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Why masturbation causes acne?


Posted : 11/05/2007 5:33 pm

Tru brotha ^

(first time someone used that icon)

Yes, finally after many fight, people are taking this issue of masturbation seriously . It does contribute to acne, in many people beyond any reasonable doubt, we are the proof of it.

The author of is not coherent in his "dispel myths" section. He says that stress affects hormones and in theory can affect acne... but he says masturbation or sex cant? As we all know

sex affects hormones also, I do know why he didnt applied the same logic he did stress. Because no one wants to blame sex, anyone who says that sex can cause some arm even if it is just in the teenagers, this person will be seen as a religious freak, a retarded, that uses 17th century thinking...


Posted : 11/05/2007 10:13 pm

ewwwwww , what a weird thread.


Posted : 11/06/2007 1:30 am

My urologist told me that masturbation on a regular basis can prevent prostate cancer. I have never notoced any difference in my acne either way. I have gone so long without sex (by my own choice) that if i didnt masturbate I would end up going crazy.




Posted : 11/06/2007 5:49 am

My urologist told me that masturbation on a regular basis can prevent prostate cancer. I have never notoced any difference in my acne either way. I have gone so long without sex (by my own choice) that if i didnt masturbate I would end up going crazy.

Well at my age of 21 Im far more concerned about getting acne, that prostate cancer... statistically speaking of course..

The idea is not to stop masturbating completly, just to reduce the frequency to 1-3 times a week.


Posted : 11/06/2007 9:03 am




Posted : 12/19/2007 8:18 pm

God some of you guys are so ignorant.


Saying "Masturbation doesn't cause acne" like some sort of know it all. It's the same as anything else. For some it has an affect, for others it doesn't. Putting your foot down and saying "I don't even know you but you're wrong, I'm right" is stupid. If someone says it causes Acne for them, then believe it. I can vouch for this. I masturbated a lot last week and my skin looks like shit this week. I didn't change diet or anything. So why else would it happen?


I agree that it does cause acne. I believe mine is hormonal and that the masturbation increases flare ups due to hormonal increases. As simple as that. I like jerking off, who doesn't? But I'm going to try and stop doing it for a while to see if it works. But even then, there's usually more than 1 factor in acne. It's not just "you jerk off to much" or "you eat the wrong food". It's usually a combination of all three.


Fuck it, I'm seriously considering just buying accutane online. And if I could get some help in the matter, I'd probably have already done it.


Posted : 12/19/2007 11:04 pm

yeah I don't understand how people can say acne isn't aggravated by masturbation.

think about it.

acne starts when you start puberty, which is also the same time that a guy can actually ejaculate (which I think is the biggest cause of the acne-masturbation relationship)


since your sperm/semen is made up of a variety of substances including vitamins and minerals, can't people realize that your body can potentially use some of the vitamins/minerals used to maintain your skin to make your sperm?

thats why i think overdoing it makes it worse and worse.


i think men past puberty have no say in this matter too


Posted : 12/21/2007 9:30 pm

I should add you can't stop masturbating forever regardless. I think the prostate swells over time and I've recently gone two weeks without it and I was literally in pain. My groin felt like it was paralyzed so I do think abstaining from it for too long can be bad.


Posted : 12/21/2007 9:52 pm

No need for abstinence. I've cut down from 6-7 times per week to 2-3 spread out. The biggest difference I've noticed is that I don't break out with whiteheads on my chin/upper lip anymore. That seemed to be a really common consequence of frequent masturbation for me.


Posted : 12/21/2007 11:48 pm

well, i think matsurbation reduced acne for me cuz it releives my stress that i have built up thinking about my acne. i masturbate every night b4 i go to bed.


Posted : 12/23/2007 10:55 pm

I just had a nocturnal emission today. Is this considered masturbation?


Posted : 12/24/2007 12:30 am

Lol too funny.. Ya i doubt masturbation causes acne. That is the same as saying sex causes acne. or masturbating causes hair on your palms.


Posted : 12/25/2007 1:38 pm

Lol too funny.. Ya i doubt masturbation causes acne. That is the same as saying sex causes acne. or masturbating causes hair on your palms.


You will have acne for many years until you realize that... merry christmas


Posted : 01/20/2008 2:15 pm

Sorry about bumping a month old thread, but for me it seems if i don't masturbate at least once every three days, my acne gets worse and i get more spots, i am relatively clear now but it seems weird people breakout when they masturbate, when i breakout when not masturbating. Also for me, not masturbating/ not having sex causes my stress to increase and doing it lowers my stress.





Posted : 01/20/2008 2:27 pm

i went 6 weeks without masturbation before. an breakouts almost didn't change at all. i dont tink it has anything to o with sex. but it does ave to do with stress. i notice when im really stressed out,i tend to break out more. my ex gf wanted to have sex as many times a day as possible. sometimes it would be 5-6 times a day, everyday. but acne never got worse. it wasn't until she started creating drama that i broke out more than i normally did


Posted : 02/12/2008 5:43 pm

There is obviously massive variety on the effects of masturbation. Personally I worked it was linked before this site existed but it is not as simple as just saying stop masturbating, as after going a while I find it quite difficult to have a decent nights sleep until I have done the deed. This allows a decrease in stress and hence is good mentally but physically may have a detrimental effect so it is difficult to judge the actual affect on the acne. Sex has a different affect on my skin, it improves it dramatically (a catch 22 if ever there was one ). That is probably due to the decreased stress and positive nature of the chemicals released, not a very scientific explanation but I am sure there is one related to a redress in the balance of lost coenzyme A. This article released today also mentions the beneficial effect on skin.


Posted : 02/12/2008 8:39 pm

If it did cause acne , my head would be one large zit.

Or i would be blind in both eyes , another old wife's tale.


Posted : 02/21/2008 10:44 pm

i had sex and masterbated at least 3 times a day when i had clear skin!! i dont have sex anymore and i hardly masterbate. Now i have mild/moderate acne it sucks. there havent been any improvement on my skin since. i dont think its linked. my personal orgasm relieves stress..


Posted : 06/22/2009 5:19 am

Dont answer me "its not real" or "its the age" -_-' its not true. Masturbation causes acne on me and a lot of other peoples. I have read Hundreds of topic and forums with this problem : after masturbation, pimples go out on skin after about 24 hours; if not masturbate, there are no pimples.


I have this problem too and i havent found the right cure after years to dermatologies and a lot of therapies. I am 20 and i have this problem since 11.


I know that it's not possible cure this problem, but i wanna know only why there is a problem like this in a lot of people ? what is the cause?




Sorry for bad english


Posted : 06/22/2009 9:12 am

Are you sure, you told dermatologies about it and they don't have answer for you?


Posted : 06/22/2009 9:22 am

the only thing that they can do is "laugh " -_-' but the problem exist and they dont want solve it


Posted : 06/22/2009 1:41 pm

I know you said not to, but I gotta say it: It's not real.


The correlation between masturbating and breaking out is either illusory or there is a third variable at work.


Maybe it's a self-fulfilling prophecy. People who believe the myth that masturbating causes acne... masturbate, stress out that they will breakout after they get their rocks off, and end up breaking out because of all the worrying. ;)


But if you really believe masturbation causes acne, stop masturbating. lol.


Posted : 06/22/2009 5:44 pm

masturbating messes with your hormones which increase oily production. i guess people grow out of it? if you have read so many topics already, why are you asking this`?


Posted : 06/22/2009 5:52 pm

- You might as well say that sex causes breakouts as well....I don't believe the problem lays with you rubbing one out :) I think it could possibly be that you sweat while masturbating....I don't know if you wash your face after wards... but try it next time and see if there's a difference.


Posted : 06/22/2009 8:51 pm

I know for me ejaculation doesnt cause acne no matter how many times I do it (instead it was a food group which caused my acne, dairy), but I do have very oily skin so that could be causing it. Does masturbating have any effect on oilyness in the skin?
