This is going to sound weird, but I think this bp moisturizes my skin a little. Maybe it's the urea. I'm still really surprised my skin is handling this bp so nicely when it was so irritated by it before. The only thing it could be would be the AA had my skin even more sensitive than I realized.
I got one on my temple, but it's not inflamed, so I don't care. I used a different fw tonight only because I was afraid hibiclens wouldn't take off my powder foundation. I need to see if I can find out if it takes off makeup.
Oh, I ended up sleeping in the BP last night because of time constraints, besides, it doesn't seem to be irritating me badly.
My skin is good. I slept in the bp last night too and will again tonight. It's not really drying me out. Keep in mind, I'm not using moisturizer on top either, because I'm scared of sleeping in moisturizer right now. So, my skin is handling it really well. I guess my skin was dried out internally from the AA's, and my oils are back now so I'm able to use things I was unable to use a few months ago. I couldn't use dan's bp and I couldn't take omegas, but now I can use both again. (I used to use omegas all the time, but while on AA's and after the 1st few months off of them, they made my skin really old and dry and shriveled looking) --now I don't have that problem anymore and take them daily. was definitely the aa's, even for months afterwards. I had zero oil, it was like 'tane. That's my take on it, anyway.
I've been using even more bp over the past few days and I'm doing well. I'm still only on 1x a day at night. The one thing about the bp that is weird, and I'm not sure how I feel about, is that it makes my skin look oily, but it's not. It doesn't feel tacky or anything, but it looks it. That would possibly be a problem under makeup, but I'm not sure because I've only worn it at night.
I've really upped the amount I use on my oily parts which are only my forehead and nose and it seems to be getting rid of those little bumps on my fh after only one night. Maybe it was getting too oily which is what I thought was causing them because they were so small that they looked like they were caused by oil.
I have little to no flakes anymore. I'm so happy! I was able to wear makeup, powder makeup no less, with no moisturizer!! Awesomeness.
I've gotten no new ones but there are some small little bumps still hanging out.
I used a ton of bp last night.
I'm still using hibiclens to wash.
I believe tomorrow is one week on dan's bp.
I got a little spot today but it isn't too bad. I still have little ones that look like milia but not quite -- they're that size but I don't think they're milia. I may start using bp 2x a day in that area.
I have 0 flakes.
I worked out.
This is one week on dan's bp. I'm using more each day. I hope I don't get a purge. My skin was oily today, but so was my hair, ugh. I'm that week before totm...
That's actually what I'm using now. I just started a few days ago, so I can't give a proper review, but so far so good and it seems like it will work out, but I don't want to say it just yet, lol. If this works out, I may even try jojoba. And seriously, if the whole thing works out, and it seems like it may: I will kick myself for not trying this sooner and going on dangerous meds that messed with my body and mind. And I will freaking tell everyone! I can think of three people off the top of my head that would buy it -- and that's not even scratching the surface.
I got some sun today. I need the vit. D.
Practically all my forehead little ones are gone since I upped my dose of bp there. I've been using a lot everywhere, but just 1x a day for now. I really can't complain right now. My forehead is a tad dry, but it's not too bad, no redness or anything, just a little bit of flakiness.
So I'm feeling those bumps on my skin all over again when I wash. The last time I had them was when I was using the other new face wash. I seem to have major issues with face washes that don't contain BP. Very annoying. So, I think I may go back to Hibiclens. I stopped because I was afraid it didn't take off makeup. I'm looking around for another FW. I'm wondering about acnefree fw. I would use the Panoxyl, which I already have, but it has glycolic in it and I don't want to use that yet, but maybe I will. I also thought of adding some sulfur to Dan's wash, which I thought of doing a long time ago to kinda dupe my Rx fw with sulfur, so maybe I'll try that.Then I'm thinking of using albolene to remove makeup (when I wear it, which isn't often) but I don't know about that. Basically, I'm confused about which FW to use. I need to play around with it. I think the ingredients in FW really do penetrate the skin which is probably why I like the BP washes so much. I don't use bp in the am right now, maybe if I did, dan's would be okay. I may try it again later, but I'm shelving it for the time being.
No idea what I'm washing with's either panoxl or the hibiclens or dan's with added sulfur.
Ugh. So I wore makeup today and I decided to check to see if the hibiclens took it off by using rose water witch hazel and I needed to use 8 cotton pads to get off all the makeup left behind! I rarely wear makeup but this is a big problem. I need something to take it off, but those wipes tend to have comedogenic ingredients, so I don't know what to use. I'm thinking about albolene, but I'm afraid that would break me out too. HELP!
I am getting two pimples. I've been using bp 2x a day.
I worked out. I also drank smoothies -- they're very good!
So I opted to use a bp wash I had from before (but not the one I love bc I can't get that one anymore) and it was okay, but since it has glycolic, my skin is a little weird, though I think that has something to do with the witch hazel I used to see if hibliclens removes makeup (it doesn't). The witch hazel didn't have alcohol, but still. I'm going to use it again after I wear makeup again to make sure my cleanser removes it, but it's not something I'll use regularly. I wish I could settle on a cleanser that doesn't clog my pores. I hate that my skin reacts poorly to every fw besides ones with BP. It's always been this way -- I always need a fw with some active, either bp or triclosan, no matter how much bp I use. That said, at some point I'll try to add back in dan's and see if it's okay. It's not supposed to be comedogenic, but with my skin, for some reason it doesn't even matter.
I have 2 that are starting to form, but I'm putting bp on them and I took baby aspirin last night, and I will again tonight. My skin isn't awful, but I would expect to have none. Then, I have all of those little ones that I can feel but can't see. I got them with the other fw, they went away with hibiclens, now they're back. It's definitely from fw. It seems like it's a reaction to something I put on my face, like a dermatitis or acne from a product, and I practically never wear makeup so...
I still can't get over the fact that it took 7-8 wipes cotton pads of witch hazel to get off all my makeup after washing. Yikes.
My skin isn't bad at all, but there are still those little bumps on my face in certain areas that I can feel but can't see. I don't know what they're from and why they aren't going away. Is it a purge? Was it the cleanser? I wish I knew.
I wore makeup yesterday and I used my bp wash to cleanse my skin. I wanted to see if it got off my makeup completely, so I used the witch hazel afterwards and it didn't. It was better than the hibiclens, but there was some left over on the cotton pad. I don't know what to use. Those wipes have tons of silicones, and I don't want that. I'm wondering about albolene, then washing, but I'm scared it will break me out. I don't know what to do. I only wear makeup very sporadically, < than 1x a week, so its not a big problem, but still..
I still have some of those annoying bumps. I wish they'd go away.
I'm addicted to smoothies now and crave them. I haven't had to use a baby aspirin this month so far for TOTM flares. My skin looks pretty good. I did change some stuff. I ran out of dan's bp because I thought it would get here sooner than it did, so I had to use my 10% bp for about a week. At that point I wasn't sure if I wanted to switch back, but I did last night, because my skin was dry.
I'm using the old BP wash I had (not my favorite one) that has glycolic in it. Right now, I'm using it about every day, but once a day, and sometimes I don't use it because my skin's not used to it yet. I use dan's wash the other wash (first or 2nd depending) of the day. So, I'm still playing around with my regimen. I'm going to continue using dan's bp for now each night.
I'm still using dan's bp 1x a day @ night. I'm using his wash too. I plan on using mt bp/glycolic wash 2x a week to exfoliate.
My skin looks good. No TOTM breakouts, but I really think that's from the green smoothies. I started them just for vitamins, because I don't believe in pill supplements. Turns out it's also helping my hormones, because my endo and totm breakouts are basically gone. It's 2 weeks that I've been on them now. I really didn't think it would help my skin at all -- or my hormones. Happy!
My fh bumps are back. It's because it gets oily even while I have the bp on at night, especially at night, so last night I put 10% on it. I hate them. I think the 10% got rid of them a few weeks ago, but now they've come back. The other small bumps in other places are going away, but my skin isn't oily there.
My totm came about 5 days early which is weird.
I used bp 2x today.
I really think those little pimples/clogged pores on my forehead are from my hair. My scalp gets oily when I sleep. Not sure what to do about this. I wash my hair daily and don't have bangs and wear it back when I sleep.
My skin is peeling a bit.
I had the same prob;em when I first started the regimen. My actual breakouts disappeared, but those little bumps stayed along my hair line and in the tops of my cheeks. I went to see a woman for a deep facial and she extracted all of that stuff. I didn't let her use any fluffy/fragranced products on me, just my regimen products i brought from home. After seeing her, only one or two of them came back and she fixed them for me the next month. After using the regimen for about two months with full BP, go spend the money on a professional facial, they will get those stubborn little things out for good.
Did you get the bumps after you began the regimen? I did and I was just reading my log and it seems I get them after new face washes w/o bp. I seriously don't know what to do. They're getting worse too. I know the fh ones are because it's oily there, but my cheeks aren't oily. I've never done well with gentle face washes and I guess that hasn't changed.
I wonder if this is a purge. I am at a month of consistent bp every day.
So I switched to a bp wash w/o glycolic and I'm using 10% everywhere right now. I just don't know if 2.5% is going to work for me & I'm starting to get scared bc I was beginning to break out. When I use 2.5% my skin gets oily & it isn't preventing much. 10% and I don't get oily and right now I'm not even that dry, so I'm doing this now, because my bumps were getting bad on 2.5%
We'll see how it goes. I hope it works.
So I'm doing better. I'm still using bp washes. I am back to dan's bp to see if that works and it was just the face wash. I caould never use gentle face washes and I guess that's still the case for me. boo. If I still have acne with 2.5% and a bp wash, I'll need to go to 10% for good.
So I switched to a bp wash w/o glycolic and I'm using 10% everywhere right now. I just don't know if 2.5% is going to work for me & I'm starting to get scared bc I was beginning to break out. When I use 2.5% my skin gets oily & it isn't preventing much. 10% and I don't get oily and right now I'm not even that dry, so I'm doing this now, because my bumps were getting bad on 2.5%
We'll see how it goes. I hope it works.
I know exactly what bumps you are talking about, i had them (in fact i still have them now) after i started the regimen, they are pretty big but not visible, they came up almost like everyday during the regimen, i never had that type of acne before and so i thou they would go away as time goes by but they didn't. ! However quit finally, and my face is slowly getting back to normal now, the bumps are much smaller now.
Good luck to you.
Mine are slowly going away. I really think it was the face wash. I need a bp wash. The glycolic is also helping.
I have some kind of blemish but I think it may be from glycolic purge. Also it doesn't seem it, but it's only been 5 weeks that I've been using bp every night consistently, so I'm not that far along yet. It seems like I am because I was using it with moisturizer, then every other day etc. but I only began sleeping in it nightly at the end of April.
I just passed the 5 week mark on bp every night.
All of those little bumps are mostly gone now that I switched to bp cleansers. I just have a few left. I just began using aha lotion a few times a week during the day. I don't wear my normal moisturizer those days. Eventually I want to do glycolic peels and I've been researching them for a week or so, but I think I need to wait until my skin is totally used to the glycolic in my lotion and my cleanser before I do that.
I'm using a 4% bp with glycolic wash in the am and a 2.5% w/o glycolic in the pm.
My skin is looking dry so I'm cutting back on the aha's. I'm putting the lotion on hold for now. I guess I jumped the gun on that, especially since I'm using a wash with glycolic in the am which I don't want to stop because it's really getting rid of my bumps.
My bumps on my fh are all gone and the others on my cheeks are almost all gone!
This is day 17 (technically day 18 bc it's after midnight) of my cycle and I got zero breakouts. I got one teeny one but I think that was just a purge because blackheads were purging from aha or the regimen or both. The blackheads are gone now, but I was touching that one so it got red. So....I *think* I made it through this cycle with no totm acne unless it's doing something weird and coming later. I hope not.
I decided to give the glycolic fw a rest for a few days because my skin needs a break from acids. I don't want to explain what it's like but it's like I'm getting peels, which I technically kind of am, so there's a lot of new skin. It's hard to explain what it looks like. It's not awful but I can tell my skin isn't ready for aha's in large doses right now. I should've eased into the glycolic wash. It's a bit much. I'm using my regular bp fw 2x a day until I think I should add it back.