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Accutane Log: Finding Beauty in Negative Spaces


Posted : 02/26/2010 6:16 pm

wow sorry for your shitty day. brighten up!



Posted : 02/26/2010 6:22 pm

@missmooshoo: he sort of was taken aback and then didn't make eye contact with me anymore, probably because it looked like I was about to murder him.




My eyes! They burn! Why? I tried to take out my contacts last night and it was like they were glued to my eyeball with superglue. And when I did finally manage to get my eyes moist enough to be able to aoepopa the contact out, there was a distinctive suctioning noise. And the best part is, wearing my glasses digs into the bridge of my nose from this increased sensitivity to the skin and I'm so blind that everything outside of the frames is incredibly blurry, giving the feeling that the room is always spinning slightly. And I can literally peel a layer of skin off of my lips about twice a day. This is best done in the comfort of a bathroom, where I can also pick my nose, relieving my nasal cavities of the four of so pounds of bloody boogers in there weighing my head down.

The odd accutane dreams are accelerating at an alarming rate. Last night I dreamt that there was someone in my

kitchen who looked sort of like BELA LUGOSI cooking bacon, only he had a really long finger that could flip the bacon aoebetter than any spatula known to mana as he put it.

In addition, I got some new makeup. Some Maybelline pure stuff that claims to be 50% water and stays on my face relatively well (as well as it can in rainy, humid weather, I suppose). I suspect this shit is probably going to be better at covering up red marks rather than the obtrusions and lesions that seem to be defying the laws of physics and growing out of my face like a fourth dimension.

AND I popped a zit between my eyes this morning and its innards hit the mirror. There is also a third eye growing out of my cheek that I was tempted to put a bandaid on. That made me remember when I actually did that when I was sixteen. It was just this little blackhead that I started to dig at, and then it got bigger and bigger and sprouted four heads, which I popped, but it was still all swollen and was seriously the fucking Eye of Saroun. When I got home that day from school, the first thing my mother did when she saw it (from twenty feet away, no less) was break off talking in mid-sentence to gawk at it and make a noise that sounded like aoeBeergha.a That was when I knew it was time to get out the bandaid. Before I got the bandaid, I just hid behind my

BROTHER. Also a what the fuck is up with my eyebrow in that picture? It's like a perfect half-oval. Gross.

Growing an extra body part on your face is no small feat, although it should deter all people from coming close to you, right? Yeah, that didn't work. I'm sitting there at my third bus stop on my way to school and who do I see coming across the street but General Icky Guy (for those who are confused, GIG was introduced in the post DAY TWELVE and decided to resurface again, much like a cyst that you thought went away from good.) My initial thoughts were aoeWhat are the fucking odds?a followed closely by wondering if it would be super obvious if I spontaneously started to run down the street as fast as I could. Then I looked down and realized that I was wearing the same System of a Down shirt (because I just so happen to really like that band) that I was the last time he creeped on me, so he would probably definitely recognize me. Before he got a chance to glance over in my direction, I zipped up my jacket and threw up my hood, then turned away and blasted my music over my headphones loudly. Of course, I refused to turn around to see where he was, but when I got up to catch the bus, I realized that he had been sitting roughly less than a foot away from me for the last ten minutes. I definitely wouldn't want to meet GIG there in a dark alley at any time of the night (or day). Is it just me, or does everyone seem to always see the same people no matter where they go? I have a theory that nature has a sort of way of keeping everyone organized by only having them cross paths with certain other people so therefore they don't know too many people and end up going insane (okay, that sounded better in my head than it does on paper.)


Posted : 02/26/2010 10:59 pm

old news, but-Pouring cereal too loudly?!?! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!! my friend told me to "stop thinking so loudly" once but he was hungover.............on another note day 16 woot!! dont you love looking in the mirror and thinking to your self " my face looks marginally less shitty today." . Or in the event that it looks way the hell worse not saying that.. It's great.


hope your enjoying life and what-not including your caterpillar friends, and Mr. Creepy Mcreep!




Posted : 02/26/2010 11:23 pm

Oh god..I hope you get your shea soon...You will be in butter heaven! Trust me my skin feels amazing! Cant believe you saw General Icky must be fate and if you see him a third time you should let him knock you up while your on accutane!


Posted : 02/27/2010 12:10 am

If Billy Mayes were still alive, you'd have the next "hit" infomercial... finger flippin' spatula!!! "No, you won't pay $40, not $30, just $19.99. And if you order in the next 5 minutes, you'll get a second one free, just pay separate shipping and handling. :) haha.


That guy you mentioned looks like he could be Count Dracula! As for icky guy.... maybe you should carry some pepper spray if he's seriously creepy.




Posted : 02/28/2010 12:45 pm



I think I heard Stalin and his wife having sex last night. That's what headphones were invented for, right? So you don't spontaneously vomit at the sounds coming from down the hall.

In less disgusting news, I can't believe how SMOOTH my skin is feeling. My forehead a sooooo lovely. Also, three zits have erupted on my ass sometime last night. I have not been blessed with an ass zit for a good four years, so I am convinced that there is something special about this trio of pustules. I am trying to determine if they form a special pattern or symbol, but due to lack of mirrors around here, I have yet to decipher the hieroglyphic nature of the pimples on my ass.

Also, last day of the Olympics, which means that post-Olympic depression will be kicking in roughly five minutes after the closing ceremonies. I have spent the better part of my morning trying to determine what the oddest combination would be for four-man Olympic bobsled and have came up with the following list:

GIMLI, the dwarf from Lord of the Rings, PETER JACKSON, director of Lord of the Rings, a NA'VI and KEVIN MALONE from the Office.


Posted : 03/01/2010 8:37 pm

NEE! I'm glad things have been going well for you! Or not... Maybe I should say "I'm glad things have been interesting for you." It gives me something fascinating to read.


You're getting some of that IB madness, huh? Have you had the massive blackhead purge yet? I have tiny holes all in my face. Yuck.


Oh, how ironic life is. Once again you run into General Icky and you're wearing the same shirt. Does history repeat itself or does God just get bored?


By the way, that picture of you hiding behind your brother... Mmm.. ;)


Posted : 03/04/2010 9:52 pm

Hey! I don't know where you've been, but I SUPER miss you, and I hope all is well!








Posted : 03/05/2010 6:06 pm

Did ya get yo butta yet????? Where are you?


Posted : 03/07/2010 8:11 pm

Well, ho-hum. What's it been, a week? Yes, yes it has. I tried to see how long I could go without this website and the result is one fucking week. Not that I don't love this site. It's just bad when you need an extension on your mid-term paper because you were too busy reading acne logs .


@prettyspotty: Indeed, I have gotten my butter. It is wonderful for my scaly elbows.


This week has been relatively uneventful zit-related. I reached a new level of nerd yesterday by staying up until the wee hours of the morning playing World of Warcraft. I swear I was tinged slightly blue from the computer screen radiating at me all night.

And I won't even divulge into my personal life. That would take up three page's worth on this here thing. (coughSTALINcough)

So, for lack of anything better, here's the ZIT LIST:

Hairline: Two actives

Left Temple: One scallywag

Forehead: Clear

In between eyebrows: One scab

Nose: Forest of blackheads

Between nose and mouth: Smooth as shit

Beside mouth: Small, odd white things that I suspect should blow up any day now

Chin: Four juicy eyes

Cheeks: Two cysts on my left, three non-cysts on my right

Jawline: Two cysts on either side.

Yes, yes. Hopefully there will be something slightly more interesting to write soon. Onto watching the Academy Awards (GO AVATAR!!!)


Posted : 03/07/2010 8:34 pm

DON'T DO THAT AGAIN! I missed you terribly. I'm glad to hear about your nose. Isn't is awesome? Or maybe I'm just gross.


I can't wait to see pictures! I bet you look like a smurf. A cute smurf though. I'm creepy!


Posted : 03/07/2010 11:13 pm

Thanks for the update! Glad to have you back!


Posted : 03/10/2010 12:45 am

Glad to have you back. avatar got gypped.


Posted : 03/10/2010 8:39 pm

Yes, yes, I don't know what happened to my avatar. It was just gone one day. Oh well.

I believe it's DAY TWENTY-EIGHT, although I could be mistaken, but let's just say from here on out it is.

I got me blood work done today. Should be relatively uneventful, right?


Of course something odd happened, since that seems to be the underlying theme to my life.

The woman starts taking my blood. Okay, that's fine. Then, we hear this crash! from the other blood taking station around the corner, which I assumed was from someone else fainting while getting their blood drawn, and then the other nurse called for help, so mine ran to help her... and forgot about the needle in my arm. Which still had a vial attached to it, taking my blood. Now, I can forgive the nurse because she told me it was one of the first times she's ever taken blood but... SON OF A QUAIL THAT HURT! With the blood vial thing weighing it down, the needle sort of flipped up since the nurse was no longer holding onto it, but it was still in my vein, so I could see the skin rise up from where the needle was under it. Eyes crossing in pain, I managed to rip the needle from my person without much damage done, but there's a tooney-sized bruise there. Good times.

Of course, what would a night be without a strange, accutane induced dream? So I go down into my kitchen and see no one other than Dave Ghrol standing there (drummer for Nirvana/singer for Foo Fighters, FYI) and he's standing over the stove. Now, before I go on, Dave here is composed of 50% teeth and 50% hair and has been known to be the second coming of

JESUS. Okay a now that you have the visual, he puts a kettle on the burner and it starts boiling and then he takes out his teeth and begins to steam them over the kettle. Then he goes on to set his teeth on the edge of a glass of ice-tea like they were lemon wedges, then sticks them back in his face, only the top ones were on the bottom and vice versa. Then he smiled at me. Then I woke up in a cold sweat.

HOWEVER, I did find this little tid-bit on this 'ere web that should cheer up those greasy oil-heads like myself: Oily skin is caused by oversecretion of the oil glands. Oily skin is less prone to aging and wrinkling than other skin types, since the abundance of oil helps keep moisture from evaporating from the epidermis.

HA! In your face those with normal skin! We may be zitty, but you will be wrinkly!


Posted : 03/10/2010 8:45 pm

hahaha i'm loving the dream!!!


Are you going to a separate lab to get your blood drawn? It seems like a lot of people are. My derm just draws blood on the same day of the pregnancy test, and even gives you the prescription right there. Weird. Maybe they call you and tell you to stop if your labs come back abnormal...


Posted : 03/10/2010 11:29 pm

That's awful about the nurse. The nurse I always has never smiles unless she's sticking the needle in me. Sadistic freak.


How about that dream, eh? Did it seem completely real? I've been having some frighteningly realistic dreams lately, and I don't know if it's because of the Accutane or other stress in my life.


You must show us a picture of yourself soon! I wish to see your beauty! I probably sound so creepy... I just love progress pictures. :(


Hahaha, it's a trade off. Acne or wrinkles? What about those weird people who have oily skin, but no acne? Best of both worlds, huh?


Posted : 03/12/2010 11:16 am

Ugh.. Thank goodness she did not have to stick you again since you took the needle out yourself. That story made me cringe bigtime! I hope your doing well and enjoying smooth elbows!


Posted : 03/12/2010 6:55 pm



Went to the doctor's today. First off, I had to ride the bus to get there. And it was a weird bus where some of the seats face backwards. Now, usually I avoid these seats because it's awkward facing someone directly whilst in transit but I had no other choice today. As the bus sped along, I realized something: riding a bus backwards makes me incredibly sick. I've never been carsick in my life, but right then, I seriously thought I was going to puke. I was green, and I mean GREEN by the time I arrived at the doctor's. My blood tests are fine and all that jazz, apart from the fact that my vein was nearly ripped from my arm. And then he went to weigh me to make sure that my dosage is correct for my weight. I step on the scale, and it turns out that I weigh 93 pounds?! What the fuck? How did I lose FIVE pounds within the span of a month? And that was with boots on. Now, I realize that accutane can sometimes cause weight loss, so I'm trying not to panic. The doctor told me to eat a lot of protein to get my weight back up. Now, the alarming thing is, I eat a lot. I mean a lot. As my friend says, aoeYou eat like a man.a I single-handedly ate an entire large pizza in one sitting last summer. So I don't know how I'm not 300 pounds by now. The worst part is, when you're naturally a blow-pop, people either think you're anorexic or bulimic. The best is when someone asks my weight and I sort of mutter it incoherently because they just look at you either thinking that you're lying or like they want to buy you a burger to fatten you up. So, I guess with this whole extra protein thing, lots of peanut butter and chicken and steak? Protein shakes? Arugh a I don't know!

Now, of course, I don't know if I can blame this on the accutane or because my rain boots are too tight, but my achilles tendon on my right foot seems to have swelled oddly in the past few days to the point of where wearing boots is torture. So, it's back to the old, ratty Chucks which have moulded to the shape of my foot and don't really have a back to them.

AND now I have the oddest craving for sushi, although I've never tried it before and the idea of eating raw fish (or any type of food that used to have fins) is reasonably unattractive. I hear they have vegetarian rolls. Maybe I'm just craving cold rice.


Posted : 03/12/2010 8:40 pm

Firstly, thank you for taking the time to read my log (you must have an ocean of spare time), and secondly, I did a quick scan of parts of your log, and I must say it looks like a real gem. For this reason, I shall be putting it into the glitzy category of "logs to read when genuinely requiring a fun time", which means I am going to read the entire thing from start to finish, even with my snaily reading pace, but only at a time when doing so is a little treat. I'm not going to read back on what I just wrote, because I fear I will realise how strange I just sounded and consequently hit delete, so I'm just going to leave now as there's dinner to be made. But I will say this: you don't eat fish yet you crave sushi? This kind of behaviour is beyond what I can imagine or understand. That fishy shit petrifies me. Oops, sorry for swearing.


Posted : 03/12/2010 10:49 pm

Yo yo yo (that sounds kind of piratey and ghetto-y combined, but I typed it so I'm gonna leave it, as is my policy (except when writing stuff for school, when my policy is DELETE DELETE DELETE!!)


anyway. I am very sorry for your horrific blood drawing experience. I would have bitch slapped that nurse. With my other arm. As for your weight: while I am secretly jealous of the negative five pounds you have on me, I can give you some tips to become slightly fatter: eat bananas, peanut butter, and ice cream. together, separate, rotationally.. and you will become fat(ter.) or just don't worry, because being skinny is cool too. :)


Posted : 03/13/2010 3:26 am

OMG! I've been reading your blog and you are hilarious!!!! Keep it up!!!


Posted : 03/13/2010 4:56 am

Way to go! you are my hero, rippin that needle outta your arm. OMG! although i doubt she was a nurse cause its usually the phlebotomist who draws blood. anyways, screw her whoever she was. and screw whoever else messes with your day! take care girly :) pssst**and your accutane induced dreams are hilarious and scary at the same time.


Posted : 03/13/2010 7:08 pm

@sunnicali: thanks for telling me what those blood-drawing people are actually called. It's been driving me crazy for a while now.



I think I'm going a little crazy trying to get as much protein as I can. I almost made myself sick trying to eat a bunch yesterday. No man can eat fifty eggs! Missmooshoo: thanks for the fatty tips. Peanut butter/banana/ice-cream smoothie would be a delicious breakfast.

My scalp is itching something bad. Many a days I cannot wait to get off the bus so I can retreat to my room and frantically dig my fingers into my scalp to relieve the itch. Of course, doing so gives me massive dandruff with the loosening of the skin flakes and what not. There's so much skin shed, I'm pretty sure it could substitute for the shredded coconut on the sides of fancy cakes and aesthetically, no one would know the difference. So I went to the drugstore today to try and get some dandruff shampoo. Now, I've heard good things about Head and Shoulders (mainly from the movie Evolution, but that's besides that point) but when I arrived in the shampoo aisle, there was approximately fifty different types of said shampoo and I am a very indecisive individual. Usually when I buy ANYTHING, I will spend hours researching it on the internet so I know I'm getting my money's worth. So, this selection was flabbergasting, to say the least. I spent about fifteen minutes reading the back of every bottle before getting a different shampoo entirely that didn't have any options.

I also bought sunscreen today for the first time in two years (HUZZAH!) I realize how illogical not wearing sunscreen is, especially in accutane, but most of the stuff I do is illogical and I'm quite aware of this while I'm doing said illogical thing. The sunscreen is so white and pretty, I want to take a picture to brag about it as if it's my newborn child.


Posted : 03/15/2010 1:07 am

@sunnicali: thanks for telling me what those blood-drawing people are actually called. It's been driving me crazy for a while now.



I think I'm going a little crazy trying to get as much protein as I can. I almost made myself sick trying to eat a bunch yesterday. No man can eat fifty eggs! Missmooshoo: thanks for the fatty tips. Peanut butter/banana/ice-cream smoothie would be a delicious breakfast.

My scalp is itching something bad. Many a days I cannot wait to get off the bus so I can retreat to my room and frantically dig my fingers into my scalp to relieve the itch. Of course, doing so gives me massive dandruff with the loosening of the skin flakes and what not. There's so much skin shed, I'm pretty sure it could substitute for the shredded coconut on the sides of fancy cakes and aesthetically, no one would know the difference. So I went to the drugstore today to try and get some dandruff shampoo. Now, I've heard good things about Head and Shoulders (mainly from the movie Evolution, but that's besides that point) but when I arrived in the shampoo aisle, there was approximately fifty different types of said shampoo and I am a very indecisive individual. Usually when I buy ANYTHING, I will spend hours researching it on the internet so I know I'm getting my money's worth. So, this selection was flabbergasting, to say the least. I spent about fifteen minutes reading the back of every bottle before getting a different shampoo entirely that didn't have any options.

I also bought sunscreen today for the first time in two years (HUZZAH!) I realize how illogical not wearing sunscreen is, especially in accutane, but most of the stuff I do is illogical and I'm quite aware of this while I'm doing said illogical thing. The sunscreen is so white and pretty, I want to take a picture to brag about it as if it's my newborn child.

Hey Kernel, b careful with that shampoo stuff, cause if you dont normally have dandruff, im guessing its from dry scalp? If thats the case, you need moisture asap on that scalp. Try not to wash your hair every day, cause it will fry it and strip it of moisture.


Here are some things i use for dry scalp-itchies: coconut oil (its antimicrobial) tea tree oil shampoo (or just a few drops TTO mixed in with coconut oil and then massaged into scalp) staying away from Sodium Lauryl (Laureth) Sulfate. Actually if you surf the web, and come across websites for women of color who talk about hair.....i find that they usually know their stuff.


Posted : 03/16/2010 7:09 pm

I agree with sunnicali about the head & shoulders. What we have is a dry itching flaking scalp. Dandruff is from clogged oil pores or whatever, so stay away from anti-dandruff shampoos. Try neutrogena t-gel itch control, or something like that.


If you want to try sushi, start with the cooked rolls. They usually have crab & avocado on the inside, and some cooked fish & sauce on top. I'm a huge sushi fan. Best raw fish are the spicy tuna, salmon, and albacore. :)
