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Just Wanted To Share What I've Been Going Through.


Posted : 05/08/2013 5:19 pm

I'm new to this forum but acne is definitely not new to me. I just wanted to type up some thoughts about how I'm struggling through my current breakout.

I suppose this forum will help in some way as everyone is dealing with the same thing I have...not in the exact same way, but very similarly.

I'm female, 24 now, and still struggling with acne. I've always worn make-up to feel better/more comfortable with myself.

I've had moderate acne since grade 4 for as long as I can remember. There were times when it was really bad, and it's a never ending cycle that just was and still is a roller coaster of emotions. Acne has really effected me psychologically and emotionally throughout the years and I've never really had the chance to open up about it to anyone close to me. Yes, my parents had taken me to doctors before to fix it but...I feel like I've always had to deal with the emotional problems on my own.

I think my struggle with acne was the worst in high school. Wanting to belong and being a teenager, it ruined my self-esteem and confidence. I'm still building it back up but I've still got a long way to go.

This past year I've been able to clear up my acne to the point where I was free of it in January. It could be a factor of things (especially hormones) but suddenly now it's gotten a lot worse than ever before and it makes me feel so hopeless and down. Without any changes in my skincare regime (and diet - I eat quite healthy), I'm back to square one. It's frustrating because I've been breaking out for the past three weeks and I don't exactly know what caused it or why.

I almost didn't want to get out of bed today but I know that having acne is all psychological and that everyone has acne (some more severe than others) and that I just have to be confident in myself. And I had to go out today because I had some important school things to attend to.

I've also gotten into a new relationship this year as well when my skin was in better shape. My boyfriend always calls me beautiful and everything but...sometimes I fail to see it. I know that beauty can be more than the physical and I want to really truly believe him but...sometimes I can't. What if I show him myself without all that makeup? I know he's really understanding and he sees me for who I am but at the same time...I feel so vulnerable letting him in. In time I'll tell him because I trust him and in a way I know he truly cares about me. But for now it has to be my own struggle. And I believe in some way he already knows about my acne and sees it but doesn't mention it because it doesn't matter to him.

Although I'm kind of dwelling in my own depressing thoughts...I also see some good in my acne..all the experiences that I've gone's made me a stronger person. I know this breakout will pass with all due time. struggles has led me to be in a helping profession. In some way I don't want other people to have gone through what I've been through...what I'm still going through. It sucks as hell but...I'm doing what I can do...and I'm also talking about it here.

So thank you for reading and sorry if this is all over the place. I just wanted to write about what I was going through right now and how it sucks...

It helps me get through today a bit better knowing that I'm not alone in this and that I can turn to this forum for support.


Ruweyda liked

Posted : 05/08/2013 5:37 pm

wow your a very strong person, acne does suck specially when your an adult and yu hav to go to uni and work and people looked in a weird way.

I feel you and I hope and pray that your skin gets better soon x


Posted : 05/08/2013 7:05 pm

Hi smile.png You sound a lot like me! I am 22 and have been clear in the past, as well. I have a hard time believing my boyfriend when he calls me beautiful when I'm breaking out, as well. When your self-esteem is cut down so much because of acne, believing someone who thinks you're the most beautiful person in the world seems insane. But, if he's saying it, then he definitely thinks it, and that's amazing that you have someone who will look past any flaws and see your true, beautiful self. smile.png

I think it's wonderful that you're looking at the silver lining that acne brings to you. It does teach humility and empathy.

This forum is a good place to go for emotional support for acne. It's so painful, emotionally, and sometimes you just need to talk to people who understand. One of the best things to do about the stress it causes is to breathe deeply, close your eyes, and think: "This will pass, I will be clear again, but I am just as beautiful now as I will be when my acne is gone." Then smile really wide and know that everything will be alright smile.png

And yes, I realize that was incredibly corny...but it works!


Posted : 05/08/2013 7:31 pm

I also am really new to the forum - but not new to acne (I'm 38 and struggling since 15!) It's hard to go to work, and school, and with friends when you are always self conscious about yourself. I really think it sometimes stops you from being the "true you" or 100% of what you could be.

I'm sorry that you're feeling depressed. Acne makes me so mad!

I agree with heitea that this forum is a great source of information and emotional support! There are so many of us out there - you're definitely not alone. A week ago I wanted to bury my face and never see anyone again - and today I am on top of the world. It's so frustrating and scary to go through those ups and downs over acne, and try and plan your life around your acne!

Just know that we're here with you, and know that some day you will be clear. Some patience, trial and error... you'll get there. We're there with you every step of the way!


Posted : 05/09/2013 4:12 am

darling u're strong and we all love u.=)

its great that we can feel for each other and share with each other.

thats a blessing right?

and yes, i agree acne or any kind of hardship makes u a better,mature,understanding,compassionate and stronger person.

in short a wise human being who's more human than most or many!

Ruweyda liked

Posted : 05/09/2013 12:04 pm

Well said aanabill!!! I couldn't agree more. Having acne is actually a blessing in disguise. It truly is. This might sound strange but I am absolutely 100% grateful for having suffered from acne for as long as I did, and it was a rough and long battle. By persevering, you are undoubtedly becoming a better human being by developing such virtues as patience, compassion, courage, wisdom..etc

Hang in there! You are not alone.


Posted : 05/09/2013 4:04 pm

Thank you everyone for your kind words, it put a smile on my face :) It still is a pain to deal with right the end it will pass and I'll get better.

Thank you again! :)
