Need Help With The ...
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Need Help With The Regimen...


Posted : 01/14/2015 2:26 pm

So I just started Dan's Regimen and have been on it for four days. Before I received the products, I decided to do the regimen with stuff I already had while I waited. I used a Cetaphil Cleansing Bar in place of the cleanser, Epiduo in place of the BP, and a Cerave moisturizer. I started that January 2nd and did it until January 10th. During that time, my face would BURN so bad when I used the Epiduo with the moisturizer. My face would itch, it was dry and red, but my breakouts were limited and seemed to be clearing. My products from arrived on January 10th, and after using them for four days my skin no longer burns (yay!) and is not as red and dry, but my acne has gotten pretty bad. (Check out my gallery for pictures). I am not sure if this is technically considered my second week on the regimen or my first, because I am not sure if the week using the epiduo counted towards my skin getting used to the BP. It's kind of confusing. I'm still going to continue to use this of course because of the great results I know I'll eventually achieve, it's just kind of hard to stay motivated! I know it's only been four days, it doesn't help that I'm impatient and have been struggling with acne since I was 11! (18 now) Could I get some opinions and maybe some encouraging words? Thanks!


Posted : 01/16/2015 9:37 am

Hi Melissa...

Congrats on deciding to start the Acne.Org Regimen!! First, consider yourself on day 6 or 7 (sorry for late reply!), so you're basically through your first week. Do not count your week on the other products. Second...PATIENCE!! I'm happy your skin is feeling better compared to last week, but do not make the mistake of plunging on ahead before your skin is ready...take it SLOW! Ease your skin into the treatment. This will keep you feeling as comfortable as humanly possible while your skin adjusts to the BP treatment, but some uncomfortable redness and dryness are to be expected and is perfectly normal. At this point, you should have used a pea-size portion of BP once a day for this week. For week 2, bump it up to a pea-size portion twice a day. By week 3, bump it up to a full pump twice a day. By week 4, you should be at the recommended 2 full pumps dosage twice a day. Expect to see some periodic breakouts/purging during the early weeks of the Regimen, followed by progressively more rapid clearing following each breakout. This is part of the process, so please try not to get discouraged! If you follow the Regimen religiously and as directed, you should see clear skin in the coming weeks! But it can take many more weeks, even months, to get consistently clear results. After the 4th or 5th week, you can safely build in Acne.Org AHA+ if you wish. You can beginning using jojoba oil with the moisturizer at any time for additional hydrating power, especially if you live in a cold climate.

Hope this is helpful! Please do not hesitate to ask more questions if you're not sure about something...the more you know, the more successful you'll be. Wishing you great success and clear skin!! :)


Posted : 01/16/2015 12:42 pm

Thank you so much! That makes me feel a lot better and now I know where I stand with the products! So my first week will be up tomorrow- wow, I've got a ways to go. But I'm excited to finally have clear skin.

I do have another question, which would you reccomend more, the AHA or the Jojoba oil?

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Posted : 01/16/2015 1:23 pm

At this point, definitely the jojoba oil! You can start using it now. Just mix 5-6 drops in with your moisturizer before applying anytime you feel your skin needs some extra hydration. Really helps with the uncomfortable dryness in those early weeks when your skin is still adjusting. After week 4 or 5 you can build in the AHA+. Personally I find these three products (jojoba, AHA+, and moisturizer) to be most effective when used together. My son does a 50/50 mix of AHA+ and moisturizer, plus 5-6 drops of jojoba oil...very hydrating! Great on flakes and dryness! :)


Posted : 01/16/2015 1:26 pm

Thanks again! I'll head over to the store right now :)

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Posted : 01/16/2015 1:35 pm

The jojoba oil will last you a very long time! You will probably never need to buy another one. Best of luck! :)
