AHA is not a requir...
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AHA is not a required element


Posted : 08/06/2006 4:18 am

Oo, my first post on this forum! Dan, any word yet on the Kiss My Face? I just discovered their oil free AHA product in an internet search (about five minutes ago) and was all set to run out to my local Whole Foods tomorrow! ;) I suppose they might not carry it if you had such trouble finding it. But it seems like a fairly inexpensive option (compared to Neutrogena or Neoteric) with the added bonus of not being tested on animals!


If you duplicate Euricin's Renewal Lotion's ingredients... then is it called illegal?? i mean why dont the manufacturers just duplicate it>> this doesnt sound to easy



Posted : 08/06/2006 3:17 pm

Hey, I just got the oil-free AHA Kiss My Face moisturizer at the local Vitamin Shoppe. I'll try it out tonight and tell you how it feels ;)


Posted : 08/07/2006 3:45 am

Well, I used it and it does have some problems. If I were to recommend it at all, I would only recommend it for night time.


It's very thick and doesn't go on too smoothly. It's probably too heavy for morning application.

It left kind of a white residue which is unsightly if you're not wearing makeup!

After it started to dry, either the lotion or the combo of lotion and BP started to rub into flakes all over the place.


So, for day time it's not a good choice! If you're not wearing any makeup it would be kind of unsightly, and if you were going to put on makeup it makes for a poor base! It might be ok just for nighttime, but I doubt it's the best option. I don't mind the drawbacks as long as it keeps my skin smooth and doesn't make me break out more! We'll see how it stands up longterm.


Posted : 08/14/2006 3:39 pm

Well, I've been using this Kiss My Face and my face is soo incredibly dry and flaky... I think my whole skin routine at the moment is screwed up :( Anyway, I finally checked out Paula Begoun's book, and here's what she had to say about the Kiss My FAce Oil-Free Aloe AHA moisturizer.


"Alpha + Oil Free Moisturizer 5% Alpha Hydroxy Acid Fragrance Free is indeed oil free, but it does contain other ingredients such as isopropyl palmitate and emulsifying wax that can be a problem for oily skin. While this product contains a concoction of AHAs, it would be far better if it only contained lactic acid and/or glycolic acid (they perform the best for skin). Regardless, the pH of this product isn't low enough to make it an effective exfoliant, though this would be a good moisturizer for dry skin. And this product is highly fragranced!"


So- bad for blemished, oily skin, not an effective exfoliator, and full of irritating fragrance! All in all, sounds completely wrong for the regimen and I'm out 10 bucks :( Dammit, why couldn't I have gotten to the library sooner!


Posted : 08/25/2006 6:35 am

Has anyone tried any of the St. Ives AHA products? I just started using the regimen, but I've been using the Apricot Scrub for years. In my years of dealing with acne, I always thought the scrub gave me good results even though it wasn't enough. However I've noticed that the Apricot Radiance line contains Alpha Hydroxy and the gentle microbeads to help with exfoliation. It's advertised as an age-defying product, but wouldn't it also work for our purposes?


There is also the Peel-off Hydroxy Mask with Alpha and Beta Hydroxy Complex. St. Ives Renew and Firm seems very similar to the Apricot Radiance product, but it seems it has the regular exfoliants as opposed to the gentler microbeads.


Sorry for what seems like a St. Ives ad, but I was wondering if a gentle cleanser with AHA could be just as effective as a moisturizer with AHA. It might help everyone for now on what seems like a challenging search for a decent moisturizer with AHA, and all that might be necessary is an AHA cleanser with your favorite regular moisturizer. I'm curious what everyone has to say about this.


Posted : 08/25/2006 12:06 pm

sorry i haven't tried the radiance line but i do occasionally use the peel off hydroxy mask. For me, the mask doesn't do miracles or anything but it does make my skin look more even toned and less flakey....I think it may have slightly helped with some redmarks as well but only the ones that were light to begin with...



Posted : 08/30/2006 6:39 pm

Dan, cant you just use the same ingredients that Eucerin Skin Renewal had to make your new moisterizer?

Its not like they can sue you for that since they dont make the moisterizer anymore....right?

or do you just want to make something better?


Posted : 09/09/2006 3:59 pm

Dan, cant you just use the same ingredients that Eucerin Skin Renewal had to make your new moisterizer?

Its not like they can sue you for that since they dont make the moisterizer anymore....right?

or do you just want to make something better?



i second this question! dan, thoughts?



Posted : 02/04/2007 3:22 pm

Dan, cant you just use the same ingredients that Eucerin Skin Renewal had to make your new moisterizer?

Its not like they can sue you for that since they dont make the moisterizer anymore....right?

or do you just want to make something better?


i second this question! dan, thoughts?




Posted : 03/17/2007 1:25 pm

When is it a good time to add in the AHA to the regimen? I've been on it for almost two weeks now (and I know its not yet, my skin is just starting to get red and irritated from the bp) but how will I know when i can start using it without getting more irritation?

Posted : 04/19/2007 5:46 pm

When is it a good time to add in the AHA to the regimen? I've been on it for almost two weeks now (and I know its not yet, my skin is just starting to get red and irritated from the bp) but how will I know when i can start using it without getting more irritation?

I'd say wait until you've been using the full amount of BP for at least a week or two before adding it. Also, only use AHA once a day (or even every other day) and don't use too much when you're starting out.



Posted : 04/29/2007 7:36 pm

this is my third month of the regimen and my skin is kind of dry and fairly red. not red marks but a redish tint. i've heard that aha in the moisturizer such as neutrogena healthy skin can even skin tone and reduce redness as well as moisturize. is this true? and i have sensitive skin, and i used to use stridex and i think it caused me to break out. should i still try AHA?


Posted : 05/01/2007 5:49 am

Hi guys! Cant find the Alpha AHA 10% lotion that Dan recommended cause I live in Australia and buying online is just too costly. I found one AHA lotion but its 15%. Is that okay ? Will it be over irritating and totally dry out the skin ? 10% is better ? 8% just as effective ?




Posted : 05/01/2007 5:37 pm

15% is really strong, I would not use that all over your face. I would just put it on small areas of your face, more like a spot-treatment to zap upcoming zits (that's how Dan uses it) than an overall exfoliating treatment. For the overall treatment, you'll want less than 10% AHA, 8% has been good for me. If you can find Neutrogena products, Neutrogena Healthy Skin Face Lotion is a good all-over AHA treatment.


Posted : 05/01/2007 7:20 pm

Oh thanks. Would 10%BP (have 2 more tubes left) be better for a spot-treatment or 15AHA ??


Posted : 05/01/2007 11:08 pm

Oh thanks. Would 10%BP (have 2 more tubes left) be better for a spot-treatment or 15AHA ??

Posted : 05/18/2007 3:45 pm

Plz look at this, some info seem to be good!


The biggest problem is that people donat give the acne cures enough time to actually work, switching from one product to the next on a weekly basis. It can take up to three months for an acne treatment to cure your acne, and you may even notice that your acne appears to be getting worse before it starts to get better. Failure to follow the product directions is another common problem. Using too much of the acne medication can be just as much of a problem as not using it enough, causing your skin to become irritated.



*moderator edit, please don't advertise other website's. Anyone interested in the links can PM Kintoesti for it*



Thanks Kintoesti!


Posted : 10/27/2007 10:23 pm

Plz look at this, some info seem to be good!


The biggest problem is that people donat give the acne cures enough time to actually work, switching from one product to the next on a weekly basis. It can take up to three months for an acne treatment to cure your acne, and you may even notice that your acne appears to be getting worse before it starts to get better. Failure to follow the product directions is another common problem. Using too much of the acne medication can be just as much of a problem as not using it enough, causing your skin to become irritated.



*moderator edit, please don't advertise other website's. Anyone interested in the links can PM Kintoesti for it*



Thanks Kintoesti!


Posted : 10/29/2007 9:18 pm


Beautiful skin means healthy skin, and it can be yours by simply adopting an easy skin-care ritual. The basic steps to a flawless face consist of two key elements: cleansing and moisturizing on a regular basis.




Cleansing removes impurities from the skin's surface and encourages a more radiant appearance.


When selecting the proper facial cleanser, it is important to be aware of the condition that your skin is currently... http://www.webyaa.com/search/node/beauty


Posted : 10/29/2007 9:22 pm

Beautiful skin means healthy skin, and it can be yours by simply adopting an easy skin-care ritual. The basic steps to a flawless face consist of two key elements: cleansing and moisturizing on a regular basis.




Cleansing removes impurities from the skin's surface and encourages a more radiant appearance.


When selecting the proper facial cleanser, it is important to be aware of the condition that your skin is currently... http://www.webyaa.com/search/node/beauty



Posted : 11/04/2007 7:22 pm

I think AHA is very important in an acne product. I have had good results from the products I have used that have contained it.


Posted : 11/12/2007 7:30 am

I think AHA is very important in an acne product. I have had good results from the products I have used that have contained it.

Posted : 12/09/2007 4:51 pm

Since Dan has kind of a hard time making a decent moisturizer.


Wouldnt it be a good idea if Dan created a moisturizer that had all the same exact ingredients from "Eucerin Skin Renewal"?


Posted : 12/29/2007 12:08 pm

So do you put on AHA lotion before or after your moisturizer? my moisturizer has spf 15, so i thought that i should still use it right?


Posted : 12/30/2007 2:44 am

So do you put on AHA lotion before or after your moisturizer? my moisturizer has spf 15, so i thought that i should still use it right?