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you know its bad when..


Posted : 04/06/2010 9:13 pm

fun. i'm clear at the moment (thank god) but have had persistent mild-moderate acne for 10+ years... i'm in my mid-twenties now... anyway alot of these sound painfully familiar to what i've been through. here's a few more of mine!


when driving, you lean into the car so your face isn't too close to the window and people can see that huge zit on your cheek.


when you wear a hoodie to class... in the summer.


when you get very uncomfortable talking to someone at close distance, to the point of avoiding contact with EVERYONE during a particularly bad breakout day.


when you pop a pimple in the car, at work, in a public bathroom, etc. any place other than home.


when a friend asks "is that dried blood?" while pointing at a zit on your cheek that you just popped 30 mins earlier.


when you get so close to being clear, then completely clobber any small blemish that you find in the magnifying mirror until your face is full of fresh red marks. and the cycle continues...


when it takes YEARS for you to learn how to not pick at your face.


when you have memories of the biggest zit you've ever popped, and are still amazed.


when you have the smell of Neutrogena Oil-Free Acne Wash imprinted in your memory.


when acne becomes less of a skin condition and more of a life experience.


when how good or bad your day is mostly depends on how your acne is doing.


when you get happy seeing other people breakout, and get jealous seeing other people clear up.


when you try to trace back and find that initial "trigger" that started your acne in the first place.


when you constantly check the rearview mirror in your car NOT to look at traffic but to look at your acne.


when you get soo embarassed to buy acne meds at the store, that you have to gather up all your courage just to get out of your car in the parking lot.


when you learn how to maneuver your face like a pro so that a certain someone never sees that zit on your cheek.


when you finally get completely clear but are still terrified of acne coming back at any moment


when you can think of a million more of these to type!


Posted : 04/06/2010 10:43 pm

when people's body language are disgusted at you everywhere you go


when you hear someone say "trying not to look at his face" when walking by you


when you hear someone say "dont look" and you know they are talking about you


when you accepted the fact you will be alone for the rest of you life, and wont have anyone ever




Posted : 04/07/2010 1:56 am

When your skin is so dry that you can't open your mouth really wide or the skin around your mouth/chin will flake (making eating large things, laughing, etc difficult and you try things like cutting a too big sandwich with a plastic knife)


When you can't wear clothes that show how different the skin color of your face (mine: red) is compared to the rest of your body (super pale). You are jealous of girls who can wear v-necks and summer dresses.


When you calculate how long you spend in the bathroom per week dealing with your skin (so many hours). And what you could do with that time if you had perfect skin.


When you think up crazy scenarios of what you would do to have perfect skin or what you would give up (like what if I had really bad acne on some part of my body easily hidden by clothes that would be impossible to treat - but my face would be perfect and require no maintenance)


You want to go camping/backpacking but are terrified by the thought of no sink.


You wash your hands with neutrogena/an oil free product before touching your face/applying creams because your fingers need to be super clean too and go though so many bottles of face wash. (And you dry out your hands so much that they crack and bleed one winter and people look aghast)


You don't eat dairy and feel too embarrassed to explain why to friends/people you have just met and they won't stop pressing you about it (But, whyyy don't you eat dairy? Are you lactose intolerant? No? So why then?).


You have trouble sharing a bathroom with friends/other people because you spend so much time in the morning getting ready so you wake up an hour earlier so you can be out of the bathroom before other people need to use it. You are scared about what others think you are doing that taking so long in the bathroom.


You feel like your parents are ashamed of you. And that they try really hard to get your skin clear -giving you advice, buying products, making appts, etc- and acting like they are doing this for you, but really they are just doing it because they are embarrassed of your acne. Instead of just loving you they way that you are.


Posted : 04/07/2010 2:00 am

Hate saying the words/hearing the words "acne" "pimple" "zits" etc.


Posted : 04/07/2010 4:58 am

When you realize you've used a whole box of Kleenex to wipe of the exploded puss/bleed on your face


Posted : 04/07/2010 9:19 pm

when you always keep your lights off so you dont accidentally catch your relfection on something


Posted : 04/07/2010 9:33 pm

When your skin is so dry that you can't open your mouth really wide or the skin around your mouth/chin will flake (making eating large things, laughing, etc difficult and you try things like cutting a too big sandwich with a plastic knife)



I can completely relate to this! People wonder why I don't smile often anymore.

First off, I am seriously depressed over my acne.

Secondly, I can't fucking smile, because it hurts like hell, thank you very much! Ugh...


Yeah. I feel your pain.


Posted : 04/12/2010 2:26 am

when you have a cupboard full of nice clothes but only ever where trackies and t-shirt, saving those nice clothes for the day that you get clear


Posted : 04/12/2010 4:55 am

Girls dont pay attention to you anymore


looking at everyones clear skin


looking at old photos


feeling alone


cant be the way you want/were


crying randomly for no reason


being unable to look at peoples eyes


questioning everything


cba with anything


Posted : 04/12/2010 9:23 am

feel your confidence has suddenly shattered and the pieces of it yanked away from you.


feel like u are a pain sight in people's eyes and wonder how they can take it


stay in room and not going out


just want to return home quickly if outside


feel like crying and talking to my imaginary friend


avoid people and start to wear my specs and head hung low


banging the mirror with my reflection on it


sing my heart out


Posted : 04/12/2010 9:48 am

when you start blaming all your problems on acne


(inspired by the content of this thread)


Posted : 04/12/2010 4:04 pm

when your a veteran member on (got mine today)


Posted : 04/13/2010 5:32 am

when a distant relative gives you acne remedies


when your boss refers to you as "the guy with acne"


Posted : 04/13/2010 9:45 am

and when a kid started to come up to you and asked you what is red dots, black dots, on your face


Posted : 04/13/2010 2:45 pm

You know when its bad when....


1. You can't feel anymore


2. You can't feel for anyone but yourself


3. You start from being tenderhearted and turn into a full blown narcissist


4. You get headache in the morning because of all the stress from the day before over your acne


5. You can't laugh anymore or in a really long time


6. You laugh only when you read through the pages of this exact, paticular post because you

Realize just how true these experiences really are..


7. You laugh insanely at other peoples obscurd avatar pics, while reading what they wrote.


8. You don't look at anyone while driving..


9. You start predicting when you'll get better and you realize it has been two months later since

Your last prediction


10. you start not only obsessing over your still present acne but start noticeing all the newly added

Facial deformities.. Wrinkles, Scars, Redmarks, smile lines etc..


11. When you ignore women or people you've just met that ask you to post a picture on facebook

or myspace.


12. When you have a super-long dating profile of information to try to make up for not having a



13. When you start lying about how your feeling to people so they can leave you alone


14. When you just want to lay in bed all day and wish Winter would last a whole year..


15. When you realized you through half of your life away Worrying about your acne.


16. When people remind you about #15 all over again..


17. You become a hunch back.


18. Your extremely hypersensitive and quiet, When already introverted..


19. When you start neglecting other parts of your body for care..


20. You develop an eating disorder


21. You don't want to come into work


22. Your cowkers hate working with you


23. Your friends are all out living their life and reaching new heights in life


24. Your still stuck in the same mindset (only worser) than when you guys went your seperate



25. Becomes your second home..


Posted : 04/13/2010 2:52 pm

Avoid mirrors


Overhear people talking amongst each other about your acne


Posted : 04/15/2010 8:25 pm

When you can barely look at yourself without being disgusted or shocked in certain lighting.


Posted : 04/17/2010 12:17 am

When you take bathroom breaks during class to reapply your make-up.


When you are at a sleepover, and still put make-up on to sleep in because you don't want your friends seeing your face.


When swimming terrifies you because it washes away make-up.


When you refuse to see your significant other without make-up, even if your acne is unimportant to them.


When your dad says "I'm so sorry you inherited this from me" [reference to your acne]


When your mom calls doctors on the tv to get acne treatments.


When one of your friends admits you can tell you once had really bad acne.


When Proactiv commercials piss you off.


When you Google search "acne cures" for two hours and try all of them.


When you put really weird shit on your face (hemorrhoid cream!).


When you analyze the hell out of everyone's skin.



Posted : 04/17/2010 1:07 am

when your teacher asks you to move your hair from your face, and when you do, they RECOIL and tell you to put it back lmfao


happend when I was 12, so funny now I think about it hahaha


Posted : 04/17/2010 7:00 am

when you look yourself in the mirror and see stranger...


Posted : 04/17/2010 8:57 pm

When you refresh the message board over and over waiting for your questions to be answered


When someone sees your childhood picture and they ask "What happened to you?" (Happened to me in 7th grade lol, awkward phase for me...)


Posted : 04/18/2010 11:06 am

You won't look in the mirror with your glasses on.


You refuse to get out of bed and go to school.


The only thing you can think about when your parents tell you you're going on a beautiful Mediterranean cruise is: "I hope my skin is clear."


Your face make-up routine takes over half an hour.


You won't ask a guy out because of your skin.


You constantly look for people with acne to feel better about yourself.


Posted : 04/18/2010 4:54 pm

You know it's bad when someone you like promised you a lot and has taken you for granted because of accutane...


Posted : 04/18/2010 5:14 pm

when you're a 14 year old kid walking to get a haircut and a 7 year old girl coming home from school walks up to you and says "eww how come you have so much pimples?" and you decide to go home instead.


when you're a 15 year old pimpled kid buying candy from a newsstand after school and the guy working there tells you "you shouldn't eat candy because it gives you pimples" right after you bought candy from him.


when you're with your friends and a proactiv commercial comes on the radio or tv and you feel like dying.


when a girl who has shown interest in you, ask to take a picture with you and you deny it.


when you drop out of school, stay home, and do nothing for about 3 years.


Posted : 04/18/2010 6:04 pm

when you're out of words to describe how low you feel about yourself...fuck you acne
