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If You Had Clear Skin..


Posted : 10/12/2014 7:24 pm

So if you had clear skin how would things be different ?

what if you never had acne what do you think your life would be like right now?

Are you still happy with acne?

If no why? and do you think you'll be happy when you have clear skin?

Feel free to answer any of these or whatever

I'm curious how big of a roll this disease is playing in every ones lives.


Posted : 10/13/2014 1:25 pm

I think if I had clear skin it would allow me to obsess over something more than just my face and skin condition all day. Really my biggest regret is the potential I have lost, I consider myself to be very intelligent and I believe that I could have done great things in the world had I been born beautiful. I think I am attractive but acne can make anyone look hideous. I'm comfortable at where my skin is currently but obviously it could always be better, I strive for perfection and hope that technology allows for that someday soon. I know it's mostly in my head, that I think about my acne WAY more than anyone else around me, but I can't help but think that they are noticing it. My GF says that I "wear it well", I'm not so sure, but I suppose if it does differentiate me from the pack then it may not be the worst thing ever.


Posted : 10/13/2014 2:14 pm

I feel like I would be happier if I didn't have it.. I've had it for 2 years now and I can't even remember the last time I liked what I saw when I looked in the mirror and I'm constantly checking it to see if it's better (which it never really is) and I feel kind of hopeless because I've pretty much tried everything and nothing is working. If I didn't have acne I think I would be more confident to talk to people and be more willing to leave my house and I would look at people in the eye when they spoke to me. I know that nobody notices it as much as I do but I get really upset about it a lot and I feel like I would just be happier in general if I had clear skin.


Posted : 10/13/2014 2:47 pm

I would have at least some friends, I would have found a job during summer, I would be much much happier. Basically acne has taken all of my confidence and will to meet people. I would be able to sleep somewhere else than home, I would be able to eat everything without worrying how it will affect my acne. I would probably be in some community and live a normal life that people without acne take for granted.


Posted : 10/13/2014 9:39 pm

If i didn't have acne i wouldn't be so sad all the time. If i didn't have acne i would have made the last girl i talked to my girlfriend. If i didn't have acne i wouldn't feel like i was always hiding something from people (bacne). The fact is acne can be cured in some people, that makes it all the more frustrating when you cant find your own cure. 11 months on Accutane and still no success and i'm ready to quit and have my bacne come back full force. My back is ridden with scars and cysts still. I wish i had the mental willpower to be happy with acne this gross, maybe one day i will but i imagine it will take a lot of work, i just dont see how you can be confident with cystic bacne and take your shirt off willingly at the beach to put on display.


Posted : 10/16/2014 4:43 pm

Married probably.


Posted : 10/16/2014 9:36 pm

I would be able to be social and go to events outings meet up with friends have a normal life I think I am attractive person but my breakouts show otherwise and some scarring doesn't help either grrr!!!:( hate acne!!!!


Posted : 10/22/2014 1:59 pm

Realistically, acne does not stop you from doing anything. You stop yourself from doing things because of your acne.

This fact being established, I will go on to say that having clear skin would allow me to allow myself to go outside in the bright sun (not just at night), attend clubs, be more openly social towards people.

I am searching for wisdom, and acne distracts from that. Wisdom is not invested in the physical. Wisdom is invested in the consciousness, the Self, the metaphysical.


Posted : 10/22/2014 3:27 pm

*Mod Edit*

Wisdom and fulfillment are the things that would allow you to be happy and content despite acne. It is the end all - be all. Do not spit on wisdom. Do not get me wrong - my feeble human desires for aesthetics makes me cringe at my acne. All what I was trying to propose was that acne distracts from what matters in my life, and that I wish to eradicate it so I could focus on these things that matter. Tu capisci? No?


Posted : 10/24/2014 1:13 am

I wouldn't have been the person I'm if it hadn't been for acne, However it has its pros and cons It turned me into a complicated human being to a stressful extent who tend to analyze every little detail around him. The insignificant incident that takes a normal person about five minutes to call it a situation and be on his way to practice his daily routine would take me a whole day or even more to remotely just fade out momentarily

I claim to have wisdom and see things through a sophisticated scope but where did that get me ? Being considerate, Thoughtful, Or any other commendable and admirable trait !!

Recently I'm having legitimate concerns in regard to the fundamental laws of life I see people do despicable things and get away with it yet their lives couldn't be more amazing, That of course yet to be determined whether or not I'm having the wrong Impression about our universe when I face death. When the curtain falls everything will be plainly illustrated.


Posted : 10/28/2014 10:09 pm

If I had clear skin I would be way more confident. I mean, yeah, that's pretty obvious, but I seriously would be a whole different person. I'd love to not wear makeup, ever. I'd love to talk to cute guys up close. I'd love not to look at the floor when I'm in an elevator because god, that lighting is the worst. I'd love to stay over at a friend's place without worrying sick of removing my makeup at night. I would've loved to invite my boyfriend over at any random time when we were together. I would've loved to avoid telling him that I "hated surprises" because I didn't want him to show up unexpectedly when I was bare faced (god damn, I freaking love surprises). I'd love to go to the beach with my friends. I'd love not to cry when I look at myself in the mirror. I'd love to not be late to school sometimes because I wake up with three new zits that take extra time covering up. And I could do all those things and many many more if I just had clear skin. All my friends have beautiful flawless skin and I feel so bad, I cancel plans very often because of acne and I avoid talking and meeting new people.

vicandsel liked

Posted : 11/04/2014 7:07 pm

If my skin was clear from acne/scarring I think my confidence would sky rocket through the roof. I would probably be even MORE confident and outgoing than I was before getting acne.

I try not to let acne stop me from doing a lot of social things. I do get conscious that people are looking at my acne whenever they see me but I'm learning to just get over it and as cheesy as it sounds, really not care what other people think.

And probably another huge thing would be being able to wake up, wash my face and just leave the house without any makeup and whatnot. (Soooo much time saved)


Posted : 11/07/2014 12:57 am

I would have a better social life and my friends wouldn't wonder why I never go out :-(


Posted : 11/13/2014 10:17 pm

I would never ever again wear any concealer! Even if I had this small pimple everyone gets once in a lifetime. I could plan dates in advance instead of waiting to see if my skin is ok. I would go camping and swimming and enjoying the daylight without any torment on my mind! I suppose I would be confident enough to be the one doing the first step if I met a guy.

I don't like thinking that acne destroyed my life, because it has not, but it certainly refrained me from fully enjoying many moments. I have always had good friends, good relations with my co-workers and my family. I think people appreciate me even if my skin is not perfect and I have to admit that this can be a positive experience. I have many clear skinned friends who are unhappy with the way they look (and I always think that I would give anything to have their skin). In a way, acne made me stronger and helped me focusing on my personality. Even if I always had men showing some interest in me, love relationships have been my main issue caused by acne. I was single for 6 years from 23 to 29, had a boyfriend for almost a year and now I am single again and not ready to go on dates! A little voice in my head keeps saying that acne might have caused the end of my relationship, but I try not to listen to it. Sorry for the long post, but it was a good question !!!

SoulCandy liked

Posted : 11/13/2014 10:40 pm

Wow if my face was cleared my whole world would be different. I would have some grain of confidence to start. I would go out, be social, not feeling like everyone's talking about my acne. I had this stupid girlfriend, played me like a fiddle, told myself it was because of my acne. Since then I cant even picture myself with anybody. Laser, I want to laser my face off! I Just looked in to the mirror and saw what I have caused, red, bleeding, scarred, and oily skin. I just want cry.... or laser my skin off. How much??? Where do I go? Can it really help me..... I'm on differing gel 1%, clindamycin, and minocycline. I also just started birth control. Too much??? Idk... help plz.. or come smoke a bowl with me cause im feeling

vicandsel liked

Posted : 11/13/2014 11:40 pm

~7 months ago, my skin was clear. I never got more than a few pimples on my face at once. I never wore makeup. I never really realized how lucky I was, to be honest. Despite having clear skin, I was still depressed and stressed out due to other things, though, so now that I no longer have the skin I used to, acne has just become one more thing that's on my stress-plate. If I could go back to having clear skin, I'm almost positive I would still be the same mentally as I am with acne. Maybe a little more eager to go out and do things, but other than that I have a lot more going on in my life than just acne. ):


Posted : 11/20/2014 5:22 am

I would be obsessing about something else I wished I had. We humans tend to want something that's not in our arsenal. I'm clear now, but I'm thankful I've had traumatic experiences with acne. It has undoubtedly made me a stronger person not only emotionally but also mentally. Acne was a blessing in disguise in my life.

My troubling experience with acne motivated me to a have a healthy lifestyle ( diet and exercise ), study hard in CRNA school ( Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist ), and develop good habits ( time management, deterring procrastination ) in my life. LOL, maybe i'm a outlandish person for saying this, but I wouldn't have it any other way. Obviously, acne wasn't the sole reason that propelled my life in a positive direction, but it was without a doubt a monumental contributor.




Posted : 11/21/2014 2:00 pm

I cant even imagine

Over the last 3-4 yrs acne has impacted my life so a mother..wife

A bad skin day completely alters my attitude

I have missed functions, stayed home from events, cancelled get togethers because of how my skin looked..avoided going on vaca w/ friends.

I cant imagine NOT having to worry about my skin or spots

when a birthday or holiday is coming up..first thing I think about is how will me skin be on that day

Im on day #4 of accutane...going on day #5

and I hope ot put this all behind me

Maybe other people can handle it better and not let it rule their life

I couldnt



Posted : 12/20/2014 1:12 pm

I have had acne for 12 years now... I am 24 today. If I didn't had acne then I would have had much more confidence. , I would have gone out much often to places and friends, I would have confess to the girls I like back then. Maybe I would have a girlfriend by now, and be happy each morning when I look at the mirror.

Sadly not. Maybe in a different parallel universe, haha


Posted : 12/20/2014 7:00 pm

I wouldnt be hell bent on getting revenge for the pain the world has made me feel.


Posted : 12/21/2014 6:51 pm

If i had clear skin I would experiment with makeup and enjoy playing dress up. I would wear my hair out more. I would openly flirt with guys more and come off as less aggressive than I do. I wouldn't religiously check the mirror. I would eat dairy like there was no tomorrow.

If i didn't have acne I wouldn't be as strong as I am today and as dependent on God as I am. Without acne I wouldn't be sympathetic to others and I wouldn't be as considerate and helpful as I am.

Acne built my character so I would never wish to change the past. I do hope thought that there will be a time in the near future where my acne will not be so central in my life


Posted : 12/22/2014 12:43 am

I'd literally be a totally different person. I've had this for twenty years.... face, back, chest, legs, butt.... all covered in cysts or scars. Yes done accutane, it actually got worse after three courses.

Those of you who are in my shoes, who have been through this more than a decade, and who don't just have a few pimples on the face but have 50+ % of your body completely scarred for life know how it psychologically destroys you. You see those extreme pics on google images of acne conglobata cases.... yeah positive thinking is great but realistically, that person's quality of life is ruined no matter how you sugar coat it.

I work really low jobs as I can't imagine being in an office type environment with puss and blood dripping down my face and going through my shirt etc, I mean yeah I technically could but I just don't WANT to. I am not happy, in my case so much irreversible damage has been done that I've really stopped caring, I'm content just being a janitor or flipping burgers all my life, I just want the spotlight off me. I considered homelessness many times. When you're at the bottom rung of society nobody seems to care if you are morbidly obese or have messed up skin or walk all crooked... it's kind of expected.


Posted : 12/22/2014 8:26 pm

I don't think anyone could be completely happy with acne or completely happy for that matter. I have several skin conditions and I usually have 1-3 of them going at a time. I am more sympathize to people with skin conditions but if I didn't have this I might be obsessed or concerned with something else. Some people are obsessed with weight, diet, cars, etc. it's just the society we live in.


Posted : 12/22/2014 11:59 pm

If I never had acne, I would've actually had a real college experience; I would've went out to parties, been more outgoing in class, and had confidence. However, acne made me the person I am today and if I didn't have it when I did, I wouldn't have became who I am today, which I'd like to think is for the best.


Posted : 03/02/2015 11:23 pm

If I had clear skin, I wouldn't be concerned about changing my pillowcase everyday


I wouldn't be taking a bunch of stupid vitamins or logging the crap I eat just to see what's causing my Acne


I wouldn't have to worry about people or myself touching my face


I wouldn't have to put on stupid exfoliating masks
