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Starting The Regimen Day 1 Completed


Posted : 02/27/2013 10:35 pm

Week 32 Day 5 Update:

WOWZA it has been a long time since I have been on!! I am so busy will school that it is killing my time!!

Anyway to the update!-----Clear. As. Can. Be.

I still have spots, and I am hoping to do a 50% at home glycolic peel on Monday, so looking foreword to that :)

I am using about two pumps of BP to stay as clear as I am now!

Anyway my friends, message me whenever you need me :)



Posted : 02/28/2013 6:14 am

Week 32 Day 5 Update:

WOWZA it has been a long time since I have been on!! I am so busy will school that it is killing my time!!

Anyway to the update!-----Clear. As. Can. Be.

I still have spots, and I am hoping to do a 50% at home glycolic peel on Monday, so looking foreword to that smile.png

I am using about two pumps of BP to stay as clear as I am now!

Anyway my friends, message me whenever you need me smile.png


Hey hun! So happy to hear that you are doing sooooo well. Yuor log gives me hope that if i choose to do the regimen, it may help my persistant acne that seems resistant even to accutane. It seems just like yesterday i was reading about the beginning of your journey. Good Luck in school and your personal life. Keep us posted!


Posted : 05/11/2013 9:55 pm

Like month 10 Update? lol¦.it can been a long time hasn't it ;)

I have been very busy with my school semester, but I am back now!!! Missed everyone :)

So to the update: I am still 100% clear! My spots are 85% gone and I am hoping in another 3-4 months they will be completely gone. I still do the regimen every day and night, however i can get by with using less than a pump for each instead of the full amount i was using in the beginning. This is great of me :) (I would not recommend cutting the amount until you have been in the regimen for quite some time, like 6-8 months because the skin does like it, at least mine did not when i cut back early)

Anyway, message me people, I miss ya all and want to know how you are all doing. I have not gotten clear only to leave this site ;)



Posted : 05/12/2013 12:21 am

I just went through the whole thread, and holy crap, your progress is awesome! I'm so glad to hear that you're clear and happy with your skin right now! I like your username too because it really fits, lol your results give me TONS of hope in the Regimen and I'm really glad I made the choice to get started on it. Your positive attitude is so inspiring :)


Posted : 05/17/2013 8:03 pm

I have updated with a pic! Check it out everyone :)


Posted : 05/17/2013 10:30 pm

Wow, your skin is looking great! I'm going to start the regimen soon, I would be so happy if my progress turned out anything like yours. My skin has gotten better very slowly, but I still get breakouts once in a while, which shows the ineffectiveness of what I'm using right now. I have a question though, how necessary is sunscreen? In all of Dan's videos and outlines of the regimen, he always shows it as a 3-step process: cleanser, treatment, and moisturizer. But he never really talks much about sunscreen. Is sunscreen really that important?


Posted : 05/18/2013 11:13 pm

New pic everyone, of myself this time :)

In my gallery!

Yay I am so happy that you are going to start the regimen soon!!! That makes me happy :) And thank you for the compliment, they also make me happy lol:D I am sorry to hear that your current routine isn't working so well, but at least you can rest assured know the regimen will work, as me and hundreds of others on this site bear witness to its effectiveness. Dan doesn't think that sunscreen is important, but I disagree. This is because BP makes you r skin incredibly sensitive to the sun, and so if you are outside your face will burn! Increases skin cancer risk and you will age faster than you should. These, to me, do not sounds appealing. Now I can understand people can be worried about adding new products into their routines, so every person has to decide for themselves what is best for their situation but if you can get yourself a trustworthy sunscreen like, Nuetrogena Breakout Free Sunscreen SPF 30 or 50 you can you the protection you need and fight acne at the same time. Again, I am just expressing my opinion :)

So for me it is important!

Anyway, I am super glad that you will start. You will have to post pictures and a post about your progress and let me know when you do so that I can be there to support you like you have for me ;)


Wow, your skin is looking great! I'm going to start the regimen soon, I would be so happy if my progress turned out anything like yours. My skin has gotten better very slowly, but I still get breakouts once in a while, which shows the ineffectiveness of what I'm using right now. I have a question though, how necessary is sunscreen? In all of Dan's videos and outlines of the regimen, he always shows it as a 3-step process: cleanser, treatment, and moisturizer. But he never really talks much about sunscreen. Is sunscreen really that important?


Posted : 05/19/2013 11:38 pm

I just now found your log lol and I will read through it all. You're my role model smile.png

Trying to look at your gallery and it won't let mee, I'll try again tomorrow, but I'm sure your skin looks beautiful.tongue.png


Posted : 05/23/2013 4:07 am

Okay I read through the whole thing, and you are an inspiration!! Seriously I admire your strength for staying on the Regimen no matter what, you will achieve great things with your attitude :)


Posted : 05/27/2013 12:09 pm

Hi everyone!

So I just wanted to talk a little about how I am current routine with the regimen. I have changed it around for many reasons, but before I tell you those reasons here it my current regimen routine morning and night:



BP (I do not massage the BP in anymore. I put an even layer on the skin and let it absorb itself :))

Sunscreen SPF 50 ( Daytime )

You can see that I have switched the order in with I apply my BP. Dan says that BP should be put on 15 minutes after cleansing the face, but I found even after begin on the regimen for almost a year that my face still tends to be a little dry and somewhat flaky. So about 2 months ago I tried using moisturizer before using BP and the results were awesome! My face was soft, yet I still have the acne prevention! So for those of you with this problem of still being slightly flaky and dry on the regimen I would say give it a try and see how it works for you. I also had severe acne so I am sure that the BP still works effectively for me after moisturizing:)

Anyway, best of luck to those on the regimen and to my friends currently on the regimen! teehee.gif


PS: I have been supplementing vitamin D at 6000IU per day for the past two and a half weeks and its cleared my moderate backne and body acne. Highly recommend everyone look into it! ;)


Posted : 06/01/2013 9:02 pm

When you say it cleared your body acne do you mean completely cleared it? I have some acne on my shoulders and chest and back and it's really annoying, not as annoying as on the face of course lol but I want to take care of it without having to do the regimen there as well. Do you think vitamin D also lowers the amount of oil your skin produces? I've read about people who actually got completely clear on their faces from just taking vitamin D and not doing anything else!


Posted : 06/02/2013 11:17 am

Yes completely cleared 90%. It is pretty crazy¦Check out the reviews on review page to see what others thought of it. And yes that is what I believe. I do think it does lower skin oil that is what some other people think also. I would definitely give it a go. I am taking 6000IU every day. And yeah so did I haha, people got completely clear. But my acne underneath all this use of BP on my face that keeps me clear is not mild, its severe. If i don't use it everyday twice a day, I will still breakout :/ Sooo yea¦But i think vitamin D for mild acne will work great. The acne on my back and body is mild and its all gone now so hopefully it can do the same for you okay :)

When you say it cleared your body acne do you mean completely cleared it? I have some acne on my shoulders and chest and back and it's really annoying, not as annoying as on the face of course lol but I want to take care of it without having to do the regimen there as well. Do you think vitamin D also lowers the amount of oil your skin produces? I've read about people who actually got completely clear on their faces from just taking vitamin D and not doing anything else!

Yes completely cleared 90%. It is pretty crazy¦Check out the reviews on review page to see what others thought of it. And yes that is what I believe. I do think it does lower skin oil that is what some other people think also. I would definitely give it a go. I am taking 6000IU every day. And yeah so did I haha, people got completely clear. But my acne underneath all this use of BP on my face that keeps me clear is not mild, its severe. If i don't use it everyday twice a day, I will still breakout :/ Sooo yea¦But i think vitamin D for mild acne will work great. The acne on my back and body is mild and its all gone now so hopefully it can do the same for you okay smile.png


Posted : 06/08/2013 4:51 pm

Week 47 Update:

Well last week I was running out of BP, so I decided to scale back on the amount I was using until I has another bottle shipped to me¦..bad idea. I broke out. BAD. I broke out like If i was in the early stages of the regimen. I got roughly 7-9 pimples in a matter of two days of using minimal BP. That weeks was also full of stress, though I don't know how much that played a role in my miserable situation with my skin. Thankfully I received my shipment and I have start using my traditional amount. I currently have about 3 actives left.

It goes to show that even the individuals who are pro's at the regimen still have bad weeks. :P

So just remember everyone, breakouts can happen, and when they do just keep you cool and give things time. Things will always work out with the right attitude.

Anyway, I have read many posts and it seems everyone is doing awesome on this journey, and that makes me happy as can be!



Posted : 06/08/2013 8:34 pm

Week 47 Update:

Well last week I was running out of BP, so I decided to scale back on the amount I was using until I has another bottle shipped to me¦..bad idea. I broke out. BAD. I broke out like If i was in the early stages of the regimen. I got roughly 7-9 pimples in a matter of two days of using minimal BP. That weeks was also full of stress, though I don't know how much that played a role in my miserable situation with my skin. Thankfully I received my shipment and I have start using my traditional amount. I currently have about 3 actives left.

It goes to show that even the individuals who are pro's at the regimen still have bad weeks. tongue.png

So just remember everyone, breakouts can happen, and when they do just keep you cool and give things time. Things will always work out with the right attitude.

Anyway, I have read many posts and it seems everyone is doing awesome on this journey, and that makes me happy as can be!


Wow, good thing you got your shipment! I guess it's always good to keep extra BP just in case something like that happens. I tried putting on moisturizer before BP a few days ago when my skin got REALLY flaky, and it helped so much! My skin at night used to sting after putting moisturizer over BP, but now I don't have that problem anymore and the BP is just as effective! Thanks a lot for that advice 🙂


Posted : 06/09/2013 10:21 am

Week 47 Update:

Well last week I was running out of BP, so I decided to scale back on the amount I was using until I has another bottle shipped to me¦..bad idea. I broke out. BAD. I broke out like If i was in the early stages of the regimen. I got roughly 7-9 pimples in a matter of two days of using minimal BP. That weeks was also full of stress, though I don't know how much that played a role in my miserable situation with my skin. Thankfully I received my shipment and I have start using my traditional amount. I currently have about 3 actives left.

It goes to show that even the individuals who are pro's at the regimen still have bad weeks. tongue.png

So just remember everyone, breakouts can happen, and when they do just keep you cool and give things time. Things will always work out with the right attitude.

Anyway, I have read many posts and it seems everyone is doing awesome on this journey, and that makes me happy as can be!


Wow, good thing you got your shipment! I guess it's always good to keep extra BP just in case something like that happens. I tried putting on moisturizer before BP a few days ago when my skin got REALLY flaky, and it helped so much! My skin at night used to sting after putting moisturizer over BP, but now I don't have that problem anymore and the BP is just as effective! Thanks a lot for that advice smile.png

You are so welcome, I am glad I could help 🙂 I KNOW putting moisturizer before BP changes a lot! I am glad that you tried it and got good results. And most definitely keep extra BP around and don't wait few pumps to order haha or else you may pay the price I did.


Posted : 06/16/2013 3:42 pm

Hey there, could you tell me how you use the St Ives apricot scrub? I've got some little dead skin flakes that are just sorta sitting on my skin so I wanna implement the scrub into my Regimen, but I dunno what step it should come/before or after. Like when you use the scrub do you use a cleanser first, then the scrub, and then BP and moisturizer?


Posted : 06/20/2013 4:50 pm


Hey there, could you tell me how you use the St Ives apricot scrub? I've got some little dead skin flakes that are just sorta sitting on my skin so I wanna implement the scrub into my Regimen, but I dunno what step it should come/before or after. Like when you use the scrub do you use a cleanser first, then the scrub, and then BP and moisturizer?

The scrub is actually a cleanser too! So i just you that to clean my skin. It works great and it is really cheap! I us the scrub, Moisturize, then finally BP. Moisturizing first keeps me form getting the flakes and keeps my skin from being dry¦and BP is still effective, for me at least when I switch up the steps a bit smile.png

Sorry it took a little longer to get back to you!


Posted : 06/24/2013 7:50 pm

I was just reading through your whole experience and it really gives me hope! My acne looks so much like yours did in the beginning. I have always had acne prone skin. It flared up really bad in 2007 due to relationship stress, but it calmed down when things started getting better. Then It got bad again with me second pregnancy in 2010, but it cleared up on its own and I was doing great. In the past few months, my face has just gotten really bad. I tried that oil cleansing method and I don't know if that is what did it or not, but I stopped doing that and I have been using Dan's regimen now for about 2 weeks. My face is super dry and my right cheek is full of cystic acne, but I feel like there is a tiny bit of improvement. I just have a problem with touching my face and wanting to pick! Anyways, thanks for posting your story. I am hoping to have a similar experience to yours!


Posted : 06/27/2013 2:46 pm

What moisturizer are you using? I'm thinking about replacing the moisturizer, it's not very good at keeping my face moisturized


Posted : 07/04/2013 8:43 pm

I've just come across your thread and gallery and oh my gosh your progress is really encouraging and inspiring! You're skin has come so far and looks so great now! :) I'm only a few days into starting the regimen and already wondering if it was the right thing to do because my skin is already feeling sore/irritated and is fairly red. But seeing your results is really encouraging and reminds me I do need to give this time, be patient and that hopefully I'll see results too :) So thank you :P

Hope things continue going so well for you!


Posted : 07/06/2013 5:09 pm

What moisturizer are you using? I'm thinking about replacing the moisturizer, it's not very good at keeping my face moisturized

Sorry school has kept me very busy and Ii have not been on in a while sad.png

I use cetaphil moisturizer, they are all good smile.png I use the one meant for your body on my face. A lot of people use that for acne prone skin just because you get a lot and doesn't cause acne and it does a pretty good job! Check out their site here:

I use sunscreen afterwards!

PS you look absolutely beautiful in your profile picture.


Posted : 07/06/2013 5:28 pm

Week 51 Update:

It has been really HOT and I have been sweating which has caused my BP to come off my face during the day so I have been developing minor pimples along my jawline! I am going to stay inside as much s possible until the heat stops being so mean to my face lol.

My skin dislikes the heat, and loves the winter.

I have one active not that it thankfully well on its way to disappearing yay :P

Also thank you to all the people than thank me for my story. You are all the reasons I love and continue to stay on this site.

Much love,



Posted : 07/14/2013 11:12 am

One Year Update:

Wow I cannot believe it has been one year. I have gone through 5-6 bottles of the 16oz BP lol. My skin, though relatively clear, still is not perfect. I am still working towards porcelain skin haha. The spots have still not disappeared. The breakouts have not completely stopped, however I can still smile because I have come a long way and have stayed as positive throughout my skincare journey.

I have been blessed to touch other people's lives. My story has helped people with no hope become strong. I can only hope for this to continue. I truly love

Come January 2014 I may go on Accutane. I have a love, hate relationship with BP. I think accutane 'may' be the last regimen to keep me free from acne for life. It is a personal choice, and after much thought I think it will be the best for me. Wish me luck :D

Anyway much love for all those who read my posts and have taken away something from me :)

I love you all.



Posted : 07/14/2013 4:35 pm

Wow, 1 year is a long time! It's great that you've had so much dedication to the regimen, a lot of people don't have the motivation to stick to the regimen (or any acne regimen in general), and it's great that it has paid off well! And yeah I know what you mean lol, BP is good but it's drying and I don't like putting it on either. Good luck with Accutane, make sure you know of all the side effects though, there are a TON of them and some are permanent. Hope everything goes well for you :)


Posted : 07/15/2013 6:21 am

Thereisalwayshope, you have made such remarkable progress and have been an inspiration to others. One year sticking to anything is truly a milestone! Regarding accutane, I nave been in it 3 times so if you have any questions, feel free to PM me. Like the above poster stated, do your research. Accutane can be a wonder drug for many and for a few, it can put acne in remission for a long long time but it doesn't come without a price tag. Look up the facts and weigh the pros and cons and do what is best for YOU. Whatever course you take, you'll get loads of support here, myself included.


Keep on trucking. Do you plan to continue the regimen until you get on Accutane. What are some of the problems that you continue to encounter on the regimen. I am almost three months in and I'm still not clear in my problem areas. Doubt I'll ever get there either. But things are manageable.
