautiful in your picture. Good luck!


Posted : 01/29/2013 6:14 pm

this is my back now, used to be a lot worse of course before the 1st round of accutane. It's not cystic now (yet). but it's definitely starting to creep back at 4 yrs post accutane sad.png


my face is the same on the t-zone & around mouth and cheek bones, also through my scalp. Although as it's not cystic it's quite easy to cover with concealer at the moment. but i feel insecure especially outside in bright sunlight etc. and i hate that i feel i have to spend ages covering up blemishes to feel like i can leave the house. it's so oily now, half hour after washing i have beads of oil seeping out of my pores it's really gross. maybe i need just a lower dose this time? i hope they can do something, i know it's not severe this time but i still hate it!

Congratulations on your baby boy. I really hope this course is the long-term solution for you. If it means anything, you look really beautiful in your picture. Good luck!


Posted : 01/29/2013 10:43 pm

Yes ma'am. I'm a 25 m. Almost on my last month of accutane. I've had moderate acne which started coming back after a year of retin a and antibiotics. I'm responding really well to it without any major side effects. The only worry I have is that the acne will relapse after I'm done, but based on your post, I'm really hopeful.

The good news is that I have heard from doctors that acne will almost always get less and less severe with each successive course of accutane and will never go back to how bad it was before taking it.


Posted : 01/30/2013 2:54 am

Good luck with getting the ball rolling tomorrow at the GP. Hope you don't suffer as badly with the side effects this time. (What were your side effects last time? Interesting seeing how it affects each person).
