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Low Stomach Acid?


Posted : 03/25/2012 5:06 pm

I seem to have the symptoms of low stomach acid, and supposedly that can lead to acne.


Anyone had this problem and did you take supplements to fix this?


edit: Here is an article that mentions the kind of foods that raise stomach acid http://www.livestron...e-stomach-acid/


Dairy, coffee, alcohol, fruits, seasonings, soft drinks, fatty foods.


Notice anything? Chances are a lot of people don't suffer from acne, in PART because they eat crap which keeps their stomach acid levels high. If those people started eating healthy, some of them might end up with too low stomach acid. Of course I don't recommend eating that stuff, I know a lot of those break me out.


Here are better ways to increase stomach acid: http://www.livestron...tomach-acidity/


Note that it includes adding vinegar to your food, and this could explain in part why apple cider vinegar has been reported to be helpful to many. In fact, another article there specifically mentions adding ACV to increase stomach acid if you have low stomach acid: Apple cider vinegar mixed with plain water and taken daily may increase stomach acid production.


"Apple cider vinegar mixed with plain water and taken daily may increase stomach acid production."


Posted : 03/26/2012 8:54 am

It's one of many ways that ACV is helpful a major one being glucose metabolism.


And you could try taking supplements for a bit to see if that improves your symptoms, and if so, start consuming the spices (salt, capsaicin, black pepper, chewing and other things that stimulate stomach acid.


Posted : 06/08/2013 10:48 pm

I also really think this is a problem for acne sufferers. I mean if you have a bad diet, eventually you won't have the nutrients to produce good and/or enough stomach acid, and then it's an awful cycle, of low stomach acid and poor absorption
