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Wedding Day Count Down - Accutane Do Your Stuff!


Posted : 06/11/2010 9:03 am

Day 190 :)


3 Week Post pics...


Things are still good. I did discover last night that I still cannot drink. I had three glasses of wine and today I feel like my liver was hit by a truck. Never drinking again :P ugh


But the party was a blast! I got to wear head to toe, hot pink spandex :) In public! (It was a superhero themed breast cancer fundraiser... i'm not crazy lol) I mean if that's not the definition of fun I don't know what is :)


headtrip_honey - I love your style! Really it's very similar to mine and I think that's really great too! So here's my insight... The Jasmine dress is my absolute favorite! It is absolutely gorgeous and I can tell you for certain the company is very reliable, well because I sell it in Canada :D The fabrics are also amazing in their dresses!


Now unbiased... lol I really love the cap sleeves of the demitrios dress but they don't always have the best fit. That dress is also a bit busier then the others. And although I do truely hate Maggie Sottero :) they have the best fit in a wedding gown in the whole industry. Plus their satin is to die for, it's like butter! It's almost guaranteed to fit just as nicely on you as it looks on their models.


Cosmobella is actually a company I have never heard of... which is weird because I thought I knew them all. And I couldn't get the pic to open anyways :)


You definately need to go in and try them all on to see what you like! What I would do first though is go onto the websites for each company and call them to find out who their best customers are in your area. A lot of manufacterers have store locaters on their websites but they have to put up all the stores that buy their dresses. It doesn't mean they are good! If you call and ask you'll be told their best customers with the most selection! And then you know they're reputable!


Let me know if you need help or have questions! :) I love my job and it's nice to be able to use my knowledge every now and again :D


take care!


Posted : 06/11/2010 9:15 am



You look gorgeous!


I can send you to Cosmobella's website, but they don't have a way to take you to that specific have to flip through their "catalogue."


It's number 43 in their online catalogue:


Or you can search for "Cosmobella 7408".


I think it's an offshoot of Demetrios.


Posted : 06/11/2010 11:27 am

Day 190 🙂

3 Week Post pics...

Things are still good. I did discover last night that I still cannot drink. I had three glasses of wine and today I feel like my liver was hit by a truck. Never drinking again 😛 ugh

But the party was a blast! I got to wear head to toe, hot pink spandex 🙂 In public! (It was a superhero themed breast cancer fundraiser... i'm not crazy lol) I mean if that's not the definition of fun I don't know what is 🙂

headtrip_honey - I love your style! Really it's very similar to mine and I think that's really great too! So here's my insight... The Jasmine dress is my absolute favorite! It is absolutely gorgeous and I can tell you for certain the company is very reliable, well because I sell it in Canada 😀 The fabrics are also amazing in their dresses!

Now unbiased... lol I really love the cap sleeves of the demitrios dress but they don't always have the best fit. That dress is also a bit busier then the others. And although I do truely hate Maggie Sottero 🙂 they have the best fit in a wedding gown in the whole industry. Plus their satin is to die for, it's like butter! It's almost guaranteed to fit just as nicely on you as it looks on their models.

Cosmobella is actually a company I have never heard of... which is weird because I thought I knew them all. And I couldn't get the pic to open anyways 🙂

You definately need to go in and try them all on to see what you like! What I would do first though is go onto the websites for each company and call them to find out who their best customers are in your area. A lot of manufacterers have store locaters on their websites but they have to put up all the stores that buy their dresses. It doesn't mean they are good! If you call and ask you'll be told their best customers with the most selection! And then you know they're reputable!

Let me know if you need help or have questions! 🙂 I love my job and it's nice to be able to use my knowledge every now and again 😀

take care!

hey! you look great! i havent been on in a while so i wanted to check in and see how you were making out! I FINALLY got bumped to 40mg this month! my skin has shown improvment except for those little red marks.... i just started using clinique post acne mark stuff and i bought another skin tone correcting cream by clinique as well but i wont start that until im completely clear and only have the marks left. Well best of luck with the wedding, you look beautiful! Congrats on the amazing results! take care


Posted : 06/12/2010 12:03 am

Just stopping by to wish you luck and let you know that your skin has made such an improvement!

I had my scars filled and it worked really well for me too!

Keep drinking tons of water...


Posted : 06/12/2010 9:20 pm

Hey, got another dress for your critical eyes:


what do you think??


Posted : 06/14/2010 12:48 pm

Day 193


Skin - still clear, scars are staying the same for the moment because I'm fake tanning over them. But after my engagement pics on Friday I'm going to start up the scar gel and exfoliating again!


I had a crazy dream last night that I got up this morning and looked in the mirror and there was a white head on the tip of my nose... then as I looked there were two more then my whole nose was covered! Then random boils started to come up on the rest of my face......


very scary dream... I got up this morning and bolted to the bathroom to make sure I was still good! ugh yes I'm pathetic lol


Jbean1124 & loveske - Thank You!


headtrip_honey - Hey! I really love that dress. I like it better then the other jasmine you posted too. The neckline is gorgeous and so is the lace detail. If you get a chance check out Private Label by G style # 1376, 1397, 1408 and 1383 (LOVE and looks awesome on!) and Ella Rosa style # BE70, BE90, BE82. But so far my favorites are the last dress and I like the look of the maggie sottero too :) (see unbiased :)) Let me know what you think! Have you gone to try any on yet???


Posted : 06/14/2010 1:35 pm

Those are all really pretty!


No, I haven't gone and tried any on yet. a) super busy this month and b) I hate shopping. Heh.


Can't wait to see your engagement pics!!


Posted : 06/17/2010 8:02 am

Day 196 - 4 Weeks post Accutane


Wow that's almost a month that's crazy!!!


Skin - Still doing well, no actives. I stopped treating my scars and using my gels/ vitamine E because I've been faux cream tanning this week. I just want a nice "glow" for tomorrow!


The only thing I'm noticing right now is that the spots where I had the fillers done on my scars look a little bit dented again like the filler didn't last? which makes no sense but I'm going to email my derm and ask him about it anyways. ... maybe I'm just getting wrinkles already :P


I had every intention of putting up pics today ... but my office building flooded on Tuesday really badly and I lost my camera cord. I'm going to pick up a new one tonight but that means pics will have to wait until tomorrow:P


I just hope that all the stress of this disaster doesn't cause a sudden active tomorow morning (knock on wood). It's been terrible, it's two days of emergency clean up teams ripping out carpets, cutting out the drywall and tossing out the furniture of a 13,000 square foot building! OH and because my dad is on vacation in greece..... I'm in CHARGE! although a couple of my employees have some serious issues with my being so younge and are trying to fight me on it. ...


honestly ppl my family owns the company, the company owns the building, that = Me in charge of the damn building while the remaining family members are away. GRrrr so don't need this right now!


Not to mention I'm taking tomorrow off for the pictures and I'm getting some serious flack for not being able to be present at the work site! :P Whatever my dad gets back tomorrow night so I only have to do this for another 48 hours.


headtrip_honey - I'll put up the engagement pics as soon as I get them :D and make sure you give yourself lots of tim to get your dress!!! It can take up to 12 weeks to order one and you don't want it to be last minute! You never know when a manufacturer will flood and won't be able to ship wedding gowns :P (naw we're ok :)) But I hear you about the shopping I felt the same way but once you get in your first wedding gown you'll see that it's an exception! Let me know when you go!


take care!


Posted : 06/17/2010 8:31 am

Ugh, flooding.


My dermatologist's office (actually the whole health care center he's in) flooded on Memorial Day, and no one found out until they came in on Tuesday. Eek. They're STILL doing clean up, so last time I saw him he was in the hospital across the street. Cardiology center. Heh.


Re: dresses...I have a year and four months. So I figure I have time.


My best friend, who's also my maid of honor, is getting married THIS October, I think a week before you?


This is the dress she got:


So technically she'll be my matron of honor, but I'm not allowed to call her that, heh.




I'm sure the filler in your scars has just "settled" a bit. Your derm can probably do touch ups if you feel you need them. (clearly not in time for your pics, but before the wedding at least!)


Posted : 06/20/2010 3:26 pm

Your skin is looking so beautiful!


Posted : 06/21/2010 9:16 am

Day 200!!! I feel like balloons should fall from the ceiling to celebrate :D .... they haven't :P


So I've been super busy and super stressed out!


The watermain that broke last week on Tuesday was nice enough to go ahead and break again on Thursday afternoon. Right before my appointments to prep for my pics on Friday so my manicure... and much needed waxing (yay for being able to wax my eyebrows!) So I got to deal with a disaster again but it's worked out since then.


I got all my beautification done on Friday morning, the flood was under control again and I got to my engagment pics without a problem. I did have a major major migraine Thursday night but my hunny popped out at 3 am and get drugs to make me feel better. But the pics still ended up being awesome regardless of no sleep and black circles under my eyes.


Skin - still good, my fake tan has faded already so my scars are back to showing. My fiance looked at me yesterday and asked if the red marks were going to become pimples or if they were going away ... not happy. But I told him they were healing scars and he hushed up a bit lol. I did have a lump in my skin kind of like a really really clogged pore last night. it kind of freaked me out but I used my spot treatment and its mostly gone this morning.


Otherwise all is well.


headtrip_honey - Your maid of honors dress is pretty! I think I'm going to wait until August ish and see how my scars are looking then decide if I want to touch up the fillers or redo a laser treatment. I mean with makeup I looked perfectly clear on Friday for the pictures but I'd like to make sure that no matter what even if my makeup runs I'll still look great! So a few more treatments may not hurt to speed along the healing.


faithinhim - Thank you so much! I'm starting to really believe that too!


Pics from last week Thursday (4 Weeks Post accutane) :


Posted : 06/24/2010 8:00 am

Day 203 - 5 Weeks Post Accutane :D


Skin - still healing. Without any color or fake cream tan you can see the pink blotchiness in my skin... but I'd rather stay pink and blotchy for now and then cream tan before special events. That way I know my scars are actually healing.


I do have two clogged pores on my left cheek right now. i've been fighting them off with combinations of BHA cleanser and sulfur spot treatment. But they seem to be persisting.


I think maybe I'm not drinking enough water or it could be my renewed addiction to diet coke... when I'm stressed I need the caffein and it's bloody addictive! So as of today I'm going cold turkey .... hopefully lol. Bring on the Crystal Light and lots and lots of water :)


One other thing I noticed yesterday was my other side effects from the tane. My eczema is gone except for a few odd occasions when it's more related ot the weather. I haven't noticed anymore oil on my skin. My scalp is still dry enough that I can go four or five days without washing my hair and you wouldn't know the difference. My joint pain is significantly reduced but not entirely gone yet... although I don't know if that's the accutane or being active. And finally I'm still getting blood from my nose when I blow it. I'm hoping that will stop soon because it's kind of gross :D


I hope everyone is doing great!


take care!


All Pics: /" rel="external nofollow">My Accutane Pictures - password: accutane


Posted : 06/24/2010 8:59 am

Day 203 - 5 Weeks Post Accutane 😀

Skin - still healing. Without any color or fake cream tan you can see the pink blotchiness in my skin... but I'd rather stay pink and blotchy for now and then cream tan before special events. That way I know my scars are actually healing.

I do have two clogged pores on my left cheek right now. i've been fighting them off with combinations of BHA cleanser and sulfur spot treatment. But they seem to be persisting.

I think maybe I'm not drinking enough water or it could be my renewed addiction to diet coke... when I'm stressed I need the caffein and it's bloody addictive! So as of today I'm going cold turkey .... hopefully lol. Bring on the Crystal Light and lots and lots of water 🙂

One other thing I noticed yesterday was my other side effects from the tane. My eczema is gone except for a few odd occasions when it's more related ot the weather. I haven't noticed anymore oil on my skin. My scalp is still dry enough that I can go four or five days without washing my hair and you wouldn't know the difference. My joint pain is significantly reduced but not entirely gone yet... although I don't know if that's the accutane or being active. And finally I'm still getting blood from my nose when I blow it. I'm hoping that will stop soon because it's kind of gross 😀

I hope everyone is doing great!

take care!

All Pics: /" rel="external nofollow">My Accutane Pictures - password: accutane

Hey your skin looks great!! i was just wondering if you think its okay to start putting a scar cream on daily while im still breaking out? i bought the new product by clinique called 'even better' people swear by this stuff. but im nervous to put it on while im still breaking out ... just wanted to see what you and who ever else thinks.. thank you! take care!


Posted : 06/24/2010 9:38 am

Day 203 - 5 Weeks Post Accutane 😀

Skin - still healing. Without any color or fake cream tan you can see the pink blotchiness in my skin... but I'd rather stay pink and blotchy for now and then cream tan before special events. That way I know my scars are actually healing.

I do have two clogged pores on my left cheek right now. i've been fighting them off with combinations of BHA cleanser and sulfur spot treatment. But they seem to be persisting.

I think maybe I'm not drinking enough water or it could be my renewed addiction to diet coke... when I'm stressed I need the caffein and it's bloody addictive! So as of today I'm going cold turkey .... hopefully lol. Bring on the Crystal Light and lots and lots of water 🙂

One other thing I noticed yesterday was my other side effects from the tane. My eczema is gone except for a few odd occasions when it's more related ot the weather. I haven't noticed anymore oil on my skin. My scalp is still dry enough that I can go four or five days without washing my hair and you wouldn't know the difference. My joint pain is significantly reduced but not entirely gone yet... although I don't know if that's the accutane or being active. And finally I'm still getting blood from my nose when I blow it. I'm hoping that will stop soon because it's kind of gross 😀

I hope everyone is doing great!

take care!

All Pics: /" rel="external nofollow">My Accutane Pictures - password: accutane

You look gorgeous!

Re: BHA cleanser - unfortunately the BHA isn't doing any good in a cleanser, because you're rinsing it right off your skin. You need a product that stays on your skin. Medicated cleansers aren't really worth much because of this. 🙁

I'm sure your bloody noses will stop. Give it time. 🙂


Posted : 06/24/2010 2:27 pm

headtrip_honey - I'm such an idiot I didn't even really think of that... so do you use a lotion with BHA once a day? morning? night? both? is it drying at all?



Jbean1124 - I started using the scar gel before I was done accutane but didn't put it anywhere where i was breaking out. I just stuck to areas of clearness. Hope that helps!



Posted : 06/25/2010 5:34 am

hello MichelleMac,

Ive been following your log for months now and i noticed how you said you seemed to turn around in the start of the 4th month. On the 8th of July ill be starting month 4 but i still seem to be getting tiny red whiteheads =( Was this the case with you? I did up my dose to 60mg around 2.5 weeks ago could this be another little IB?


Sorry to keep asking questions....your skin is looks amazing and your really really pretty! your gonna look fab fab fab on ur wedding day!


Aleks xx


Posted : 06/25/2010 9:24 am

michellemac: I MISSED U!!!!! LOLLL ;)


WOW! YOur skin looks GREAT! I can hardly see any post acne scars... u sure are tempting me to get fillers done as well! I've been contemplating to do this laser thing recommended by my doc to get my scars lifted/filled up.. im terribly afraid of any post laser IB... *dilemma*


Oh, how when can we see some of your engagement pics?? haha~


Posted : 06/25/2010 10:22 am

Day 204


I noticed yesterday that the clogged pores on my cheeks went from about 2 to 2 +4 blackheads... BIG ONES. One's I'm still shocked i haven't tried to squeeze the hell out of there... but I'm trying ot be good. it's actually easier then I thought it would be. My skin is so smooth that it's actaully almost impossible to get a good enough grip to squeeze out the pores.... YES I TRIED! It didn't work... :P but I didn't try much :) and I think it still counts as restraint


My skin gets stupidly splotty red if I even run my fingers over it so I'm avoiding touching at all costs. In the mean time I had a couple crudy diet changes that may be clogging my pores so I'm going to adjust that and still work on uping my water to see if that helps... I also picked up a new moisturizer yesterday with 1% Sacylic Acid in it, and a spot gel with 2% sacylic acid that I put on all the clogged pores last night.


They actually feel much better today but I never really notice them as much until night time. It's almost as if my face is less "plump" at night and I can see any imperfections more... does that make sense? Well anyways I'm coming to continue the fight to get rid of them!


aleks_hopethisworks - Hey! if you get a chance go and check out my pics in photobucket. You can see for yourself how my acne changed at the fourth month. I do remember the acne went from MASSIVELY HUGE ZITS to smaller clogged pore zits more like white heads that came and went faster then the monster ones. I actually broke out until the day I stopped accutane but there was a significant difference in the quanity, type of pimple and how long those pimples lasted. My derm actaully told me the accutane although it has fixed the acne can actually cause some acne until you're off of it. I thought he was a little nuts but he was totally right! From the day I took my last pill until now (5 weeks later) I haven't had one active! So you may have to deal with the little red whiteheads but the good news is they totally have a shelf life and will be gone soon!


Take a look at my pics and let me know if that's what your experiencing. I hope that helps a bit, I think the absolute hardest time on the accutane was the third month. I looked my worst, I was loosing patience, and everyone kept saying it will get better by the end of the third month... they were right but it really didn't feel like that at the time. I truely felt like I was the exception and that the accutane was not working for me. Then poof! It showed me a change! so hold in there you'll see it soon!


fel_han - I MISSED YOU TOO! lol It sounds silly but it's true! :) I didn't experience ANY post laser breakouts after my treatment. Which is great because when I did laser treatments two years ago they started to cause terrible breakouts afterwards! But this time was great! Did you see the pics from right after vs. that night! It was like boom no more scars and no more redness!


The filler's REALLY HURT. I mean it was totally worth it and before the wedding I'm going to go back to have it touched up I think... but that's something i'll stress... it hurts! But I mean so did a lot of the accutane side effects so the way I see it ... TOTALLY WORTH IT!


I will put up my engagement pics as soon as I get them. My photographer is editing them right now and he said it could be another two weeks :P I hope not I want to see them now! I'll msg you when I get them for sure though!


Take care everyone!




Posted : 06/25/2010 11:04 am

headtrip_honey - I'm such an idiot I didn't even really think of that... so do you use a lotion with BHA once a day? morning? night? both? is it drying at all?

The stuff I use is:

It's a gel that I use only at night. I put it on under my moisturizer.

It's not drying, but I've been using it for almost 3 years, so my skin is used to it. BHA can be drying when you first start using it.

If you decide to use something like this, I'd probably start with:

It's not as strong, and is more moisturizing as it's in a lotion base.

Then if you feel your skin can take it:

But that's my two cents.


Posted : 06/28/2010 2:53 pm

Day 208




Ok so I caved and bought the Paula's choice 2% BHA lotion online. I kept feeling like if I did I would perpetuate my cycle of buying product after product after product to control my acne and just ending up much poorer as a result.... so I tried to get by with what I have but I'm going to loose my self control shortly.


These damn clogged pores won't go away! They wont' get softer they won't get bigger or even come near the surface! They just sit being annoying and won't come out! I even started to squeeze a little yesterday and ended up bright red and scared as hell that I ruined my no active run... so far so good but my skin was definately pissed off at me yesterday


I just don't know what else I can do ! I read about something called Green Cream and Diacneal by Avene thats suppose to be good but they are Retinol treatments and i don't know if I should even consider those yet only one month post tane.


Grr my fiance insists that it's food related and to stop eating everything I usually do until I figure it out.... not a terrible idea since I managed to pack on a few pounds from emotionally eating these last couple weeks :P stupid stress from stupid work flood and reno's :P


Ok going to be calm wait for my new cream, drink lots of stupid water, not eat anything fun and pray that the little buggers just don't turn into gross swelling actives.


take care everyone.


Posted : 06/29/2010 3:12 am

michellemac: It could be the food you are eating + stress. Try and relax and take things easy =)


I've heard raves about avene diacneal before. Maybe u should wait for your puala choice cream before caving in to your nxt buy.

I know how u feel.. sometimes we just keep buying products that promises to bring those acne to hell.. n we often end up getting endless products that doesnt do anything to our skin other than damaging our pockets >.<


but on the other hand.. if we do not do anything or get any products for our acne.. it just seems like doing nothing to help our skin at all...

so i totally understand how u are feelng right now .. Hmm.. maybe u can get a second opinion form your derm? It could also be post laser IB .

For the time-being, make sure u cut down on snacks n drink loads of water.


arghh.. Im getting jittery about my course ending in 7 days time....


Posted : 07/01/2010 1:18 pm

Day 211 - 6 Weeks Post Accutane!


So updates! I haven't received my Paula's choice yet so I started using NeoStrata Tony solution with 10% Glycolic acid and 2% Sacylic Acid. So far it's working really well!


The clogged pores are now much smaller but not gone yet. I honestly think this is just a pre-period breakout. I've been getting worse all week and should be starting any day now so maybe this is just my skin dealing with the hormones? I dunno.


My derm finally got back to me and suggested he send me a script for Differin. I've used that way back when my skin was still terrible and I remember it being super crazy strong. But now I can't quite remember. I don't want to use anything drying on my face because this is literally like teany tiny blackheads just stuck under the surface. I can't even see them i can just feel the tiny tiny bumps.


There are also no longer six there are only three on one side the other side is totally clear.


Scars are being scars because I'm not using anything on them. So I generally look pink and splotchy but not so much spotty anymore.


On a suckier note. I got a new pimple today. I'm not too upset about it because it's right where my earlobe meets my neck and it's pretty discrete.... but I don't know it's still there and it's relatively big and hurts... There isn't a head to it and its just a hard bump under the surface so hopefully it will just shrink up and go away soon. It may even been a swollen lymph node but I doubt it. It's a little to ridgid for that.


Anywho. Take care everyone




Posted : 07/01/2010 10:01 pm

You look absolutely fantastic!


Posted : 07/09/2010 12:44 pm

Day 219 - 7 Weeks Post Tane (plus one day...but who's counting)


Hi Everyone,


skin i still looking about the same. I still have the blotch scars not really spots anymore. I have a giant mosquito bite on my temple which sucks but whatever could be a pimple.


The clogged pores have mostly gone now I just have one on each side being stubborn. I forgot to exfoliate for a couple of days and ended up with some dry peeling skin probably from the sacylic acid. But it seems to be gone now and i'm going to alternate days so there is less drying.


That's about it.


I'm in the crappiest mood today. it honestly took me about 20 min staring at the computer to register that I should do something. I just found out that a friend of mine's mom is terminally ill and may not make it very long and it just makes me feel so sad and stupid for thinking about silly things like my skin sucking and the flavor of cake at my bridal shower :P Ugh ... everyone should hug their mom's today!


thx to everyone for all their support again and I hope your all doing great!


Posted : 07/11/2010 2:34 pm

Just checking up on a few logs ... Your skin is looking pretty fabulous, lady! Hope everything's well with ya :)
