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Finally Managed To Get Rid Of 90% Of My Acne


Posted : 01/31/2015 12:53 am

I was here on January 1 ? which when my face was at its worst ... god it was depressing like hell i did not even dare to look at people faces ... im kinda glad my friends did not mention it most of the time ... i was really kinda depress ... it got even worst when school started . My parent took me to a derm , the 1st month sucks ... antibiotics doesn't work crap and it make it worst so the doctor told me to get accutance 10mg per day ? i thought it was too little as i went to this website and everyone is like 20-70mg per day? but it was a law in my country 20 mg is the maximum ... i took it did not really change much for the 1st 3 months instead it got worst with the scarring ... i couldn't really care anymore i stayed at home everyday just living my life playing games ... What was worst is that when im sick i go to the ' normal doctor ' they were so nosy that they had to ask about my face zzz \... kinda piss ' don't want to visit that place anymore ' .

Actually taking accutance did not really change much for the whole year... it mostly helped its in the 5th month? and the 6-7 month where all the acne actually disappear. the scars are the one that is mostly annoying my face right now well im kinda happy that my acne is gone and only mark are left .. the derm told me to use isotrex after accutance ! i seriously love isotrex it makes the new acne goes away quick although the mark will be there but idk what isotrex i think it helps my scars? now this is the new year , some of my friends told me my friend improve alot to like u can barely see it of course im happy ! . isotrex took nearly 6 weeks and then it took effect . now i can go out more confidently . Actually no one should mind that they have acne .. now most of my friends are getting acne and i think it just doesn't matter anymore i dun even care if someone talk about my scars now ... and to those who say accutance is bad nah it doesn't really affect me in anything except for the oil . now after i stop taking accutance my oil has alot like last time but im really glad i took accutance .. i really wonder what would happen if i did not take it .. although it took me a year to heal thats what i calculated too . well if someone need helps in anything please ask me ? willing to help .. i still hate it when people ask what cream do you use .. seems awkward for me to tell anyone well i would say isotrex is a very good one after accutance though it feels good to put it too
