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How ya feelin' about your acne today?


Posted : 07/25/2011 5:53 am

Don't give up, Abi! I think I saw a post a few days ago where you had mentioned how things were starting to clear up and you were feeling happier about how things were looking. If you carry on as you were, sure it will start to get better again. It can be pretty disheartening when you feel like you're almost there, then it all kicks off again. Lost count of the number of times I've been there myself over the years - a breakout clears up and the redness goes down, and so on, then just as you think it might give you some peace, the cycle starts up again. Gets really frustrating and you wonder why you bother in the first place, but you will get there. Just like it had a beginning, remember that it will also have an end. :)


Will it? Every time I think I'm clearing up it starts all over again. I'll look in the mirror and think I'm clearish, then I wash my face and feel all these lumps under my skin. Future spots...


Whilst I love this forum for all the support and information, 95% of the posts are about ongoing acne, some for decades and decades. Whenever I read about someone who has finally beaten it, it's something that I've already tried and failed with, or it's accutane. I think I'm going to have to go down that route now really...


Also I am keeping a skin diary (not all the photos are on here, but some are) and at first I thought it would help to see my progress. But really it's just disheartening to see a constant spattering of acne just moving around my face.


FUCK. So hard to stay positive.


Posted : 07/25/2011 6:50 am

abigailwheeler said:
Will it?

Yes! I never thought I'd get to where I'm at now, but things are going well with my skin. Pity the rest of my life seems to be so messed up at the moment, but you can't have everything...

Although, my prescription for Lymecycline ran out and my doctor doesn't want to renew it because I've been on it about ten months. So come back to me in a few weeks when it's totally out of my system, and we'll see how positive I am then. ;)

You know, if you honestly feel like you're running out of options and you have given everything you've tried plenty of time to bring results, maybe it is worth considering Accutane. I look at it as a last resort, so if you feel you're at that point, it could be a possibility.

I've always thought it's been great having you around the Org, you seem like you get on with things and generally don't let acne stop you living and enjoying life. I genuinely admire you for that that because it's something I've struggled with for a long time as you know. And I'm sure there are people around you who would have lots of positive things to say, and no doubt they see far beyond any skin problems. I know it doesn't fix the problem itself and it's probably rather clich'd, but it doesn't define who you are and you don't have to let it get it get the better of you.

For every story you might read here of someone who has struggled for many years, there are an equal number of accounts from people who have found what works for them and beaten it. Each thing you try brings you closer to the thing which works. And I know from what we've talked about before that you're able to apply yourself, can focus and have a determination to get to wherever you want to be. So keep taking the same approach with your skin and I know you'll get there eventually, whatever method you choose. :)


Posted : 07/25/2011 6:51 am

I'm feeling pretty good today. My skin is looking nice today. The cyst on my forehead is finally receding, even after I stupidly squeezed it the other day. Hooray. I have nothing coming up under the skin that I can see right now, but I won't hold my breath. My redness has gone down too. I suppose this is probably all down to the N-Lite treatment last week, it usually takes a week or so to really have an effect.


I think my progress has been amazing, over the last few years. Whenever I feel depressed, I look at old photos of myself and examine my progress over the years. Here is a photo of me from... December '09, I think. It's not a great photo, but you can see my acne is pretty bad. It's quite angry looking, and it's much worse up close. Also, I don't really suit a shaved head.




Here is a much more recent photo of me, taken on Thursday night. I don't really know why I'm pulling that face, but I assure you I'm not dangerous. As you can see, the change in my skin is pretty radical, if I do say so myself. Not as good as the photo shows - I'm in a dark club being photographed with flash, it's a miracle you can make out anything. That's in what... two and a half years? I feel like I'm kind of over caring about my acne much now. The scars and hyperpigmentation I have and will continue to have for the next couple years seem as much part of my personality as anything else. I don't think I'd take completely clear skin if I was offered it right now. Sure, I've had all kinds of crap about my skin before but it's made me into a better person. My skin is a reminder of the experiences I have had, it is a living testament to my own existence. It would be a disservice to myself to pretend, ignore and be ashamed of what has formed and shaped me so extensively.




Rambling post, but yeah, I'm feeling pretty good about my skin today.


Posted : 07/25/2011 9:55 am

Yes! I never thought I'd get to where I'm at now, but things are going well with my skin. Pity the rest of my life seems to be so messed up at the moment, but you can't have everything...


Awesome news about your skin Paul! Hope that the job hunt is going well too?


Although, my prescription for Lymecycline ran out and my doctor doesn't want to renew it because I've been on it about ten months. So come back to me in a few weeks when it's totally out of my system, and we'll see how positive I am then. ;)


Never heard of Lymecycline, what's that? Do you go to a gp or derm for your skin?


You know, if you honestly feel like you're running out of options and you have given everything you've tried plenty of time to bring results, maybe it is worth considering Accutane. I look at it as a last resort, so if you feel you're at that point, it could be a possibility.


I think there are more options out there but I don't want to waste time and money on prescriptions that are a variation of something that I've already tried and failed. Then again it's a drastic decision and I think with all the promo modelling I have coming up I cant risk messing with myself too much...


I've always thought it's been great having you around the Org, you seem like you get on with things and generally don't let acne stop you living and enjoying life. I genuinely admire you for that that because it's something I've struggled with for a long time as you know. And I'm sure there are people around you who would have lots of positive things to say, and no doubt they see far beyond any skin problems. I know it doesn't fix the problem itself and it's probably rather clich©d, but it doesn‚„t define who you are and you don‚„t have to let it get it get the better of you.


Aww thank you! I must admit your posts are amongst the ones I follow daily. I think 90% of the time I really do just suck it up and get on with everything. But then I have days when I feel so sad and beaten down by acne that I let depression absorb me for a little while.


I was in Paris over the weekend to see my Aussie best friend. I woke up on Sunday to the worst skin I'd seen on myself in a while. For about an hour I became really withdrawn and sad about it. But then I kinda thought, what's worse, a few spots or the fact that I'm not going to see my best friend again for over 6 months and that I was wasting that time. Because that's all depression is. A non-constructive waste of time.


For every story you might read here of someone who has struggled for many years, there are an equal number of accounts from people who have found what works for them and beaten it. Each thing you try brings you closer to the thing which works. And I know from what we've talked about before that you're able to apply yourself, can focus and have a determination to get to wherever you want to be. So keep taking the same approach with your skin and I know you'll get there eventually, whatever method you choose. :)


Haha thank you for reminding me Paul! You're right, when I really want something I just make it happen. I think that's why acne gets me down because I WANT to have clear skin and I go out and TRY to make it happen but it's something that I actually have no control over.


Deep breaths. Keep smiling. There are so many good things in my life that eclipse acne all together!





Posted : 07/25/2011 11:10 am

@Abigail Wheeler I know exactly how you feel, I just encountered the identical problem, its like the minute one part of your face clears up (forehead) another one starts up, this makes me feel depressed...


Posted : 07/25/2011 11:17 am

@Abigail Wheeler I know exactly how you feel, I just encountered the identical problem, its like the minute one part of your face clears up (forehead) another one starts up, this makes me feel depressed...


Isn't it so disheartening?! It makes it very very hard to stay positive. I feel for you xx


Posted : 07/25/2011 1:32 pm

Hope that the job hunt is going well too?


Meh, not really. Then again, I haven't really applied myself to it yet. I think with the way things finished with my last employer, I hardly knew which way was up or down and needed to take a few days to get my head around thing. Those few days have turned into a week. Need to get on with it really because it'll get harder to pick myself up otherwise. So starting tomorrow, I'll sort myself a plan and thing about what I want to do right now, see if there anything I can set myself as far as long term goals are concerned... just get a bit of focus on it really and start doing something positive to fix things. And of course, I don't want to be on the dole for ages, want to work and be able to pay my way, make a contribution and be involved in something. Missing that at the moment, but I do feel better that I no longer work where I did because that place was literally doing my head in. Wish things had turned out differently, but I'm sure it'll all come together in the end.


I did go for one job last week which I thought was for a photographers assistant, which would have been perfect, but it ended up being a bit of a con. Turned out that half the job involved going out in town doing promo, getting people to sign up for portrait packages and stuff. The person who got the most names and numbers out of the group would get the actual interview. Win-win for the company because they're getting new clients for free either way. I wasn't much good and only got two numbers so they sent me on my way. Felt a bit stupid really because it was as if I got suck in by it, and I was disappointed that it wasn't what I thought it was. Plus they weren't interested in my photography, of course, even though I have some good stuff. Just have to put it down to experience and move on.


There are plenty of other issues I'd like to deal in terms of confidence and stuff, but I may well be able to combine that with new work. A lot of my reservations have been about how people see me and my skin, but if I'm able to throw myself into new work, that'll be a good distraction.

If I can find something which is more sociable, it'll be bring me out of my shell and allow me to get to know new people. In turn, that may well help me shake off this depression or whatever the hell it is.


My old GP would listen to me but he would just essentially tell me to get on with things, which is not always a bad thing if you need a kick, but it doesn't really help in terms of finding a coping mechanism. And that applies to depression, how I feel about myself in general, and how I deal with my skin going forward. So I changed GP's and asked if I could speak to a woman. My new GP sat and listened for a while and was really nice and understanding. She gave me a variety of options for counselling and things but the NHS waiting lists and huge and I can't afford to pay so I guess I'm going to have to fix it myself. There are a good number of resources online so I'll have to get stuck into those and see what happens.



Never heard of Lymecycline, what's that? Do you go to a gp or derm for your skin?


Lymecycline is a variation of Tetracycline, I think. Or it's derived from that or something. Over the years I've taken Tetracycline, Doxycycline, Minocycline and now Lymecycline. They're all along the same lines, and I guess you'll already have been there? In all instances my GP at the time made out like these were pretty much the only options available. They're probably just the cheapest for the NHS.


My prescription was due to end so I asked me new GP what I should do next. We talked about my skin for a while and she suggested I give the Lymecycline a break and see how I go. I'll still be using Isotretinoin gel as a topical if I need it, but I'm hoping my regimen, the changes I made to my diet and my intake of supplements are enough to keep my skin roughly as it is. Can't help but wonder if it will slowly but surely revert back to how it used to be, undoing all the work I've put in over the last year or so. I really don't want that.


The new GP saw on my notes that I'd previously mentioned in an appointment that I was kind of preoccupied with how I believed people perceived me in a negative way because of my skin, and how I seem to put too much negative attention on it and bring myself down, so she asked me about that as well. It was kind of interlinked to the work stuff and why I lost my job, so I told her all about it. Talking about it did make me realise that I don't feel the way I did back at the start of the year when the perception thing began to get the better of me. That anxiety has reduced a lot. No doubt it's been helped by the fact my skin has improved, I think the two go hand in hand. Less stress means less acne, less acne means less stress, and so on. Now I just need to capitalise on that and get myself out there. I did exactly that at the start of the year and it didn't really go to plan, then I happened to meet a couple of girls and in both cases I wasn't really given a second thought when they decided they weren't all that interested after all, so I kind of withdrew again. Need to give it all another go.



Aww thank you! I must admit your posts are amongst the ones I follow daily. I think 90% of the time I really do just suck it up and get on with everything. But then I have days when I feel so sad and beaten down by acne that I let depression absorb me for a little while.


It's only natural that we slip and it gets the better of us sometimes. The only way we'd ever manage to walk around thinking everything is amazing is if we were totally oblivious to reality. I suppose it's a question of finding that balance and putting the right kind of focus on certain things. For example, I spent so many years letting my skin consume me because I was being negative about it, when I could have been working on it and making it better. Sure, the process of making it better hasn't always gone to plan and there have been plenty of times when I wondered what the point of it was. But I came back here and people kept saying, "Stick with it and you'll figure it out eventually", and I guess they were right. And it wasn't like it was some big sort of 'Eureka!' moment and I certainly didn't get all detailed and scientific about it because I'm simply not that smart. I just started to wonder if my skin was essentially abusing me in return for all the abuse I had given it with all the crazy products over the years. So I started to treat it better and look after it and, as daft as it may sound, it's as if it's beginning to respond in kind.


I'm starting to think I could take the same approach with my mental well-being. If I carried on with the negative thinking, my mind would do as I told it and it would bring me down. Just in the same way I was constantly thinking about my skin getting bad, I was sending the signals for things to just carry on as they were. I think you're right in saying that depression is a waste of time, but only if you don't respond to it. It's a warning, a way for your mind to tell you that something isn't right. When I realised what was going on, I took steps to address it and am now paying attention to it. In that respect, the depression becomes constructive because I'm then taking steps to fix it and become better, happier person.



Haha thank you for reminding me Paul! You're right, when I really want something I just make it happen. I think that's why acne gets me down because I WANT to have clear skin and I go out and TRY to make it happen but it's something that I actually have no control over.


Deep breaths. Keep smiling. There are so many good things in my life that eclipse acne all together!


You're welcome! ;) It's all too easy too forget sometimes because we can't really see beyond whatever's looking back at us in the mirror. And although you might not feel you have total control over it, you can influence it. You proved that to yourself when things started to get better on your regimen, so there's no reason it can't get back to that point and indeed improve further. And if you have all those good things going on in your life, embrace them and be thankful for them, and allow those things to be what gets you through to the point where you become happy with your skin.




Posted : 07/25/2011 1:43 pm

I'm feeling really happy with my skin today! I'm to the point were I'm having clear skin continully. So far I've had about 7 days straight with no acne. I hope this keeps going. It's the beginning of a new chapter in my life where I don't have to wake up and see a spot on my face.

I'm working on my scars now. That of course will take time, but I'm very pleased.


Posted : 07/26/2011 4:52 am

So very happy. :) Erythromycin Gel has done WONDERS for me. Scars and redness fading, zits dying. Breaking out less (and its THAT time of the month, and i only got one tiny red dot...YESH!) I'm so happy. No, my skins not perfect right now. A teeny bit more.

Its coverable with makeup, and no one has noticed it when IVe gone out. And when I look around, all these other girls have it to. Yeah, theyre still fine looking. But Im not alone. I'm really happy. I wanted to be clear, or alto clearer by my mothers wedding (this Saturday) and it cmae true. Im a physced for going to school with my face back. I always had light light acne, until June when it got bad. And now that its going away....its a dream come true. I realize Im extremely lucky that I only delaed with the bad shit for a month or two. Once I stopped putting senseless crap on my face, left it alone, went to the doctor and followed a regimen and found what worked....................thank god. The only thing that saddens me is when the Erythrmycin wears off......well, no need to worry about a future I cannot change. Ive got atleast a few months on it anyways. Well, good luck to you guys. Keep hope. I know my stories not incredibly inspirational and relatabel....but its still the same general feelnig. Smile, becuase acne doesnt make you. You maek you.


Posted : 07/26/2011 4:02 pm

lovely.... one time for patience and the magic of spiro! ;)


Posted : 07/26/2011 6:26 pm

Not feeling too good tbbh... im on holida in jamaica.. really good and active, but hot and sweaty... so this means a bit of trouble for things such as my acne.... plus run out of my prescription and another 2 weeks so only going to get worse :)

And somebody who makes me laugh and feel good has left me now :( So yeah.... but still happy on holiday apart form acne


Posted : 07/27/2011 1:19 am

I'm doing quite well. I had a hurty zit on my back though last night ><


Posted : 07/27/2011 2:45 am

Pretty good. But I got some whiteheads.


Posted : 07/27/2011 9:43 am

Feeling bad again :( I think it's just a general lowness and I've got tonsillitis so I in general feel like I'm dying and my skin, which I know shouldn't be even on my mind right now, looks so terrible and I know it's due to lack of sleep and what not but how can it change so quickly in just two days?! :/ urgh.


Posted : 07/27/2011 12:07 pm

Feeling like shit today. I wish I could sleep all day long until I get clear.


Posted : 07/27/2011 12:34 pm

Feeling like shit today. I wish I could sleep all day long until I get clear.

I second that.


Thought this massive breakout would be okay since it's on only one cheek, the other was clear. Wake up this morning to find the left cheek to wanted to join in on the celebrations!


FUUUUUUU, so mad. I don't know what to do anymore.



I know, I feel so angry too. It is like everything in my life now is about worrying about this... I could have done so many things during my vacation, but did nothing... and now it is almost over and I'll have to face college looking like this.



Posted : 07/27/2011 2:12 pm

I love sleep, but I doubt even I could sleep long enough to wake up with clear skin!

Try not to feel so bad about it folks. Maybe you're not feeling so good about your skin, but you should try and be good to yourself. Giving yourself a hard time about it all just makes things worse.

Yeah, I've been there before and totally know what it's like - I have at least a few crazy rants on the previous pages of this very topic! - but the best thing is to shrug it off as much as you can and make sure you don't miss out on stuff. It sucks to miss out. Fair enough, it does take a whole lot of guts to drag yourself out there, smile and get on with things when you're not feeling good about yourself, but we have to do it because we deserve to be happy just like everyone else. :)


The reality is, nobody ever really cares about our skin as much as we might. Everyone out there is getting on with their business and is too busy to stop and study us. And anybody who might stop to do that is an idiot so they don't even matter.




Posted : 07/27/2011 3:56 pm

A little cruddy. Which hasnt been the case in a while.

It looks like I didnt totally skip the tim-of-the-month- breakout. I got some tiny winy little thingsaorund my nose which you can even see....they heal in a day. On my forhead i got a tiny red dot, and it went way in a night.....which gives me hoe ofr thi tiny red dot that just formed today. ONe that will not be gone any day now, is the brand spankingnew papule right on my hairline (you cant really see it much, due to its palcement) but its fuckin red and fat. Ah well, with makeupi look great....still a downer tho


Posted : 07/27/2011 4:05 pm

I feel a bit stressed about a break out on my right cheek as because my skin is starting to clear up, it seems really awful! I know that the regimen is starting to work for me though and it has gotten better overall, so I'm trying to keep stress levels to a minimum. (: Keep smiling & ignoring it is working so far.

I know how you feel. I was just almost clear (cept for scars) and I got that monthly breakout...not near as bad as its ben. And atlthough its reallyont that bad (in comparison to other times) it gives you that slipping feeling, like oyu almost feel back into thep it of zitopia. But dont fret, continue with your regimen and gain persepctive. ITsgetting better right?


Posted : 07/27/2011 8:21 pm

It looks like my other cheek wants to break out too... if it does, I'll REALLY give up


Posted : 07/27/2011 9:39 pm

Feeling like shit today. I wish I could sleep all day long until I get clear.


so relatable! I can't tell you how many days I wake up wishing it was time to go to bed so I can wake up the next morning with clearer skin! Hang in there! I know it's bad but it doesn't last forever! Try to have fun and not worry about it! Do something nice for yourself, even if it requires staying home! Trust me, things are a lot easier when you have something to distract you and you aren't thinking about acne every waking hour! Even if you distract yourself for an hour thats an accomplishment!


Posted : 07/27/2011 9:43 pm

I'm feeling pretty okay right now :) Just one microzit next to my nose that is well on its way to being gone, and just the flesh-colored bumps I abhor :( but other than that, I feel pretty good :)


Posted : 07/27/2011 10:35 pm

Feeling like shit today. I wish I could sleep all day long until I get clear.


so relatable! I can't tell you how many days I wake up wishing it was time to go to bed so I can wake up the next morning with clearer skin! Hang in there! I know it's bad but it doesn't last forever! Try to have fun and not worry about it! Do something nice for yourself, even if it requires staying home! Trust me, things are a lot easier when you have something to distract you and you aren't thinking about acne every waking hour! Even if you distract yourself for an hour thats an accomplishment!



Thanks for the support Kaley! It is so hard to distract myself with other things. It is like as if any problem that I had back when I was clear looks so minor now.

Anyway, I hope everything goes fine with your soon to be boyfriend!


Posted : 07/28/2011 8:40 am

Pretty crappy right lower cheek area looks like crapola!!!! The dryness from the BP is about to drive me totally bonkers. I'm trying to stay positive and hope it gets better before my vacation next week. And my coworker just came in here complaining about her freckles that she has on her nose. Seriously?! She has clear skin and the freckles are her damn fault because she bakes in the sun weekly! Geeezzzzzz!


Posted : 07/28/2011 2:17 pm

Carleenor, your skin looks pretty darn clear, how's the regimen treating you? I'm avoiding BP because I used it for a while in conjuction with the Patrica Wexler Acne Kit but my skin became immune to it. I then stopped using it and only recently thought I could use BP again as a spot treatment but no way no how! That broke me out like crazy, maybe it was like an IB but I just don't want to rely on BP for the rest of my life. Not to mention I'm only 21 and I already have signs of aging, which I know is from the BP because I avoid sun exposure.


It WAS clear after I was about 2 weeks into the has exploded since then. It was looking worse than it did before I started. Now it's the flakiness that is making it all look terrible. I'm trying to find a good combo of the jojoba and moisturizer. A bunch of skin comes off every day in the shower when I gently rub in the jojoba oil. Is that normal? It seems like a bunch of skin to me....
