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Zinc supplements - can this cause hair loss?


Posted : 10/12/2010 3:31 am

So I started up taking supplements again the other week - 50mg zinc, cod liver oil, Vit B complex.


I noticed last time with taking zinc, for a few days, my oiliness really reduced (but then went back to usual levels).


Around this time when I started the zinc the other week, I suddenly noticed that something was different about my hairline - right at the side of my forehead, the natural line on one side has gone completely straight :( . It looks like a bad wig, not a natural hairline!


This is because I have developed a little alopecia. I think - I hope - that there is a bit of soft stubble there and it will grow back in.


I was also ill last week with an ear infection.


But I was wondering if this could be b/c of the zinc??


Or could be coincidental, and nothing to do with it.


I don't normally get hair loss, this is only the 2nd time in my life I've developed a small bald patch (I have long, thick hair).


Anyone else had this happen?


Posted : 10/12/2010 8:05 pm

i highly doubt it. And its one small bald spot for goodness sake, dont worry about it


Posted : 10/12/2010 8:08 pm

Zinc shouldn't cause that to happen from what I know.


Posted : 10/12/2010 11:30 pm

Ive heard of too much Zinc being able to cause hair loss, haven't read any studies on it though. Copper deficiency is a supposed link to Zinc supplementation, which can cause hair loss and a lot of other things as well. Then again too much copper can cause more severe problems. I would only supplement copper if you've taken a copper serum test or something other. Most range of supplementation are between .5 -1mg, not 100% sure though.


Look for ties between zinc and deficiencies. Zinc itself shouldn't cause hair loss, but it DOES regulate hormones. What form of Zinc are you taking? Research the thyroid and Zinc relation. There's sometimes where you can actually tip-toe hypo/hyper thyroidism from SOME supplements.


Posted : 10/13/2010 3:03 pm

Here's the deal.

Zinc is used to treat and prevent male pattern baldness. Too much of it can cause hair loss, so can too little. So take it as adviced, 50mg per day.


Posted : 07/06/2015 5:58 pm

So I started up taking supplements again the other week - 50mg zinc, cod liver oil, Vit B complex.


I noticed last time with taking zinc, for a few days, my oiliness really reduced (but then went back to usual levels).


Around this time when I started the zinc the other week, I suddenly noticed that something was different about my hairline - right at the side of my forehead, the natural line on one side has gone completely straight sad.gif . It looks like a bad wig, not a natural hairline!


This is because I have developed a little alopecia. I think - I hope - that there is a bit of soft stubble there and it will grow back in.


I was also ill last week with an ear infection.


But I was wondering if this could be b/c of the zinc??


Or could be coincidental, and nothing to do with it.


I don't normally get hair loss, this is only the 2nd time in my life I've developed a small bald patch (I have long, thick hair).


Anyone else had this happen?

Hello, please give me a head's up on how's the situation right now. You have literally described my doings : taking zinc + vitamins (stopped a while ago), as well as the ear infection (second time this year, a month ago). Excessive hair on my hands during shower really bugs me, im only 19....
