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Acne Inspiration!


Posted : 07/25/2015 8:21 pm

Lately I've been pretty down on myself about my acne. I've been having an initial breakout from tazorac and really haven't seen any improvement. Today I looked myself in the mirror and decided to change my attitude. I have to stop seeing acne as something that is detrimental to my life and instead look at as an obstacle, which will make me better! I know I can do everything I was doing before I had acne just as well with it. I WILL be social and go out. I WILL talk to girls and continue to have success. I WILL not let acne control my life. The beauty of this mindset is that by deciding to live my life unrestrained by acne, I WILL become a better person. I truly believe my acne will go away with the treatment I am on, and when it is gone I will have the confidence that comes with knowing I was just as successful in life with acne. It's just like working out, you have to break down your muscle fibers to build them back stronger. In this case I am going through a weakening of my appearance to make my other attributes stronger. I know how depressing and frustrating it can be to have acne. It is probably the greatest confidence killer I've ever had. But let's not let it kill our confidence! Flip acne on it's head. MAKE ACNE YOUR B!TCH! When it's finally over I want to be able to look back and smile not at what acne took from me, but at what it gave me.

Oichi, getschwifty, Dreamer44 and 7 people liked

Posted : 07/26/2015 10:04 pm

Lately I've been pretty down on myself about my acne. I've been having an initial breakout from tazorac and really haven't seen any improvement. Today I looked myself in the mirror and decided to change my attitude. I have to stop seeing acne as something that is detrimental to my life and instead look at as an obstacle, which will make me better! I know I can do everything I was doing before I had acne just as well with it. I WILL be social and go out. I WILL talk to girls and continue to have success. I WILL not let acne control my life. The beauty of this mindset is that by deciding to live my life unrestrained by acne, I WILL become a better person. I truly believe my acne will go away with the treatment I am on, and when it is gone I will have the confidence that comes with knowing I was just as successful in life with acne. It's just like working out, you have to break down your muscle fibers to build them back stronger. In this case I am going through a weakening of my appearance to make my other attributes stronger. I know how depressing and frustrating it can be to have acne. It is probably the greatest confidence killer I've ever had. But let's not let it kill our confidence! Flip acne on it's head. MAKE ACNE YOUR B!TCH! When it's finally over I want to be able to look back and smile not at what acne took from me, but at what it gave me.

I love the attitude you are giving to acne. I had the same attitude back in high school which helped me get through high school with confidence. Myself have stopped caring on what others think and have started thinking positive. It has helped me regain my confidence. Cheers


Posted : 07/27/2015 10:56 am


Topic moved to emotional and psychological effects of acne forum


I think this thread will be especially relevant there- thanks!


Posted : 07/27/2015 11:54 am

Lately I've been pretty down on myself about my acne. I've been having an initial breakout from tazorac and really haven't seen any improvement. Today I looked myself in the mirror and decided to change my attitude. I have to stop seeing acne as something that is detrimental to my life and instead look at as an obstacle, which will make me better! I know I can do everything I was doing before I had acne just as well with it. I WILL be social and go out. I WILL talk to girls and continue to have success. I WILL not let acne control my life. The beauty of this mindset is that by deciding to live my life unrestrained by acne, I WILL become a better person. I truly believe my acne will go away with the treatment I am on, and when it is gone I will have the confidence that comes with knowing I was just as successful in life with acne. It's just like working out, you have to break down your muscle fibers to build them back stronger. In this case I am going through a weakening of my appearance to make my other attributes stronger. I know how depressing and frustrating it can be to have acne. It is probably the greatest confidence killer I've ever had. But let's not let it kill our confidence! Flip acne on it's head. MAKE ACNE YOUR B!TCH! When it's finally over I want to be able to look back and smile not at what acne took from me, but at what it gave me.

AMEN!! Awesome post!!! :)

leelowe1 liked

Posted : 07/28/2015 5:07 pm

Konakai- First off, I LOVE this post. Secondly, I suffered from extremely painful, red, inflamed acne. I was put on Tazorac about a month ago. The first few weeks were terrible and then all of a sudden, I stopped breaking out. I had tried everything, so I was thrilled!! Hang in there, it's worth it! I had to really stay positive with myself.


Posted : 07/28/2015 10:40 pm

Wow! Best post ever - thanks!

Cmon y'all...we can do this!

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger...!!


Posted : 07/29/2015 4:05 pm

Great attitude and amazing post!

I have started to come round to this thiking after sulking and hiding behind my hair for 12 years. I know I will finally beat this one way or another but right now I can't. I wont wake up tomorrow with clear skin so I gotta remind myself I am worth going out, having fun, being a good friend etc.

After all, I have acne my whole teens and half of my twenties. But that hasn't stopped me from meeting my fiance, getting promoted 3 times in the space of 8 months and meeting amazing people.

Gotta be strong!!!


Posted : 11/16/2015 6:28 pm

On 7/25/2015 604, konakai325 said:

Lately I've been pretty down on myself about my acne. I've been having an initial breakout from tazorac and really haven't seen any improvement. Today I looked myself in the mirror and decided to change my attitude. I have to stop seeing acne as something that is detrimental to my life and instead look at as an obstacle, which will make me better! I know I can do everything I was doing before I had acne just as well with it. I WILL be social and go out. I WILL talk to girls and continue to have success. I WILL not let acne control my life. The beauty of this mindset is that by deciding to live my life unrestrained by acne, I WILL become a better person. I truly believe my acne will go away with the treatment I am on, and when it is gone I will have the confidence that comes with knowing I was just as successful in life with acne. It's just like working out, you have to break down your muscle fibers to build them back stronger. In this case I am going through a weakening of my appearance to make my other attributes stronger. I know how depressing and frustrating it can be to have acne. It is probably the greatest confidence killer I've ever had. But let's not let it kill our confidence! Flip acne on it's head. MAKE ACNE YOUR B!TCH! When it's finally over I want to be able to look back and smile not at what acne took from me, but at what it gave me.

Now that's the attitude I need to inculcate in my life.

Instead, I've been hating my face and obsessing over how ugly I look in the mirror. I really need to change my attitude regarding this entire thing or I'm letting a couple months of my life go to waste because of acne.

EmilyDent liked

Posted : 11/16/2015 6:45 pm

I'm sorry. Mine looks exponentially horrible and it's just on my face. I have chest and bacne but they're not horrible and I honestly don't mind them all that much.

Do you have any photos?

4 minutes ago, EmilyDent said:
I've seen your pictures. Your acne kind of remind me of mine. 

Posted : 11/16/2015 6:54 pm

Just now, EmilyDent said:
Don't feel sorry for me. I'm fine with my acne. Since your not. I'm sorry honey.

When it bothered me. You are much braver than I was then. Back then I would have NEVER take pictures and then show others.

I'm definitely not. This is the most horrid my skin has gotten, and I've been on retinoids twice before.

It's just very frustrating. I guess it's my fault for stopping use of retinoids before. I have also been on Plan B once late last year and once early this year so that might have someone to do with the gross cysts all over my face.

I've always had nodulocystic acne but honestly, nothing this bad.
