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I Don't Want To Fit In....


Posted : 05/08/2013 1:12 am

is that normal? have i become so use to being the loner outcast type that i actually prefer it over being average. i like myself though, i don't want to change, if i ever feel the need to change i want to do it on my terms not society's...


Posted : 05/08/2013 2:41 am

Yeah of course, we live in a very individualistic society

Although it's good to change, otherwise you'll end up being normal. Sort of a catch-22 for you


Posted : 05/08/2013 6:41 am

I dont want to "fit in" if fitting in means mimicking popular culture, bying into materialism and shallowness, and accepting the violent world we live in.

The world isnt a nice place in fact it can be pretty horrible. All we can do is try to make our own little life meaningful and help others if we can. You will never find peace on earth so we may as well stop looking for it, but you can be at peace with yourself if you are able to achieve that--most of us fall short.

I saw a women texting on the back of a motorcycle yesterday. Um--yeah.crazy.gif But then I had a complete stranger hand me back $20 Id dropped. We are pretty much hopeless as a species but that doesnt mean we cant be extraordinary at times as well.


Posted : 05/08/2013 8:42 am

How old are you ? In my 20's I learned to cope and accepted I was "different". Now I am 31 and I dont feel like an adult. Its not cool for me to be proud to be antisocial anymore. Priorities change and new responsibilities pop up and I feel left behind.


Sucks when I am asked if I'm married or have kids and I say no. I feel like a weirdo , a old weirdo that never got his sh*t together. All because of man.


I am sure there are people who are happy being a loner at any age. Just not me. I hope your life is awesome and you are forever happy. Everyone deserves to be.




Posted : 05/08/2013 11:51 pm

i liked this, makes good sense.

I dont want to "fit in" if fitting in means mimicking popular culture, bying into materialism and shallowness, and accepting the violent world we live in.

The world isnt a nice place in fact it can be pretty horrible. All we can do is try to make our own little life meaningful and help others if we can. You will never find peace on earth so we may as well stop looking for it, but you can be at peace with yourself if you are able to achieve that--most of us fall short.

I saw a women texting on the back of a motorcycle yesterday. Um--yeah.crazy.gif But then I had a complete stranger hand me back $20 Id dropped. We are pretty much hopeless as a species but that doesnt mean we cant be extraordinary at times as well.


Posted : 05/09/2013 8:44 pm

It is quite normal to not feel the need to fall in line. In fact, i find that free thinkers are the best people in the world. Where the line gets drawn is when you completely isolate and avoid society. It is neither healthy nor good for the mind as we were created to be social creatures (who interact with people, animals and our environment). Life is all about balance


Posted : 05/10/2013 3:52 pm


I'm 19 years old, but I think I'm more mature then most people my age. I wouldn't feel bad about not having kids if I where you, I dislike how society basically forces you to have one. But I myself don't plan on having kids ever I might adopt but that's it, I don't have to have kids to continue my bloodline because both my parents have daughter's from different marriages. besides having a kid is too expensive and I don't feel the need to have one. if I where you I'd be taking advantage of not having kids to be doing an early bucket list lol. you got the money, do what you want! if people ask you why don't have any just say you don't want to. it's not a law that you must raise a family to be happy. that's just what the media has brainwashed you to think.

How old are you ? In my 20's I learned to cope and accepted I was "different". Now I am 31 and I dont feel like an adult. Its not cool for me to be proud to be antisocial anymore. Priorities change and new responsibilities pop up and I feel left behind.


Sucks when I am asked if I'm married or have kids and I say no. I feel like a weirdo , a old weirdo that never got his sh*t together. All because of man.


I am sure there are people who are happy being a loner at any age. Just not me. I hope your life is awesome and you are forever happy. Everyone deserves to be.




Posted : 05/10/2013 4:32 pm

I'm 19 years old, but I think I'm more mature then most people my age. I wouldn't feel bad about not having kids if I where you, I dislike how society basically forces you to have one. But I myself don't plan on having kids ever I might adopt but that's it, I don't have to have kids to continue my bloodline because both my parents have daughter's from different marriages. besides having a kid is too expensive and I don't feel the need to have one. if I where you I'd be taking advantage of not having kids to be doing an early bucket list lol. you got the money, do what you want! if people ask you why don't have any just say you don't want to. it's not a law that you must raise a family to be happy. that's just what the media has brainwashed you to think.

I know what you mean bro and like I said there are plenty of people out there who are totally happy being alone and not having kids or whatever. Just personally I'd love to have a kid and be married and all that. When I was 19 I thought I would be by this age, not because of society or being brainwashed I just want something to live for. I'm actually a very social person deep down inside it's just acne f*cked that up.

But yea man I'm sure you will be happy when you are my age. You seem smart and definitely mature for 19 so you will have things going for you. Most important is it seems like you already know what you want out of life. When I was 19 I was a total dumbass, I still kind of am! lol You're acne will pass eventually and life will be all good for you. Just never lose the mindset that you have now and you will be fine.


Posted : 05/10/2013 5:22 pm

How old are you ? In my 20's I learned to cope and accepted I was "different". Now I am 31 and I dont feel like an adult. Its not cool for me to be proud to be antisocial anymore. Priorities change and new responsibilities pop up and I feel left behind.

Sucks when I am asked if I'm married or have kids and I say no. I feel like a weirdo , a old weirdo that never got his sh*t together. All because of man.

I am sure there are people who are happy being a loner at any age. Just not me. I hope your life is awesome and you are forever happy. Everyone deserves to be.

Frank you're definitely not a weirdo or an anamoly. Many of my female friends are in their late twenties/early thirties, beautiful, successful in their careers, some of them are acne free and they are still single. I think that the universe finds a way to bring things in balance for us so if and when the time is right for you to meet that special person and have kids, it will happen. I am going to be 30 this year and i am single with no kids. I have come to peace with the fact that i may never have children or get married. That however doesn't take away from the fact that i have many people in my life that love me, a career that is fullfilling and i am still able to turn heads when i want to. Acne sometimes makes us forget what awesome individuals we are. When the time is right, things will fall into placecool.png
