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Feeling So Depressed, What Should I Do?


Posted : 11/04/2012 5:11 pm

Hi all, I just felt like sharing my worries with someone who understands the challenges and difficulties of battling acne. I have had acne since 13 but everything has calmed down quite abit. I do get breakouts but never something I cannot handle. Well, over the summer, I had surprisingly clear skin and during which I met the most amazing guy, the guy of my dreams. We got along amazingly and eventually went into a relationship. As I'm studying abroad, now we are having a long distance relationship and we planned for me to stay at his place for a week this coming december. I am extremely excited but for no reason, my face broke out like never before while I'm in London and I am extremely worried. I don't even dare to look at myself in the mirror anymore. It just happened in a matter of 2 weeks! My face has completely broken out and I don't even want to leave home anymore. How am I supposed to live with my wonderful boyfriend with my skin like this. He has only seen me with clear skin and I really just feel like breaking down when ever I think about it. I have been to the dermatologist as I thought it's better to take active action, rather then just waiting for my face to heal on its own. The doc prescribed me lymecycline but I'm worried that my face wouldn't heal in time. I really love my boyfriend so much and I really don't want to lose the chance to be with him. I really hope you guys understand how I feel. I am thinking for going for isolaz treatment as it seemed to be quite effective. I mainly have very congested skin, with lots of blackheads and whiteheads, particularly at the upper cheekbones which are red all the time. I also have some cysts along the side of my mouth area.


I'm sorry if I rambled too much, thanks for reading.


Posted : 11/04/2012 7:53 pm

Idk what caused your acne or how to help you but let me tell you if you're bf really loved you he wouldnt careless, even if you had clear skin or acne, this is from a guy that has had a gf with severe acne when my skin was pretty much flawless. I didnt care at all, I loved her because of her personality, I know of course you're gonna be self conscious about it, maybe tell him before hand that your skin for some reason broke out?That way you could feel more comfortable when you see him but yeah trust me he woudlnt careless.


Posted : 11/04/2012 8:54 pm

Hey its gonna be okay.. I had the same situation.. My bf didnt care. He tells me im pretty even if its at its worse. U never know if this is just a test if he loves you regardless of other factors... Just try then u will know how much he really loves you..


Posted : 11/05/2012 8:04 am

Hi all, I just felt like sharing my worries with someone who understands the challenges and difficulties of battling acne. I have had acne since 13 but everything has calmed down quite abit. I do get breakouts but never something I cannot handle. Well, over the summer, I had surprisingly clear skin and during which I met the most amazing guy, the guy of my dreams. We got along amazingly and eventually went into a relationship. As I'm studying abroad, now we are having a long distance relationship and we planned for me to stay at his place for a week this coming december. I am extremely excited but for no reason, my face broke out like never before while I'm in London and I am extremely worried. I don't even dare to look at myself in the mirror anymore. It just happened in a matter of 2 weeks! My face has completely broken out and I don't even want to leave home anymore. How am I supposed to live with my wonderful boyfriend with my skin like this. He has only seen me with clear skin and I really just feel like breaking down when ever I think about it. I have been to the dermatologist as I thought it's better to take active action, rather then just waiting for my face to heal on its own. The doc prescribed me lymecycline but I'm worried that my face wouldn't heal in time. I really love my boyfriend so much and I really don't want to lose the chance to be with him. I really hope you guys understand how I feel. I am thinking for going for isolaz treatment as it seemed to be quite effective. I mainly have very congested skin, with lots of blackheads and whiteheads, particularly at the upper cheekbones which are red all the time. I also have some cysts along the side of my mouth area.

I'm sorry if I rambled too much, thanks for reading.


If he is as wonderful as you say he wont care about you skin and still want you all the same.

Just focus on having a great time with him.

I broke out on the right side of my face last week because i couldnt be bothered to use my meds. My gf of almost a year had never seen my acne but she didn't care at all. Actually she told me she loves me for me and thats was really great to hear.

Let your personality do the talking and if he is a decent guy he will see you for you. If is shallow and just into looks then he aint worth wasting your time on.

All the best.


Posted : 12/11/2012 6:08 am

Hey its gonna be okay.. I had the same situation.. My bf didnt care. He tells me im pretty even if its at its worse. U never know if this is just a test if he loves you regardless of other factors... Just try then u will know how much he really loves you..


Thanks guys, I'm gonna meet my boyfriend next week and my acne has worsened actually. Hopefully things would be fine, thanks for all your kind words!


Posted : 12/11/2012 11:50 am

I feel for you! When I got a huge reaction with perioral dermatitis everywhere I didn't wanna be seen. But my boyfriend was actually really supportive and didn't see me Any differently :)

You could always say you had an allergic reaction? Or say your taking some meds and at the beginning you break out? Like switching bcp :P


Posted : 12/12/2012 6:08 am

I feel for you! When I got a huge reaction with perioral dermatitis everywhere I didn't wanna be seen. But my boyfriend was actually really supportive and didn't see me Any differently smile.png

You could always say you had an allergic reaction? Or say your taking some meds and at the beginning you break out? Like switching bcp tongue.png


thanks for your reply. it is really terrifying for me as i have seen his ex before and she has flawless skin :(


Posted : 12/18/2012 7:45 am

You need to drink plenty of water as water is the best strategy to any pimple or acne. Also do breathing exercise at least for 25 mins in a day. For the proper result to come you'll have to wait for 2 to 3 months however, you will feel the difference in week or so for sure if you make this a routine.


Posted : 12/18/2012 9:31 am

You need to drink plenty of water as water is the best strategy to any pimple or acne. Also do breathing exercise at least for 25 mins in a day. For the proper result to come you'll have to wait for 2 to 3 months however, you will feel the difference in week or so for sure if you make this a routine.


And the scientific study the backs this up?


Posted : 12/21/2012 12:01 am

How am I supposed to live with my wonderful boyfriend with my skin like this


um, be glad you have a guy who wants to be with you?


Posted : 12/23/2012 10:19 pm

I feel for you! When I got a huge reaction with perioral dermatitis everywhere I didn't wanna be seen. But my boyfriend was actually really supportive and didn't see me Any differently smile.png

You could always say you had an allergic reaction? Or say your taking some meds and at the beginning you break out? Like switching bcp tongue.png


I had something called seborrheic dermatitis a few months ago.. My face was so deformed and everything. This event reminded me to not groan over small things in life.

OP, like others said, just be glad that you have someone who cares for you.


Posted : 02/08/2013 7:36 am

I feel for you! When I got a huge reaction with perioral dermatitis everywhere I didn't wanna be seen. But my boyfriend was actually really supportive and didn't see me Any differently smile.png

You could always say you had an allergic reaction? Or say your taking some meds and at the beginning you break out? Like switching bcp tongue.png

I had something called seborrheic dermatitis a few months ago.. My face was so deformed and everything. This event reminded me to not groan over small things in life.

OP, like others said, just be glad that you have someone who cares for you.

My boyfriend or shall I say my ex broke up with me. I guess he actually did mind my acne. I felt so heartbroken and worthless, it was a terrible time for me...


Posted : 02/08/2013 8:27 am

My boyfriend or shall I say my ex broke up with me. I guess he actually did mind my acne. I felt so heartbroken and worthless, it was a terrible time for me...

That's too bad if you're still into him. But if he breaks up with you for any other reason than that the relationship is dead then he's a wanker. And with "dead" I mean that (most) relationships die at some point or another. In that they are like pieces of music; they start, there's music and then naturally they end. And you go "It was beautiful". But if a band member just stops playing in the middle then he's a tosser who had no business playing their instrument.


Posted : 02/08/2013 9:28 am

elainee, just be up front with him if it's worrying you so much. He'll still think you're beautiful, especially if you behave like yourself when with him. Meh, blow it off or make light of it. Blame your breakout on the Londoners. Hahaha. :P It'll be ok. You'll see. ENJOY the time you get to spend together! :)


Posted : 02/08/2013 10:14 am

elainee, just be up front with him if it's worrying you so much. He'll still think you're beautiful, especially if you behave like yourself when with him. Meh, blow it off or make light of it. Blame your breakout on the Londoners. Hahaha. tongue.png It'll be ok. You'll see. ENJOY the time you get to spend together! smile.png


They are no longer together...


Posted : 02/08/2013 2:36 pm

Oh wow. Totally missed that part! Thanks, Lapis.


Posted : 02/08/2013 3:06 pm

Oh wow. Totally missed that part! eusa_doh.gif Thanks, Lapis.

You're welcome. ^_^


Posted : 02/08/2013 6:41 pm

My mom told me a nail takes out another nail.



If you know what I mean :)
