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Herbal remedies, natural remedies?


Posted : 11/10/2002 1:39 pm

I've been reading some things on the net about different types of herbal remedies. It actually is pretty confusing to me. I've taken vitamins and supplements before, but not specifically for acne, more for general health. Anyone tried any herbal acne remedies? I live in a small town and only really can read things on the net, instead of visiting a health food store. Any help would be appreciated! :)


Posted : 11/11/2002 12:23 pm

The main problem with herbal or natural remedies is the lack of standardization in the industry. You really don't know what you are getting in most of these so-called "acne cures". The only thing that most of these treatments will get rid of is your money. Some vitamins and minerals can be beneficial in acne treatment. Zinc is helpful for some. You should not take over 100 mg per day. You are much better off seeking standard acne treatment from a good dermatologist. He or she will probably treat your acne both internally and externally. This can include oral and topical antibiotics as well as other topical meds. One thing that I have found is that while using prescriptions meds it is best to avoid medicated cleansers and soaps.


Posted : 11/11/2002 7:18 pm

That's pretty much how I feel, too. Thanks! Just wanted some other opinions.


Posted : 11/26/2002 2:15 pm

HI, i have tried various herbal remedies including echinacea and saw palmetto. I dont reall know if any of those really worked. However, Zinc seems to work for me. I used optizinc...30 mg/ 3 times a day. THat seems to work. I am also going to try this thing that i foudn the other day.

it claims so many benefits so i figured why not.

This website maintained by this guy named alex chiu claims a world of benefits. Testimonials have seemed near miraculous. I myself am skeptical of such nonsense but he even offers free products. A guy in the testimonials claims that his acne and scars were cleared by this and well as a wealth of other benefits.

[Edited link out]


Posted : 12/09/2002 5:37 am

Umm.. If you are skeptical, then why do you lead people to his website? You're just another affiliate who's trying to get our $$$ :X


Posted : 12/09/2002 8:47 am

:X Hi. Right now (hope hope it is long lasting) what has worked for me in the herb line, as I went to a naturopath, is the Zinc. Now my naturopath said to try, if I liked, this blend called Zinc Plex, which is a blend of 3 different zincs, as they have found some people respond to some kiinds of zinc, others to another. So this has zinc and copper, have to have the copper, by the way, in the zinc to make it work! Another pill I am taking for liver help and assist, as I learned it is all interconnected, is an herb pill called T.A.P.S. with milk thistle, artichocke extract, turmeric extract and Picorhiza kurroa extract. I am also getting a high dose (not over 25,000 i.u., by the way, in Herpanacine, which is A, some E, seleniuim, and some amino acids and other herbs. Obtained the Herpanacine at health food store. You can probably find them all online. But I did go to Bastyr Clinic of Naturopathy, as I live in the suburbs of Seattle, and it is a great help. She also gave me a homeopathic one-time drug.

Results - after 2 weeks, had a HORRIBLE breakout. Then slowly it started healing, one side of face looking pimple free and the other slowly (still) drying up! My oil production is way down, and I am getting happy!

Hope that helps. It did me, but it takes TIME (it has been a 7 week process), lots of glasses of water, but I finally see results that are not just topical!

Karen aka Newcastlegirl


Posted : 12/10/2002 9:30 am

As far as your question with Alex Chiu, make sure that free means free. I also distribute Holistic pills that have good results with most forms of acne. Herbs are going on the basis of treating the problem from the inside out, treating the surface is not much help to what is going on beneath the skin.

When companies offer free products from experience I have found that free alot of the times means pay now refund later. I have been on the tail end of lengthly return policys, not being able to reach anyone in returns then being informed that I missed the return deadline and refund checks coming minus surcharges and many more.

As I said I to offer my products free, and free means pay nothing order nothing no money or credit cards exchanged I do not even ask you for a phone #. I do this because I believe in what I am distributing that much. I am trying to show you results before taking orders and if Alex Chui or anyone else truly believes in his results he'll do the same.


Its all just common sense if you are selling a quality product you can't lose

once people see results they'll order. Same basis as the lady at the supermarket giving out samples of food.




Posted : 11/22/2016 4:14 am

please check out our my blog, these natural cures are the only thing that healed me!
