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"Holy shit, what happened to your face?"


Posted : 12/18/2010 8:55 pm



This is a log I kept back in december when I tried accutane for 5 days. I am back on accutane and new posts start on page 2!




Posted : 12/18/2010 9:05 pm

Don't get discouraged. This is to be expected when taking accutane. It cetainly isn't fun, but at least it's showing that it's doing its job. I know it sucks right now, but you'll be thanking yourself around April or May when your skin is perfectly clear.


Hang in there!


Posted : 12/18/2010 9:10 pm

Don't get discouraged. This is to be expected when taking accutane. It cetainly isn't fun, but it least it's showing that it's doing its job. I know it sucks right now, but you'll be thanking yourself around April or May when your skin is perfectly clear.


Hang in there!



Thanks so much for the reply.. That picture was on Day 1, it's so much worse now :( (day 6 tomorrow).. And the timing is terrible with Christmas and New Years coming up.. Just gotta keep focusing on the end result I guess, I can't wait to see even a tiny bit of improvement!


Posted : 12/18/2010 9:13 pm

If it makes you feel any better, odds are very likely that your skin is at its worst right now. Most people seem to start getting clearer after the first week or two. Think of it this way: it's only gonna get better.


Posted : 12/18/2010 10:28 pm

thanks so much for the support! i know that there are a lot of people who have it worse then me, so I try to stay positive, but sometimes it gets pretty hard.


Posted : 12/18/2010 11:37 pm

Hey listen I think accutane is going to do wonders for you.


Don't get discouraged, trust me it gets way better after the first couple of weeks. You will really appreciate the lack of oil production that is just around the corner. Once that starts happening you know that the drug is doing its thing and all you have to do is just sit back and try to relax. Hard thing, trust me I know. But it'll be worth it. I'm going into my second month and already my skin is regaining its pre-acne texture.



By the way, its great to see another northerner on this site! I'm from good ol' Toronto.


Posted : 12/19/2010 12:21 am

Hey listen I think accutane is going to do wonders for you.


Don't get discouraged, trust me it gets way better after the first couple of weeks. You will really appreciate the lack of oil production that is just around the corner. Once that starts happening you know that the drug is doing its thing and all you have to do is just sit back and try to relax. Hard thing, trust me I know. But it'll be worth it. I'm going into my second month and already my skin is regaining its pre-acne texture.



By the way, its great to see another northerner on this site! I'm from good ol' Toronto.


Hey Noseey! I'm from Ottawa :) .. Thanks for the awesome encouraging post, I'll definatly keep updating this thing, feedback makes me feel a whooole lot better. I can't wait for the dryness (hopefully not too intense) to kick in, my face has never been oily and i HATE the fact that I could basically fry an egg on it :( !! And with the holidays coming up.. urgh, seems like bad timing but I couldn't wait any longer! I hope I see results early like you did! I don't even remember what it feels like not to have acne, my life revolves around it now. Ohh well, gotta stay positive :)


Posted : 12/19/2010 12:40 am

does anybody have any experience/know if it's bad to be using spot treatments on active pimples while on accutane? my skin's not dry at all yet so i'm not concerned about over-drying it.. I've been using clean and clear acne spot treatment. Help!


Posted : 12/19/2010 12:58 am


Some very forgiving webcam pics.. keep in mind it's 1 in the morning! aha doubt anyone on here is going to judge me, though.










Posted : 12/19/2010 1:10 am

I love the name of this log its hilarious!

Anyways, good luck with your course im sure accutane will do the trick.


Posted : 12/19/2010 1:24 am

When I first started my accutane treatment, (now in the 4th month) it seemed like my acne got worse in places, but then those places would clear up and I have never gotten a zit in those places again. The storm before the calm, I guess :S


Posted : 12/19/2010 7:39 am

dont worry


im on the same boat..18 years male dont want to go out anymore because of my acne lols


but yeah ive been on accutane for about 1 month.. and yeah =\ your face will get worse before it gets better which is shit but oh well thats the sacrifice we gotta make to be happy in the long run ? (:


Posted : 12/19/2010 8:08 am

stay strong!!!

i am 50days into accutane and i still break out like crazy. i would say even worse compared to your pictures (i have cysts all over). my derm is very supportive, she insists to keep taking the treatment as things will calm down soon. she was actually surprised i am still breaking. she said that in her experience, this lasts about 1 month. maybe you will be lucky!



Posted : 12/19/2010 9:47 am

I love the name of this log its hilarious!

Anyways, good luck with your course im sure accutane will do the trick.


Haha :) Thanks! I sure hope so.




When I first started my accutane treatment, (now in the 4th month) it seemed like my acne got worse in places, but then those places would clear up and I have never gotten a zit in those places again. The storm before the calm, I guess :S


How was your acne at first and how is it now? Yeah, I've been reading that everwhere, some people say it lasts from 1-3 months and can still be happening like 4-5 months into the treatment! wtffff.



dont worry


im on the same boat..18 years male dont want to go out anymore because of my acne lols


but yeah ive been on accutane for about 1 month.. and yeah =\ your face will get worse before it gets better which is shit but oh well thats the sacrifice we gotta make to be happy in the long run ? (:


Hey! Where are you from? Is your face starting to get better and did you experience an IB? Is your face getting really dry? What kind of acne do you have? ahh so many questions lol :)



stay strong!!!

i am 50days into accutane and i still break out like crazy. i would say even worse compared to your pictures (i have cysts all over). my derm is very supportive, she insists to keep taking the treatment as things will calm down soon. she was actually surprised i am still breaking. she said that in her experience, this lasts about 1 month. maybe you will be lucky!



Thank you! I'm trying veeerrryy hard to stay strong and avoid any side effects.. Ughh I wish I could say your post made me feel better but 50 days and still breakouts! That sucks :( I hope it gets better soon. At least you have a supportive derm! I don't have a derm at all, I go to a walk-in clinic and somehow the doctor was willing to put me on accutane, so I don't even know if he has experience with this, although he did say he was treating someone else and they were getting great results :) I defff hope I'm one of the lucky ones lol.




UPDATE! I woke up this morning and my face isn't that oily, only a bit on my forehead. It's starting to get itchy :S and I am seriously losing a significant amount of hair.. :S has anyone experienced this? Also, when I run my (clean) hands over my face, my pimples all feel like scabs, I'm guessing they're drying up and (hopefully) going to heal soon! Yay.. or nay?



Posted : 12/19/2010 1:06 pm

my hair loss is really scaring me.. i think i might stop the accutane.


Posted : 12/19/2010 1:49 pm

Hey hun... no one can tell you whether or not to stop the accutane but before you do that maybe take a look at your hair care regimin. I noticed a significant amount falling out the first couple weeks too so I started washing only once every 3 days (if that) and just conditioning the other days if needed. Plus I'm SUPER SUPER gentle with my hair in the shower. I make sure it has GOBS AND GOBS of conditioner in it before I try to brush it (ONLY with my fingers, no brush). And that's seemed to do pretty well.


However, if your hair is just falling out randomly (not when you touch it) or you're seeing a noticeable thinning, that's a different story.


It does sound like the accutane is working though :( **hugs** Do what is best for you!


Posted : 12/19/2010 9:20 pm

Hey hun... no one can tell you whether or not to stop the accutane but before you do that maybe take a look at your hair care regimin. I noticed a significant amount falling out the first couple weeks too so I started washing only once every 3 days (if that) and just conditioning the other days if needed. Plus I'm SUPER SUPER gentle with my hair in the shower. I make sure it has GOBS AND GOBS of conditioner in it before I try to brush it (ONLY with my fingers, no brush). And that's seemed to do pretty well.


However, if your hair is just falling out randomly (not when you touch it) or you're seeing a noticeable thinning, that's a different story.


It does sound like the accutane is working though :( **hugs** Do what is best for you!


Hey, I decided today that I wasn't going to continue with accutane.. I've always had thick hair, never had a problem with hair loss, and since day 1 of accutane it's been falling out like crazy. As I type this there are about 10 hairs on my keyboard, they just fall out randomly without me even touching my head. I've noticed a lot of thinning at the front of my head and on top, i can easily see my scalp through my hair. My mom even noticed.. So this is what I'm gonna do. I picked up some supplements to prevent hair loss, and I'm going to start Dan's Regimen and see where that takes me. I'll combine it with Yasmin birth control as well as (hopefully) some sort of oral antibiotics (i've never tried them, only topical) I also did a lot of research and turns out salt is a 5 on the comedogenic ingredients scale. I eat a looootttt of salt, I put it on everything, I'm basically addicted to it. So as of tonight i'm cutting it out of my diet, I'm already vegetarian and I follow a cholesterol free diet most days. Ughh I'm pretty nervous to see if this is going to do anything, but I'm hopeful! I'm just so scared to be one of those hair loss cases that are irreversible, and to me, hair loss and thinning and balding at only 19 years old is worse then my acne, so it's a tough decision but I have to follow my heart and intuition. Thanks so much for the support!


Posted : 12/20/2010 9:27 am

Oh no, gutted that its caused you that particular side effect, thats definitely one I couldnt live with either.


I know that the diet approach works for lots of people, fingers crossed itll work for you too!


Good luck :).


Posted : 12/20/2010 9:53 am

ah sorry to hear about you stopping accutane :S, but i think in that situation it is definitely the best choice.


I hope you good luck with your plans with dans regime and that and hope all goes well.


There was one thing i wanted to mention that might help if you havnt tried. The other day i was at the gym and a person comes up to me and randomly talks to me about having acne when he was my age and worst acne aswell. (he is now about 24 im guessing) and he told me to go to my doctor and ask for clindamycin. {from his words} "it dries up the pimples and clears it after little time, "also have a girl i recommended it to and her acne has reduced by alot"


but at that time i told him i was already on accutane. lols really nice guy though which i kindly appreciated.


so yeah i don't know if you've tried clindamycin yet but yeah.. from the reviews it seems to work for MOST the users, but the downfall is that for a few users clindamycin stops working and acne comes back =\


anyways that was so random how he told me about this so i thought i might mention it, which i think would be worth a try if you've already tried benzol peroxide in the past like millions of us have.


BUT YEAH really sorry that accutane wasn't the drug for you and you should talk to your derm about your hair loss. so yeah wish you luck and everyone in this community is here for you (:


Posted : 12/20/2010 10:12 am

Yeah that does sound like the best choice. It sucks so much though :( good luck with the diet approach, and the oral antibiotics really did wonders for me! I just had to "cycle through them" because I became immune to each one after 2-3 months. So as long as your derm is willing to switch which one you're on every couple months it actually could be a somewhat long term solution. Good luck girl!


Posted : 12/21/2010 10:59 pm

Thanks everyone! 3rd day on Dan's regiment and I am officialy Rudolf the Red Nosed Reindeer..... tis the season! aha no but seriously, i could pass for a lobster.. fingers crossed for positive results!


Posted : 12/22/2010 2:12 pm

Yeah your skin will get REALLY dry in the beginning and possibly red too, but just remember to moisturize moisturize moisturize!!! BP did wonders for me in the beginning :D


Posted : 12/22/2010 3:03 pm

It's too bad you had a poor experience with Accutane. I am all for not losing your hair though! Acne is something that will eventually pass, hair on the other hand is something you want to keep for the rest of your life. I wouldn't risk permanently losing it! Good luck on your new course.


Posted : 12/22/2010 5:11 pm

Yeah your skin will get REALLY dry in the beginning and possibly red too, but just remember to moisturize moisturize moisturize!!! BP did wonders for me in the beginning :D

in the beggining? .. what happened after :( ?!


Posted : 12/23/2010 12:59 am

Your skin gets used to BP.... that's what happens lol. It still works though it's just not as irritating. which is actually nice :)
