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Why Do People Feel The Need To Comment?


Posted : 04/25/2014 2:27 pm

I guess I'm just really not used to comments , this is the first week ever that I've gotten 10+ comments about my acne during school. Some of these people are seniors , and I don't even know them.

I just realized how hard it is to take comments it even worse when your FRIENDS start to join in on the band wagon to , today is our spring dance and I'm dreading it because I really don't want to go but I've already gotten a dress , By the way our school has a seprate dance for anyone who isn't seniors , since seniors go to prom.

Some of the comments I've gotten this week -

"You have a lot of acne"

"You have a huge red dot on your nose "

"Pop the one on the side of your face it has a huge head.

And so on , its really getting me down , but what pisses me off is that people say things like you have a lot acne ... I'm like really ? I had ABSOULUTELY NO IDEA? So yeah sorry for venting ... but just wondering how do you guys deal with comments on acne?


Posted : 04/25/2014 2:36 pm

well you should be like no fucking kidding ? its okay to tell them what you want to say , i never really get comments on my acne because its base on how you come off when talking to others so they dont mess with you or maybe you just have ignorant people around


Posted : 04/25/2014 2:50 pm

I guess I'm just really not used to comments , this is the first week ever that I've gotten 10+ comments about my acne during school. Some of these people are seniors , and I don't even know them.

I just realized how hard it is to take comments it even worse when your FRIENDS start to join in on the band wagon to , today is our spring dance and I'm dreading it because I really don't want to go but I've already gotten a dress , By the way our school has a seprate dance for anyone who isn't seniors , since seniors go to prom.

Some of the comments I've gotten this week -

"You have a lot of acne"

"You have a huge red dot on your nose "

"Pop the one on the side of your face it has a huge head.

And so on , its really getting me down , but what pisses me off is that people say things like you have a lot acne ... I'm like really ? I had ABSOULUTELY NO IDEA? So yeah sorry for venting ... but just wondering how do you guys deal with comments on acne?

They don't feel well themselves. That is why they comment on the appearance of random strangers.


Posted : 04/26/2014 5:52 pm

To be honest I really wish I could say that LeadingForce ...


Posted : 04/27/2014 4:08 am

I just say that it's not like I put up my f***ing hand and asked for acne.


Posted : 04/27/2014 5:20 am

Some people are dumb and insensitive. That's all.


Posted : 04/30/2014 9:55 pm

UGGGGG i definitely understand. Some people are just so... pffffffff. When people comment about my acne, I just smile and keep quiet. I noticed that by doing so, the same person doesnt comment about my acne or my numerous other flaws because they realize how rude and mean it is to say things like that to others. ALSO, last week a girl with perfect skin from my school said to me, "Kaitlin you do know that if you just wash your face, all the stuff will go away, right?" SERIOUSLY if all people had to do was wash their face to have perfect skin, dont you think THEY WOULD JUST WASH IT?!?!? People are just really inconsiderate sometimes.
