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Cheating On Diet And Feeling Sick


Posted : 12/16/2013 9:23 pm

For anyone else that is on a relatively strict diet, do you feel sort of sick when you cheat? Every week or every two weeks I allow myself to have one cheat meal when I go out to dinner with my bf. The past couple of times I have felt sort of nauseous and just unwell in general after eating my cheat meal. Last night I had Greek food which included chicken, yogurt sauce, rice pilaf, and lots of pita bread, and I felt very nauseous afterward. I'm not sure if this is normal or not.


Posted : 12/16/2013 9:34 pm

YES! well.. i dont have a "diet" its more i cant eat food because of many allergic sensitivities to foods. :(

Like that sick feeling is adding milk to my tea- because im not supposed to have milk *crys* and also cant have a lot of tea because of my rosacea.

Also i feel i cheat more that im home from school! (its odd)- i have a awesome "diet"away at school- but at home... man oh man... why is that freaking cheese cake on the counter every day. or the gum drops sitting in the jar over the fridge- while i open the fridge to break off a stick of celery and walk away as my stomach sobs for that sugary goodness.

Also- after i eat a hamburger (which is rare for me) i feel like i want to hurl- and run up the road to the pasture to forgive the hurd of cows for eatting its friend.

Okay- my post went a bit off topic- its late, im tired. Night Night!


Posted : 12/16/2013 9:36 pm

If you feel nauseous after any food that is ingested that's your body telling you that whatever you just put in really shouldn't be there, I know it hard not to cheat but if your serious you have to get over cheat cravings. I do understand though, i just recently became 100% raw vegan and it was the best choice ive ever made in my life but it is not for the person with no will power. It takes A LOT of focus to switch from the SAD diet to the natural one your body is designed to run off of. In my opinion switching to paleo isn't really the answer for most of the people here. Our whole lives we were taught to eat cheese, bread, milk, eggs, and meat when in fact the answer is just fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds, all uncooked. My diet change fixed all my GI tract discomforts and problems, the fatigue is gone and you just feel way more grounded and connected to reality not foggy all the time. The only thing left is this stubborn acne which has gotten a lot better since the change but from what i'm told and seen with others it could take up to six months. So to answer your question no you should never feel sick at all when eating food, its just not the way it supposed to work you should feel recharged and lifted afterwards rather its a regular meal or the "cheat" one.


Posted : 12/17/2013 12:45 am

If you feel nauseous after any food that is ingested that's your body telling you that whatever you just put in really shouldn't be there, I know it hard not to cheat but if your serious you have to get over cheat cravings. I do understand though, i just recently became 100% raw vegan and it was the best choice ive ever made in my life but it is not for the person with no will power. It takes A LOT of focus to switch from the SAD diet to the natural one your body is designed to run off of. In my opinion switching to paleo isn't really the answer for most of the people here. Our whole lives we were taught to eat cheese, bread, milk, eggs, and meat when in fact the answer is just fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds, all uncooked. My diet change fixed all my GI tract discomforts and problems, the fatigue is gone and you just feel way more grounded and connected to reality not foggy all the time. The only thing left is this stubborn acne which has gotten a lot better since the change but from what i'm told and seen with others it could take up to six months. So to answer your question no you should never feel sick at all when eating food, its just not the way it supposed to work you should feel recharged and lifted afterwards rather its a regular meal or the "cheat" one.

I agree with you. I'd like to be able to stick to my diet 100% but it's really hard when when my friends and my boyfriend want to go out to eat. They don't seem to understand why I can't cheat every once in a while. My family also doesn't seem to understand

YES! well.. i dont have a "diet" its more i cant eat food because of many allergic sensitivities to foods. sad.png

Like that sick feeling is adding milk to my tea- because im not supposed to have milk *crys* and also cant have a lot of tea because of my rosacea.

Also i feel i cheat more that im home from school! (its odd)- i have a awesome "diet"away at school- but at home... man oh man... why is that freaking cheese cake on the counter every day. or the gum drops sitting in the jar over the fridge- while i open the fridge to break off a stick of celery and walk away as my stomach sobs for that sugary goodness.

Also- after i eat a hamburger (which is rare for me) i feel like i want to hurl- and run up the road to the pasture to forgive the hurd of cows for eatting its friend.

Okay- my post went a bit off topic- its late, im tired. Night Night!

Thanks for the reply. At least I'm not alone. I'm not sure if I'm intolerant to milk, but I haven't eaten it in awhile so maybe it was the yogurt sauce that caused the problem.


Posted : 12/17/2013 9:48 am

For anyone else that is on a relatively strict diet, do you feel sort of sick when you cheat? Every week or every two weeks I allow myself to have one cheat meal when I go out to dinner with my bf. The past couple of times I have felt sort of nauseous and just unwell in general after eating my cheat meal. Last night I had Greek food which included chicken, yogurt sauce, rice pilaf, and lots of pita bread, and I felt very nauseous afterward. I'm not sure if this is normal or not.


No. And I cheat all the time. I just mostly eat very well. Are you anxious about your cheat meals as you eat them or afterward?

There could be many other reasons such as intolerances to foods you normally avoid. For instance, in the above you mention bread. Do you normally avoid wheat/gluten? Or dairy? I'm intolerant to many citrus, so I know that if I cheated by having a tangerine, I will be getting cysts. Although they are a lot smaller than they used to be


Posted : 12/17/2013 1:13 pm

For anyone else that is on a relatively strict diet, do you feel sort of sick when you cheat? Every week or every two weeks I allow myself to have one cheat meal when I go out to dinner with my bf. The past couple of times I have felt sort of nauseous and just unwell in general after eating my cheat meal. Last night I had Greek food which included chicken, yogurt sauce, rice pilaf, and lots of pita bread, and I felt very nauseous afterward. I'm not sure if this is normal or not.


No. And I cheat all the time. I just mostly eat very well. Are you anxious about your cheat meals as you eat them or afterward?

There could be many other reasons such as intolerances to foods you normally avoid. For instance, in the above you mention bread. Do you normally avoid wheat/gluten? Or dairy? I'm intolerant to many citrus, so I know that if I cheated by having a tangerine, I will be getting cysts. Although they are a lot smaller than they used to be

I don't feel anxious about my cheat meals because I don't usually break out from them. My skin just gets slightly more oily after cheating. I do normally avoid wheat, gluten, and dairy, but I do not know if I am intolerant to them. Though, 2 weeks ago my cheat meal was some sushi, and I didn't seem to have a problem with that.


Posted : 12/19/2013 2:51 am

take digestive enzymes with cheat meals, that can lessen the blow. I also take more vitamin C with cheat meals because it helps minimize potential IgE/ IgG reactions.


Posted : 12/19/2013 8:24 am

take digestive enzymes with cheat meals, that can lessen the blow. I also take more vitamin C with cheat meals because it helps minimize potential IgE/ IgG reactions.

Yes. And a salad with vinaigrette, fiber supplement or handful of almonds or something to lower the impact before a high GI cheat.
