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Epsom Salts, Tea tree & Vinegar


Posted : 03/05/2010 3:13 am

I have been using epsom salts, in various ways including the soaked pads on my face, for several weeks, and the difference in my skin is amazing. I have some pictures that I hope to post soon, when I get some time...the difference has been really remarkable.


Posted : 03/22/2010 12:44 pm

should you also use a moisturizer?


Posted : 03/22/2010 6:33 pm

is this really healthy for your skin in the long-term?...i don't know anything about chemistry but i do know that you can kill a snail with salt. salt pulls all the moisture out of your skin


I wouldn't think that Salt could harm your skin. For instance, anytime I go to the ocean for a swim, my skin always looks great after I get out. I just wish I could go everyday.


And yeah, I know I'm replying to an ancient post!


I'm going to start Epsom Salts tonight. I'd been on a really great diet that was clearing my skin up so fast, but I can't find the willpower to stick at it right now.



Posted : 08/23/2010 4:55 am

I am using Accutrex (isotretinoin) once a day 10mg. and been using epsom salt solution, leaving it overnight on face. My skin is sensitive, and will be (more) sensitive because of accutrex but can i use the two at the same time without irritating my face too much? Coz I know eventually accutrex will have drying effect and epsom might have the same effect too (?) I've been using epsom salt for a couple of days and the redness of small bumps disappeared. Maybe someone knows the answer? thanks!


Posted : 09/08/2010 9:58 am

I needed to comment since it was THIS POST that compelled me to actually join this website and not just lurk anymore. I started the epsom salt, tea tree & vinegar remedy (with a few tweaks) just last week and have seen a MAJOR improvement in my skin already. I have mild to moderate acne and this is the first time in 10 years that my skin not only looks healthy, but it feels amazing.


I did do the epsom salt soaked cotton pads for 2 nights but didn't have a major upheaval of anything like others did. But my skin felt really clean afterwards so now I do this:


I pour about a 1/4 cup epsom salt and a tablespoon of Manuka honey (Active 16+) into a small dish and add a touch of water. Stir it around and rub it into my face for about 3 mins, then rinse.


Combine a capful of Bragg's ACV with 1-2 drops of tea tree oil and tone my face for 2 mins (concentrating on the red marks). Don't rinse.


I do this routine morning and night.


I also steamed with ACV & epsom salts one night over the weekend, then took that water after it cooled, soaked some clean washcloths in the solution and let the cloths sit on my face for 3 mins, then rinsed, resoaked, replaced and repeated about 5 times. I could feel it working on my face - tingly, a little burny in the areas where my major bumps were. But the next morning, my skin was radiant.


Since starting this routine I've had some pores completely unblock themselves during the day (like I looked in the mirror yesterday and said "what's that?" and touched my left cheek and little beads were coming out of 3 of my pores). But mostly, I just look smooth and healthy. The red marks are fading very slightly (not sure if it's the honey or the ACV) and I know it will take time, but it truly is amazing.


Thank you to whoever started this post ages ago. I feel like a new person!


Posted : 11/20/2010 7:29 pm

Salts r great and vinger rocks. I use these too. Everyone with pimples should give this a go. Mother nature made these. :D


Posted : 02/25/2013 12:54 pm

Just wanted to bump this. I'm curious if anyone is still doing epsom salts? The product reviews are raving, but I can hardly find anything anywhere else about people using it to clear their skin.


Posted : 07/26/2013 1:26 am

Me too! Bump.
