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I Need Advice/answers Quick Please.


Posted : 08/11/2015 9:55 pm

Hey, so i ve been obessing over this fact lately and it's really giving me a horrid attitude at how my face looks. So recently i got my new prescription glasses, i do not have HORRIBLE eye sight i mean i pretty much don't need glasses and i can see most things well, it's just that i can't see things far away as they become blurry. So anyways when i look in the mirror from like 2-4 feet away without glasses my skin looks healthy, good, acne at a minimal but still there, but when i put on my glasses ITS JUST WHAM nose looks bigger? don't know how and overall my eyes look gross. But here's the weird thing if i took off my glasses and looked in a mirror i would look the same as if i put my glasses on and went super close up to the mirror. Is my mind playing tricks on me? Long story short with glasses i look REALLY fugly from a distance but when i get close to a mirror with my glasses my skin looks good, with no glasses i look good from a distance AND good close up . When i am close up to the mirror with and without glasses i look the good and the same. Am i really that ugly? i ve never noticed how i looked SO BAD from a distance. Is it because i didn't have 20/20 vision it disguised my uglieness? This makes me extremely self-concious because i never knew how ugly i was and for people who have perfect vision seeing my face makes me super worried. Thanks i really need advice/answers.
