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The Extreme Caveman Regimen - 100% Guranteed You Will Clear Your Acne (Only For People With Strong Will))


Posted : 06/01/2014 6:17 pm


Can I please ask: How did you go about not washing your hair? Didn't it stink awefully? Did you do anything to remove or cover the stink?

I don't know who you are asking. But I have quit using shampoo and only wash once every week or two with water. And no it doesn't stink. Doesn't frizz or need conditioner either. And I used to use tons of conditioner..

I only wash every 2 or 3 days, but never tried just rinsing with water and not using anything else. Is that the way that works the best? And conditioner... why don't you use it? Don't you pull out more hair when you try to comb out your tangles? I've heard that if you use it only on the bottom of your hair and work your way up without touching your scalp (which is somewhat difficult and strange) that it won't cause your skin glands to over or under produce oil to moisturize your skin. Also, do you shed a lot of hair overall? I can go as far as 20 strands a day, maybe even more.


Posted : 06/02/2014 7:54 am




Can I please ask: How did you go about not washing your hair? Didn't it stink awefully? Did you do anything to remove or cover the stink?


I don't know who you are asking. But I have quit using shampoo and only wash once every week or two with water. And no it doesn't stink. Doesn't frizz or need conditioner either. And I used to use tons of conditioner..

I only wash every 2 or 3 days, but never tried just rinsing with water and not using anything else. Is that the way that works the best? And conditioner... why don't you use it? Don't you pull out more hair when you try to comb out your tangles? I've heard that if you use it only on the bottom of your hair and work your way up without touching your scalp (which is somewhat difficult and strange) that it won't cause your skin glands to over or under produce oil to moisturize your skin. Also, do you shed a lot of hair overall? I can go as far as 20 strands a day, maybe even more.

I'm still working out what works best. But I don't use conditioner because it doesn't need it. And I used to need tons in order to comb thru the tangles.


Posted : 06/03/2014 5:37 am

Well, I was asking royalty, the person who made the original post. But no matter

I've been trying to cut down on my hair washes but I can't seem to make it work. It has gotten better (I was every 3 days now as opposed to 1-2 days, and I don't get stinky hair anymore as I used to) but I can't seem to bring the in-between washings up to a week, which is what I want.

I've washed my hair with baking soda for about a year now and rinsed with either honey or vinegar.

I just recently switched to an organic shampoo made for dry hair and I have yet to see if it works better or worse.

Any thoughts or ideas would be welcome


Posted : 06/04/2014 11:05 am

Well, I was asking royalty, the person who made the original post. But no matter

I've been trying to cut down on my hair washes but I can't seem to make it work. It has gotten better (I was every 3 days now as opposed to 1-2 days, and I don't get stinky hair anymore as I used to) but I can't seem to bring the in-between washings up to a week, which is what I want.

I've washed my hair with baking soda for about a year now and rinsed with either honey or vinegar.

I just recently switched to an organic shampoo made for dry hair and I have yet to see if it works better or worse.

Any thoughts or ideas would be welcome



tbinybg liked

Posted : 08/28/2014 6:44 pm

I've been doing this regime for about 2 weeks now and OMG!!!! it actually works! I was really skeptical before I tried it but thought what the hell I've tried everything else.

Prior to this I was using Proactive, never going back to that again. My skin feels awesome, I haven't had any breakouts since starting the regimen and my skin isnt oily anymore.

I just wash my face once a day while I'm in the shower with water and a wash cloth and then I put on a light oil free moisturiser at night and that seems to work best for me.

Not everyones skin is the same but I would definitely recommend at least trying this regimen.


Posted : 08/30/2014 7:50 am



Posted : 11/28/2014 2:55 pm

How will I shave my face if nothing is supposed to touch it? What shavers would you recommend (electric or regular)?


Posted : 12/03/2014 8:59 pm

Acne is not an inflammation disease. This is non sense.

There is a very simple way of knowing.


If acne were a inflammatory disease then NSAIDS would diminish it.

Acne is a sebum disease. We must figure out why our sebum is pouring out


Posted : 12/05/2014 1:31 am

you guys should just check for food sensitivities, instead. amd NO, that's not the same as allergies.

the reason third world countries get less acne cases is probably because they don't fuck their food up as much as we do. when we get bad pepducts in our diet, it destroys our digestive system and causes sensitivities.

probably why paleo works, if it really does. I'm going to look it up and possibly try it out.


Posted : 12/19/2014 5:49 am


Paleo isn't a diet because it is physically impossible to eat a paleo diet in todays world.

Food is fundamentally different now. Take broccoli for example. Back in Paleo times Broccoli wasn't edible. We have agriculturally modified to suit our tastes. So based on that one fact alone Paleo is impossible.

The average caveman lived to around 25 years of age on this diet!

Watch this video clip. Actual science being demonstrated here and not some douche bag so call nutritionist trying to make a quick penny off the paleo diet.



Posted : 12/21/2014 2:46 pm

@ Havoc

Well I'm definetely not going the paleo route. But that's mainly because these sensitivity test results have been clearing me up. Nice to see people doing their research, though.

o Havoc o liked

Posted : 07/21/2015 12:20 pm

Great post thanks


Posted : 07/27/2015 12:37 pm

I wanted to tell my story and how I healed my face. ( Sorry for my English ...)

I never had acne when I was teenager , I always had a nice clean skin. When I turned 18 I started to wear makeup ( but not a moisturizers or skin care ) , my face was clear. Then after I turned 25 I started to add a bit moisturizer and serum and scrubs and masks and etc...I didn't notice any difference really but my face just turned a bit red ...and I always had to wear foundation just to cover redness. Now when I am 35 my skin got worse with breakouts and pimples and skin inflammation on a regular basis . So I started to "clean my face " more and more with soaps and scrubs which just dried out my face more. Then I tried BP and SA ( stupid idea ) for 2 weeks my face was so red and irritated like crazy. Nothing didn't help me . I went to dermatologist and he prescribed me some pills and creams for 6 months...But my gut feeling just told me that I don't want to poison my body with these antibiotics and didn't take it...I was so desperate , my self esteem went down and my social life kept to minimal. I've tried all the diets , eliminated chocolate, sugars, milk and dairy , meat and fruits....) nothing helped. Every products I putted on my face got it worse.

One day a friend of mine came to me and her face is very nice and clear , so I asked what products she use and she told me nothing...She never put moisturizer or makeup on her face, she just wash it with water and that's all ! Then I realized that my husband has the most clear face and he only use water on his face as well. Each day I read the ingredients in skin care and how many chemicals they use in it. I came to the point that I couldn't use anything on my face except water. After a week of using only water my skin begun to calm and redness went away a bit. My skin felt dry in the beginning ( of course I didn't moisturized ) and I had some flakiness.

I decided to give my skin a break from all these chemicals that I am pretty sure caused all these problems. After about 2 weeks I did had some white heads ( maybe the pores were just cleaning itself or purging period ) but they dried out fast with no red marks. My face calmed more and more everyday and pimples just went away. I do believe that we just brain washed with all the media and commercial products. Our natural body and skin can heal itself with time just give it a chance. Now I am pretty confident without foundation and my skin looks nice and clear finally after a years of suffering. It was just a sign that I have to stop using these chemicals on my face, and let skin to breath. I only put mascara and liner on my eyes and remove it with Olive oil on the cotton pad and wash it with water only. Ohh I forgot to tell that I bought a Natural bar soap unsented fragrance free from Organic store and washed my face in the shower Once a week with bar soap ( just to take away all the flakiness ) it didn't irritate my skin and didn't cause any dryness . I am at 4 weeks now using only water morning and evening on my face. I feel that my skin appreciate that and response with respect. I wish my experience will help others who suffers from pimples and will heal their face as well. There is a Caveman regimen on Internet when you don't wash your face at all , but for me it was too much and I decided to wash only with water . Good luck to everyone and remember that our Nature is much smarter that all these commercial products.


What do you think about putting natural things like sea salt and ACV?


Posted : 07/27/2015 1:05 pm

great post


Posted : 08/25/2015 3:23 am

(i have adult acne, my main problem is small spots & sensitive skin which results in horrible redness.)



i just wanted to add, im also trying my best at the SLS free, cold water only regimen. which is working quite nicely. - i currently use vitamins, sls free toothpate but no soap or creams on my face. ( my diet is not "great" at this time)



i think this type of regimen takes a lot of discipline. ideally you need to not pick your face at all,wash your face a maximum of 2 times only per day & if it starts becoming a problem, you need to stop & let your skin do what its got to do. (i know... easier said then done )



from what im learning from trying this regimen:


redness & minor spots heal quite quickly.

excessive oil production calms down after only a few days.

blocked pores try to expel dirt & clean themselves .

excessive washing even with water can cause some minor irritation.

touching skin will still result in redness / spots but these seem to heal quite fast.

-either excessive washing with water or touching skin results in itchy skin.



im going to try my best to stick with this regimen because its the only thing which seems to be working for me. ideally i will try and wean myself of my vitamins (30mg zinc & 200mg vitamin c) and get back on a strict diet (no pepsi max /sweets ect) to see if i can maintain any good results.


Posted : 05/31/2017 11:05 am

hello @royalty,please give us an update. How is the caveman regimen working for you, are you still following the regimen

