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Is Argan Oil Comedogenic?


Posted : 01/17/2013 8:11 am

Hey guys! I really need your help! I've been reading about argan oil and I really want to try, but some people say it could be comedogenic, while some say it doesn't block your pores at all. I intend to use it as a moisturizer. I have inflamed, and quite severe, acne, but I'm trying to get better via the natural route! (I really don't want to take accutane) So what are your experiences with argan oil? Or what have you heard about it? Does it block pores and cause more breakouts? Or does it really help with the inflamation/scarring? Share your thoughts with me, lovelies!


Posted : 01/17/2013 10:22 am

Depends upon the manufacturer. Try combination of oils. Argan, Tamanu, Camilia etc.


Posted : 01/17/2013 12:40 pm

Some people swear by it, it makes things worse in others. It's going to be like that for just about every product. Honestly, I don't know if I've ever seen anyone here who's skin was cleared up by argan oil -- most of what I've seen is people who use it for improving their skin. It supplemented a regimen, essentially. How has your experience been with other topicals?



In addition to a topical regimen, have you considered some lifestyle and dietary changes? It may be worth trying an elimination type diet for 30 days, focusing on nutrient dense, easily digestible, anti-inflammatory foods. Things like getting good sleep, sun, socializing, exercise, and the things you'll find in the thread below are helpful for improving life in general, so even if it doesn't quite help your acne, it'd be worth keeping anyhow for overall health! Good luck :)


Posted : 01/18/2013 7:51 am

Tim, I've been supplementing with specific vitamins/supplements, a cleaner diet, and meditating. The only thing I can't seem to give up is diary ;__; I love it too much! But I might try for a month if I have the willpower. I'm making a lot of changes in my lifestyle but I also want to use more natural products on my face than I do now, because they might be too harsh and stripping. I'm not sure, I just think natural will probably be better (and healthier, and much better for the environment! Which are the reasons for my decision)


I've had some success starting these methods, but I still have inflamed acne, and scars left behind from what has started to clear...and I read argan oil was good for both inflamed acne AND scars, which is why I thought it might be good to give it a go!
