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How ya feelin' about your acne today?


Posted : 12/01/2015 2:44 pm

Not good.. Got a breakout out on my neck which never happens and has me getting extremely anxious and paranoid now. Feel like everyone is staring at me because of it.


Posted : 12/04/2015 1:27 pm

I give up.. I just got bangs and I'm done with searching for solutions. Tried veganism but apparently I did it wrong because I haven't had my period over 5 months. Creams and gels that doesn't work and make your breakouts worser. I feel much better with my bangs so I don't have to see all those bumps every time I look into the mirror. I'll let nature do his work


Posted : 12/04/2015 1:44 pm

On 11/13/2015, 1239, Hail Satan said:

Been feeling horrible all week. Most of my income from my job is based on tips and if my skin is really shitty, people just don't tip or tip horribly.


Society..That really sucks!! If im served by someone with Acne, I make a point to tip more.

#Fist-bump bro/sis



Posted : 12/04/2015 4:59 pm

for the first time in my entire life and dealing with acne for 9 years, i have never felt so depressed and upset about my skin. typically i would have my acne under control so i would look decent with make up on. but in the last month it has reached the worst its ever been.i normallyavoid looking at myself in mirrors that are really close to me like in bathrooms with bright lighting because I know I will be very disappointed and upset about myself. these days i dont even look at myself at all.even when im travelling with my friends i am always jealous of the girls that can roll out of bed put on some concealer and eye make up and look really good. my dream is to fly on a 11+hour flight without wearing make up and feel confident. im not even asking for my face to be completely clear i would just want the actual pimples to be flattened. dealing with my scars just sounds 100 times better than dealing with myself at this state. i would trade anything to just have normal skin. i cry myself to sleep almost every night thinking about how much longer i probably will have to deal with this and it doesnt make me feel any better to watch girls on youtube with beautiful skin. acne has officially taken over my life and i have been chained to it. i dont leave my room and im tired of dealing with this. my hope is that maybe writing about it will make me feel a little better. i am normally a cheerful and bubbly person but i am completely and utterly miserable with my life right now and i feel so alone and pathetic. no one knows this side of me because i dont let it show. i dont really know what to do anymore


Posted : 12/07/2015 9:01 pm

Today is a day i could use some encouragement. Skin is breaking out all over as usual and it frankly sucks. Every time that I think that I am making some sort of progress, this happens. Sometimes I wonder why I even bother =(


Posted : 12/09/2015 2:39 pm

Just found two new spots on my face. They're only little ones and aren't in my 'problem areas', but they instantly sent my mood plummeting down.


Posted : 12/20/2015 12:02 pm

God damn awful.



Posted : 12/21/2015 9:09 pm

Still on this roller coaster. Trying to stay optimistic and not compare my progress to others. Skin is better some days and broken out other days. Can't seem to go a few days without an influx of red bumps and pustules. Dealing with 10 plus inflamed pimples,especially on lip. Feeling not so attractive.


Posted : 12/21/2015 10:36 pm

I want so badlytofeel comfortable without makeup, to get up in the morning, wash my face, put some moisturizer on and just leave instead of spending an hour+ on foundation and concealer. My boyfriend is always asking to see me without makeup and telling me I don't need to wear it.. I believe him when he says he loves me and I don't need to hide anything from him, but I can't help but feel like if he knew how bad it really looked he won't be attracted to me, will slowly stop calling me beautiful, etc. I want nothing more than to be able to not wear makeup when I'm with him but I'm so embarrassed by how my skin looks that I can't do it. I don't evenlet my family see my bare face. I look at other people with their perfect clear skin and I so badly want to know what that feels like.


Posted : 12/26/2015 11:10 am

Finally it's going the right way. A few weeks ago I quit being vegan and now I'm on my right weight again and my skin has never looked this good before. Only got some on my right cheek and chin but my forehead (biggest problem area) has all cleared up!! No single spot only dark marks. I'm so happy please let it last a long time :( and don't come back again please.. 



Nvm I spoke to soon. Hello there cysts 


Posted : 12/28/2015 3:45 pm

I'm feeling a bit up and down about my skin.

Only one new spot in the last week which is good (although that one did come up yesterday, so it's still active), but feeling bad about the amount of red marks I've got to deal with.


Posted : 12/30/2015 11:36 am

Ive been using my prescriptions for about 3 weeks now. I know I have to be patient but Im not seeing the results I want. The huge cysts have dried up but my face is very spotty and I swear the tretinioinA is giving me smile lines like a marrionette puppet. I want to see results.


Posted : 12/30/2015 8:28 pm

Incredibly frustrated and upset today. I'm 100% consistent withusing both my oral (spirinolactone, which I've been on for almost six months) and topical (tretenoin and clindamycin) medications, andsome weeks my skin will be amazingly clear butthen the next week I'll have another breakout. My skin looked great last week, and this week it looks like absolute shit. I'm in the middle of a horrific, painful breakout covering my left jawline and left side of my neck.I don't understand what I'm doing wrong. I feel like giving up.


Posted : 01/01/2016 8:37 pm

Showing small signs of progress at least for today. My children are willingly kissing and touching my face. They rarely do. People are smiling at me. Not a pity smile but a genuine "its nice to see you" smile. People still rub their faces and I still feel like a freak at work, but there are signs of improvement least for today.


Posted : 01/02/2016 6:37 am

On 31/12/2015, 0152, madeupdreams said:

Incredibly frustrated and upset today. I'm 100% consistent withusing both my oral (spirinolactone, which I've been on for almost six months) and topical (tretenoin and clindamycin) medications, andsome weeks my skin will be amazingly clear butthen the next week I'll have another breakout. My skin looked great last week, and this week it looks like absolute shit. I'm in the middle of a horrific, painful breakout covering my left jawline and left side of my neck.I don't understand what I'm doing wrong. I feel like giving up.


I don't have breakouts of the same severity, but this is pretty much my life at the moment! No consistency to the state of my skin!

However, I've only had two mild-ish spots in the last two weeks, so fingers crossed it becomes 2.5 weeks and then 3 weeks!

bumpee liked

Posted : 01/02/2016 8:01 am

On December 30, 2015 at 852 PM, madeupdreams said:

Incredibly frustrated and upset today. I'm 100% consistent withusing both my oral (spirinolactone, which I've been on for almost six months) and topical (tretenoin and clindamycin) medications, andsome weeks my skin will be amazingly clear butthen the next week I'll have another breakout. My skin looked great last week, and this week it looks like absolute shit. I'm in the middle of a horrific, painful breakout covering my left jawline and left side of my neck.I don't understand what I'm doing wrong. I feel like giving up.

Please don't. Keep on keeping on no matter what


Posted : 01/02/2016 8:15 am

I'm feeling OK.


I want to search some new face masks and diy acne scrubs to use to get rid of my acne.



Posted : 01/02/2016 8:24 am

Almost 4 month on Spiro (the first month @ 50 mg and the last 2 1/2 at 100 mg) and my skin is on the downward slope again....grrrr. I am trying so hard to not let it affect me but in all honesty, it does. I've been facing my fears and tracking the process with pictures so I do see improvement but it is so inconsistent . On Thursday I was dealing with closed comedones and two days later I am dealing with 10 plus active pimples, some with pus. This year i want to track if there is a correlation with my period and severity of breakouts as well as diet.


Back to juicing and unprocessed stuff. I'm going through a stressful financial time so trying to keep my stress low.

bumpee liked

Posted : 01/02/2016 9:33 am

I just hate it howI let my skin condition control my feelings..

JJ94 and bumpee liked

Posted : 01/03/2016 11:28 am

Kinda average. Have this one spot which just doesn't want to die. It's been there for four days and even though it went down after the first day it's still hanging around. Just have to keep reminding myself that it's mild compared to other acne I've had recently...


Posted : 01/03/2016 10:46 pm

As of right now I am feeling good about my acne it is the best it has been in a month 

bumpee liked

Posted : 01/04/2016 10:42 am

My acne is less visible which makes me happy today although my old scaring are still visible depending on lighting.

New resolution this year don't sweet aabout small stuff

bumpee liked

Posted : 01/04/2016 10:31 pm

Im feeling the same as many of you its inconsistent. Saturday I felt so pretty. I thought my skin actually looked pretty. Today I feel that I looked so ugly. Not so much the break outs but my face looked dry and dull. Cracked and old looking. I felt really upset.


Posted : 01/05/2016 12:43 am

Skin is very dry and flaky due to the winter, but I'm scared to use any moisturizer since they tend to make me break out. The flip side is reduced acne due to less oily skin. Overall, I've been happy about my skin the past month.

bumpee liked

Posted : 01/05/2016 1:19 pm

I made the worst decision to do a lemon detox >.< I'm breaking out all over my cheeks. Discolouration on my forehead isn't fading either
