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Don't know what to do now


Posted : 08/08/2016 8:07 pm

My face is fucked up it's a complete mess, I'm not going back to school and I don't want to work when I look this fucking ugly.
My fucking parents don't understand me they don't understand how annoying acne is. They won't let me stay at home.

I don't know what to do now I'm stuck


Posted : 08/08/2016 8:40 pm

When I was sixteen , I woke up I was getting dressed to go to class as usual. My mother looked at my face and said: "My God , you can not go to class with the face like that!".

That day I was very depressed, because that day I knew I was looking like a freak.

I did not do anything about it and today I have the scarred face. Want a tip from a guy who lives with this shit for 8 years ? Look for a treatment for your skin.


Posted : 08/16/2016 1:58 pm

On 2016-08-09 at 3:40 AM, freddykrueger said:
When I was sixteen , I woke up I was getting dressed to go to class as usual. My mother looked at my face and said: "My God , you can not go to class with the face like that!".

That day I was very depressed, because that day I knew I was looking like a freak.

I did not do anything about it and today I have the scarred face. Want a tip from a guy who lives with this shit for 8 years ? Look for a treatment for your skin.

Mate my skin is already fucked up and besides I have tried loads of stuff but nothing seems to be working


Posted : 08/24/2016 4:25 pm

I'm sorry you're going through this :/ Acne is one of the biggest inconveniences for teens/young adults to go through in a society where we focus so much on appearance. You definitely aren't alone. 

You said you've tried plenty of stuff. Do you mean all  the products available in stores, going to the dermatologist, trying the regimen, etc.? I know you mentioned that your parents weren't taking how you feel about your skin seriously, which sucks. If possible, try to see if you can schedule an appointment with a dermatologist and discuss it with him/her. And if you don't want to do that, maybe try the regimen if you haven't already. It's worked for a lot of people, and it's worth a shot! 

Like I said, you aren't alone at all. I hated my face for a year and half because it was so awful and I felt so self conscious. Good luck and keep us posted with whatever you decide to do, or how you're feeling!


Posted : 08/25/2016 4:05 am

11 hours ago, supsarah said:

I'm sorry you're going through this :/ Acne is one of the biggest inconveniences for teens/young adults to go through in a society where we focus so much on appearance. You definitely aren't alone. 

You said you've tried plenty of stuff. Do you mean all  the products available in stores, going to the dermatologist, trying the regimen, etc.? I know you mentioned that your parents weren't taking how you feel about your skin seriously, which sucks. If possible, try to see if you can schedule an appointment with a dermatologist and discuss it with him/her. And if you don't want to do that, maybe try the regimen if you haven't already. It's worked for a lot of people, and it's worth a shot! 

Like I said, you aren't alone at all. I hated my face for a year and half because it was so awful and I felt so self conscious. Good luck and keep us posted with whatever you decide to do, or how you're feeling!

Thanks for cheering me up but I'm fed up with doctors fuck them they don't care, I haven't tried the regimen does it work? 


Posted : 08/25/2016 4:14 am

Well seeing as only a few people interested and you might be thinking im still experimenting something and i am well aware that you dont want to risk your skin.

Anyway, I sincerely hope my idea can help you. So there it goes have you seen anyone use hot water compressed 60-70 degree celcius in cotton cloth and hold onto scars area 1-2minutes? But before this you will need to get the supplement "solgar dry vitamin A tablet form" which contain retinyl palmitate 5000IU and L-ascorbic acid 10mg and crush one tablet into powdery form. After that wet the scars area with some water and your fingers as well because you will be using your finger to dap on the powder so it will stick to your fingers and start to apply it on the scars areas massaging for 30sec - 1minutes. After that use the cotton cloth/pad /wrapped into ball to absorb the hot water(60-70 degree) and hold onto your scars areas for 1-2minutes. If you find it too hot you can try press release press release until you doesnt feel much of the heat and hold it for 1-2minutes. You can repeat the procedure 2-3times per day but not too frequent like 2-3times/week so that let the scars have enough time to heal. I think basically this idea is to speed up the scars healing process to maximum. (It definitely speed up the healing in my case). The last part and most important is youMUSTwash it off with AHA cleanser or gentle mild cleanser or any type coz it seems to clogged a bit pores. You can also consume the supplement too if you want. I used nixodem once in a while to clear up the clogged pores. It is totally up to you when you want to do this treatment during weekend or before sleep so that the next morning the redness side effect has already subsided.

The after effect you get is some temporary redness after some time it will subside maybe like 1-2hours. You can apply makeup if you cannot wait. This might best suit for those with fresh scars, im not sure about old scars and deep indented. You might wanna give it a try if you like it :-), I think this works on hyperpigmentation/post inflammation too to shorten healing time by a lot. Yeah..

WARNINGThe scars areas will be a bit sensitive so if you are not wearing make up you can apply some sun screen when going outdoors.
There will be a slight dizziness so it might not suitable for weak heart/low blood pressure/low blood sugar.

Well thats pretty much it. I hope it helps 🙂 Feel free to ask me anything


Posted : 08/25/2016 8:41 am

4 hours ago, Gunner23 said:
16 hours ago, supsarah said:

I'm sorry you're going through this :/ Acne is one of the biggest inconveniences for teens/young adults to go through in a society where we focus so much on appearance. You definitely aren't alone. 

You said you've tried plenty of stuff. Do you mean all  the products available in stores, going to the dermatologist, trying the regimen, etc.? I know you mentioned that your parents weren't taking how you feel about your skin seriously, which sucks. If possible, try to see if you can schedule an appointment with a dermatologist and discuss it with him/her. And if you don't want to do that, maybe try the regimen if you haven't already. It's worked for a lot of people, and it's worth a shot! 

Like I said, you aren't alone at all. I hated my face for a year and half because it was so awful and I felt so self conscious. Good luck and keep us posted with whatever you decide to do, or how you're feeling!

Thanks for cheering me up but I'm fed up with doctors fuck them they don't care, I haven't tried the regimen does it work? 

The regimen works for a lot of people! It was my last resort and I had doubts, but my skin stopped breaking out and then I just had to wait for the red marks to go away.

I'll give you a backstory. Basically, I've always had troublesome skin since I was 13-14 and it reached its peak when I was 18-19. My freshman year of college, I had the worst breakout of my life so far. My cheeks were covered with acne and it was red and big. Usually they would never be like that, but this breakout was worse than ever. I went to my doctor, and she prescribed some antibiotics and retin-a. The retin-a just made my skin worse (which I know it's supposed to do, bringing everything to the surface), and I really couldnt handle it so I didn't finish with it. The antibiotics also never helped. I saw a derm in the past but chose not to for this breakout because the stuff he gave me before stopped working. I played around with other face washes, gels, etc. and nothing seemed to work. I reached an all time low, and knew about this website so I decided to ask people if the regimen/products really work. A lot of people said it helped tremendously, so I gave it a go. My breakouts stopped I would say a week and a half later, which was a miracle! The only sucky part was that I had red marks leftover from this break out, just with no new pimples. With time and using AHA (alpha hydroxy acid, which also sells), the red marks faded :) 

So, I would recommend trying the regimen, especially since you've tried everything else but havent tried this yet :) 

Destroyed liked

Posted : 08/25/2016 5:21 pm

Being a teen with acne is just the worst. It still sucks as an adult but luckily I am in charge of my own body now and not dependent on my parents for anything. I know what you are going through. And teens are so hard on each other and themselves. As you get older and more comfortable with yourself, not only do your hormones settle down a little but you also just learn to accept yourself and all your flaws. Well almost. I am not saying I don't want clear skin like the rest of us but I am more ok with myself no matter what my breakout situation is like. I go outside even with huge cysts on my face, talk to whomever and just think "if they have a problem with my face, that is their issue not mine."

So although I don't have any great advice or a miracle cure or anything, the only thing I can tell you is stay strong, gut it out and have faith that it will get better in time. XOXOX


Posted : 08/27/2016 3:20 am

On 25 August 2016 at 11:21 PM, gamejunky said:

As you get older and more comfortable with yourself, not only do your hormones settle down a little but you also just learn to accept yourself and all your flaws.

I don't think you necessarily get more comfortable with yourself as you get older. There's just a hell of a lot less pressure to conform and be accepted by your peer group.

I remember when I was 20, if I stayed home on a Saturday night I genuinely felt like I was missing out and wasting my life. Now I'm over 30 I can spend entire weekends alone and not really care.


Posted : 08/28/2016 3:29 am

I remember my last year in college i barely went to class because of my acne. I was on accutane at that time and i looked horrible. At my graduation i looked horrible. 5 years later- now- i dont look as horrible but i still dont have clear skin, it breaks out a lot and there are scars left. Dont know what to do...hormones are crazy. Maybe try clay masks, zinc, vitamin a oil. These help a little.


Posted : 08/29/2016 3:36 pm

Is there anything to do? fml


Posted : 08/30/2016 2:19 am

Going to school with acne was the worst. I think back of those times like a war veteran with ptsd would think about being in war.


Posted : 08/30/2016 4:44 pm

On 8/9/2016 at 3:07 AM, Gunner23 said:

My face is fucked up it's a complete mess, I'm not going back to school and I don't want to work when I look this fucking ugly.
My fucking parents don't understand me they don't understand how annoying acne is. They won't let me stay at home.

I don't know what to do now I'm stuck

Yeah. It will be difficult if you think it is a problem. Listen, it is not your fault that you have acne. Do you understand? Keep your head high. Do not let these thoughts bring you down. It will be difficult at first but you will be alright. Please look at this (it might help to see other people talk about it):

Your mother said something incredibly insensitive I agree. Please sit down with here today and tell her exactly how you feel. Perhaps things will change if you open up a dialogue between the two of you.

Lots of people go through acne at school, however, there are a lot of negative people on here that might not accurately reflect how people live with acne. You should definitely not feel like this. I know acne is hard, but it will pass.


Posted : 09/06/2016 3:29 pm

I'm sorry you're feeling this way and going through all this BS. It's especially tough at your age. I know you'll probably hear this over and over but don't give up. I know it seems like you're trying everything, and testing out so many products, but you have to keep trying until you find ones that work for you. It'll take awhile, but eventually you'll have the proper items to help keep your skin in check. I've had a holy grail face wash, toner, serum, and moisturizer, and lightening products. If your drugstores have a good return policy, take advantage of it and test out a bunch of stuff.

I also highly, HIGHLY recommend trying out some chemical peels from Makeup Artists Choice. I wish I had know about them when I was younger, it would have much improved and possibly prevented the pitted acne scars I have now. A lot of their other products are really good as well.

Keep your head up, you haven't tried everything yet. There's something in the world that's going to work for you.

Yola4 liked

Posted : 09/06/2016 4:29 pm

Gunner23, I'm so sorry to hear your going through this . I hope things get better for you soon!

I ABSOLUTELY agree with the above post! I had acne for over 10 years and nothing worked for me. When my derm ran out of options and suggested Accutane I became very depressed. I wasn't willing to risk my health for clear skin. But that was just my choice. If my acne resulted in pitted scarring then I probably would have given Accutane a chance regardless of the risks.

MUAC (MakeupArtistsChoice) has changed my life! Everyone's skin is different, as acne has several root causes, so it takes trial and error to find the right regimine for your individual skin. But I would highly suggest trying the Mandelic Acid Toner. In one month my acne was gone and years of red marks were disappearing!!! Thanks to their glycolic peels and Mandelic toner my skin has been acne free for years now! Type in acne and read the product reviews. Or you could try Dans BP. There seems to be a lot of success stories using that too.

I understand what your going through. I remember missing classes in college because of acne breakouts. I missed out on a lot of social/family events that I can't get back. Remember time flies whether or not you are having fun. So try to live your life regardless of acne. Good Luck and Don't give up  ^_^


Posted : 09/09/2016 6:19 pm

I don't mean to be rude or anything but nah fuck that I stopped caring about my acne since a couple of months ago there is no point in trying to get rid of it just a waste of time but thanks anyway



Posted : 09/09/2016 11:35 pm

 ive been battling acne/scars for over a decade now so i can totally relate with all of you and want to help in any way that i can....Therefore, i felt compelled to share this vid with you all and i really hope you guys watch it. it's so inspirational!!! :) 

Yola4 liked

Posted : 09/13/2016 7:30 am

On September 9, 2016 at 7:19 PM, Gunner23 said:

I don't mean to be rude or anything but nah fuck that I stopped caring about my acne since a couple of months ago there is no point in trying to get rid of it just a waste of time but thanks anyway


ummm okay??? were asking for advice and I just told you what worked for me.It's your choice to try it or not. And yes your response was kinda rude. But I understand the whole "defeated" attitude. Acne really messes with your self-esteem.

But you either care about clearing your acne or you don't. And honestly, if you gave up months ago then you wouldn't still be on this site asking...

On August 29, 2016 at 4:36 PM, Gunner23 said:

Is there anything to do? fml

Doing nothing can and will allow the infection/inflammation to spread. I urge you to keep trying and not to give up! Regardless, I wish you all the best. Acne sucks


Posted : 09/13/2016 10:12 am

2 hours ago, Yola4 said:
ummm okay??? were asking for advice and I just told you what worked for me.It's your choice to try it or not. And yes your response was kinda rude. But I understand the whole "defeated" attitude. Acne really messes with your self-esteem.

But you either care about clearing your acne or you don't. And honestly, if you gave up months ago then you wouldn't still be on this site asking... Doing nothing can and will allow the infection/inflammation to spread. I urge you to keep trying and not to give up! Regardless, I wish you all the best. Acne sucks



Posted : 09/14/2016 12:29 am

On September 10, 2016 at 0:35 AM, waitingforacure said:

 ive been battling acne/scars for over a decade now so i can totally relate with all of you and want to help in any way that i can....Therefore, i felt compelled to share this vid with you all and i really hope you guys watch it. it's so inspirational!!! :) 

I specifically remember feeling disgusted and being upset about a bad breakout years ago, and one of my friends just so happened to post Nick Vugicic's motivational speech on Facebook with a caption saying, "Look at yourself after watching this." As I intensely watched "Attitude is Altitude-Life without Limbs," I felt like I was on an emotional roller coaster. I sat there crying. Not because I pitied him, but because I was in awe of his strength and ability to overcome adversity. I have watched most of his videos mainly due to the fact that he's so inspirational.  He is now happily married with two children. He is an amazing person, and we can all learn from him. 


Posted : 09/14/2016 3:57 am

That's exactly the way i felt when I watched this video, I was so inspired and touched by it! I know he claims to be a Godly man and having faith in Jesus, but i still cant fathom how he can stay so positive and live such a vibrant life. it all just seems like supernatural strength to me..I'm going to have to watch that other motivational speech u mentioned, i need all the encouragement i can get lol

Yola4 liked