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you know its bad when..


Posted : 05/22/2010 10:27 pm

You know you've tried your best to avoid and take care anything along your way to cure/ heal your skin but it was never an end. One end another start.


Posted : 05/24/2010 3:40 pm

You know it's bad when you're getting your hair rinsed, and all you can think of is the spray that's coming off the water because it is dripping towards your pimples and will wash off the make-up. Not if the highlights will look good, but if your make-up is still on. Ugh!


Posted : 05/26/2010 4:36 am

You know its bad when your amazed by the clear skin on your hands.


haha its annoying isnt it. me and my mate always say why cant we have spots on our feet. no one will see them down then under shoes and socks...




Posted : 05/26/2010 6:57 am

When there's a visible line on your thigh because you're always too close to your bedroom mirror checking the progress




Posted : 05/26/2010 5:09 pm

when you change your diet and have a hard time explaining to people why (using every explanation but acne).


Posted : 05/26/2010 7:19 pm

I know it's bad when I can think of something like this in my head...


I've always had a perfectly clear face, never had acne until my senior year now I graduate in a week and went through the worst semester of my life and missed more days than I ever had. I can never look at my self the same, I don't feel like it's me. I can honestly say I think I had one of the worst cases of acne on this site and my impatience and frustration caused me to pick like crazy and now I'm left with scars everywhere a little over halfway through my accutane course. The prednisone made me gain weight and gave me a fatter face. I've always been kinda shy but girls would come to me because I guess I was an attractive football player and they were good looking girls too(not trying to brag or be cocky) just as I started breaking the shyness my acne broke out. Now I have almost no self esteem to talk to them and they sure as hell won't talk to me first. It's a never ending cycle, acne goes away, here comes the scars. Accutane is a great drug but I feel like my face is destroyed, like I'm a burn victim. It feels good to vent though :)


Posted : 05/26/2010 9:30 pm

when your acne starts making friends with each other on your chin.


Posted : 05/27/2010 1:49 pm

you have an infection in your mouth effecting your speach and how and what you can eat.


when you have to take two lots of anti biotics for the next 7 days max.


when you have had 6 new white heads come out of nowhere.


when you thought an anti blemish regime would mean stopping them...




Posted : 05/27/2010 6:26 pm

When you blame being a loner on having acne.

When you feel like crying and going into hiding when someone says the word pimple, acne, or even bump.

When you wish that you could wake up in the morning with a new face every night before bed.

when you've given in to the idea that looks are everything because of your acne.

When you wish to have clear skin over ANYTHING else in the entire world.

When commercials for new acne treatments no longer give you any hope. At all.


Posted : 05/28/2010 6:40 pm

When you blame being a loner on having acne.

When you feel like crying and going into hiding when someone says the word pimple, acne, or even bump.

When you wish that you could wake up in the morning with a new face every night before bed.

when you've given in to the idea that looks are everything because of your acne.

When you wish to have clear skin over ANYTHING else in the entire world.

When commercials for new acne treatments no longer give you any hope. At all.


funny, i can relate.. wow.. lol good ones


Posted : 05/29/2010 3:23 am becomes ur facebook....

Well not really but in a way


Posted : 05/29/2010 4:52 am

When you sit in a class at uni with a bunch of people and isolate yourself, then spend the rest of the day imagining how much you could of enjoyed yourself in that situation and made more of an impact socially towards the other people had you had clear skin.


Posted : 05/29/2010 5:15 am

when you tell your dad you think maybe having a blood test for vitamins/hormones could help? and he says


"youve already had everything done, if the top bloke (derm) says you need to then fine"


and one time i mentioned it could be hormones and he just makes a joke in front of my auntie laughing that it could be "hormones" as if im a woman..


oh and its bad when you look like you have a disease from the blotchyness in the skin.


im considering accutane tbh. i just cant look at myself in the mirror




Posted : 05/29/2010 5:15 am becomes ur facebook....

Well not really but in a way


lol true. I'd just like to add to this. I think that for a considerable portion of people who visit this site, the amount of time which they spend on this site is positively correlated with their level of preoccupation with their skin. As such, you'll notice that people tend to visit this site less often (or not at all) once they've achieved their goal of clear skin.


However, this theory doesn't apply to everyone. For example, some people genuinely enjoy their time here and like to keep in contact with the friends they've made, etc.


Just my two cents.



Posted : 05/30/2010 5:19 pm

Maggipie I'd go with the latter :D my acne sucks but I'm on here cus I love the caring, open minded environment =*


When you become a veteran on in a matter of days xD


true in my case haha


You know its bad when your amazed by the clear skin on your hands.


haha its annoying isnt it. me and my mate always say why cant we have spots on our feet. no one will see them down then under shoes and socks...



Lol that's smart :D😀

Kin92 liked

Posted : 05/31/2010 7:08 am

I can nearly relate to every single one of these posts!

But reading them makes me feel that im not the only one with bad skin and kind of makes me feel a little bit better

Solis1 liked

Posted : 06/02/2010 12:13 pm

When your face looks bad in the black and white photos.


Posted : 06/02/2010 2:16 pm

When your acne clears up and you realize you still dont have clear skin.

Solis1 liked

Posted : 06/02/2010 5:24 pm

When your acne clears up and you realize you still dont have clear skin.


Thats a good one. Its like a slap in the face



Posted : 06/03/2010 12:09 pm

When you get in your car at night, hit the highway, blow the speakers and cry so hard out of the

desperation and fustration you wish you die.


When you only post one pic of you on FB.


When you have gone through so much pain that you start to feel nothing.


when acne is gone and now you have to deal with scars.


when you come to a point and say to yourself F-it.


when you look in the mirror and start making fun of yourself so you wont cry.


when you look at other people miss fortune so you can make sense of yours.


when your ex-wife was embarrased to introduced you to her friends.




Posted : 06/03/2010 2:17 pm

when you tint your vehicle windows so no one sees you.

when you run to your vehicle after work


when you wish it were okay to wear a mask


when you avoid people at all cost


when you buy everything online


when your father says "i forgot you cant go outside Michael Jackson"


when your 2006 Nissan 350z only has 10,000 miles









Posted : 06/03/2010 9:05 pm

Insults from people you love hurts the most


When people become quiet when you come into a room and you can hear they chat back after you leave


Posted : 06/05/2010 9:39 pm waste sooo much time every day in front of a mirror, picking at scabs, squeezing zits, and scrubbing your face off.


...your mom thinks it's necessary to pop cystic acne (because she thinks it'll harden to the point where you'll have to get surgery to have it removed) and you won't do it yourself because you know it'll scar badly, but she pops it for you; and alas, it scars.


Posted : 06/05/2010 9:43 pm

When a girl you used to talk to all the time and have chemistry with won't even respond to your text messages or acknowledge you when you see her because you have a spot or two on your face.


Posted : 06/07/2010 5:49 am

when a homeless man is giving you skin care advice.


yes, this actually happened. it happened over a year ago when i was serving coffees in a homeless shelter. my skin was incredibly dry/red/flakey at the time.


he was quite friendly.

