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How ya feelin' about your acne today?


Posted : 05/10/2015 7:25 am

Hello everyone! Can I join this topic?

Today or more a week I've been locked in my room crying all day and night. With no light cuz I hate it when my skin looks bad! All I do is sleep or cry I cant even watch tv because I envy so bad their skin.

Every morning I'll get pimples of lots petechiae on my face because accutane give me this side effect. The worse for me are those red dots I have alot of it in my face. I'm scared everyday to wake up with new ones. I just want them to stop :'( I no longer take care of myself, all the house is dirty, I no longer talk to my friends. I'm in a really bad shape. I'm totally tired and my parents are lost with me even my psy.


Posted : 05/10/2015 10:41 am's slowly destroying my life and I'm trying so so hard to fix it. Life has done a 180 and I'm trying to turn it back around. I hate what I've become.


Posted : 05/11/2015 8:43 am

Just can't deal


Posted : 05/11/2015 2:16 pm

Cried like a little bitch today. Then I sucked it up and took my kids to the McDonald's play place. They had fun, and I feel better, though my skin is still shit. Acne isn't too bad, but it looks splotchy and uneven, and my pores are effin' huge. Trying to drink more water because I think my skin might be dehydrated (go figure, I'm oily as Hell with dehydrated skin) I'm back on a low carb diet as of today, and that always makes me feel better mentally. I also think it does my skin good.


Posted : 05/11/2015 4:52 pm

Cried like a little bitch today. Then I sucked it up and took my kids to the McDonald's play place. They had fun, and I feel better, though my skin is still shit. Acne isn't too bad, but it looks splotchy and uneven, and my pores are effin' huge. Trying to drink more water because I think my skin might be dehydrated (go figure, I'm oily as Hell with dehydrated skin) I'm back on a low carb diet as of today, and that always makes me feel better mentally. I also think it does my skin good.

You're never weak for crying. It's what makes us human. The fact that you picked yourself up says a lot about your strong and resilient character.


Keep on keeping on


Posted : 05/12/2015 7:35 am

You're never weak for crying. It's what makes us human. The fact that you picked yourself up says a lot about your strong and resilient character.


Keep on keeping on

Thanks leelowe....I am just so tired of being sad over my skin :( It's exhausting....


Posted : 05/12/2015 11:40 am

I agree! To be able to be crying and then pick yourself up is something I've never been able to do -- usually if I'm in a crying mood that's me depressed for the rest of the day. So really good job putting on a brave face for your kids! (And nomnomnom mcdonalds is a childs heaven!) I've gone from crying every single day to crying on average about once a week, but I think that's healthy.


Posted : 05/12/2015 5:23 pm

Thanks Lore! I try, for my kids...if I didn't have kids I'd probably lock myself in all day and cry :'( I cried again today, my skin seems to look worse than ever for some reason. Over it. :| Thinking about really trying to accept and embrace my shitty skin, it would probably make life a lot easier. I went to high school with a girl who has acne and pitted scarring, and she was so confident, like she didn't care, and even dated a guy that I liked, lol...wish I could be more like her.


Also want to say, crying is ok. Every time I have a good cry I feel better. I think it relieves stress. Though I hate to think of you crying over your skin, because I know how painful it is, I do think it can be healthy.



bumpee liked

Posted : 05/12/2015 6:27 pm

Aw Dark... ;( I'm so proud of you for staying strong for your kids though, I know how horrible it can be... Literally there are days where I don't even want to see my family because of it.


I'm always under the mindset 'I can try and accept this' but I just find it so definately helps me some to watch youtubers who also face acne problems because around me it just seems like no-one else has bad skin! But watching other people go through it and see how positive and successful they are makes me feel slightly better. Every bit of confidence helps I suppose!


I agree, I always feel so much calmer after a cry, but like I said I only seem to cry once a week now whereas January/Feb/March I literally would not go one day without was exhausting.


Sending big hugs your way!


Posted : 05/13/2015 7:48 am

I still hate my face. Decided today that I am going to stop using make up and just use things that are good for my skin. I am at my wits end and my skin is looking worse lately with the huge pores and over all gross look. Can't explain it. I just want to try to give my skin a break and see what happens. I've yet to accept that my once nice skin is now fugly. Since I won't be using make up I can stay away from the mirror. No more close up inspections because my mental health can't take it.


Posted : 05/13/2015 11:30 am

getting a giant painful zit on my nose, which almost never breaks out, only blackheads. Wah. But that's life with zits, unfortunately. Hope everyones week turns out well :)


Posted : 05/13/2015 11:54 pm

getting a giant painful zit on my nose, which almost never breaks out, only blackheads. Wah. But that's life with zits, unfortunately. Hope everyones week turns out well :)


Has your acne gotten any better after 6 years?

# 300


Posted : 05/14/2015 3:55 pm

Hello everyone! Can I join this topic?

Today or more a week I've been locked in my room crying all day and night. With no light cuz I hate it when my skin looks bad! All I do is sleep or cry I cant even watch tv because I envy so bad their skin.

Every morning I'll get pimples of lots petechiae on my face because accutane give me this side effect. The worse for me are those red dots I have alot of it in my face. I'm scared everyday to wake up with new ones. I just want them to stop :'( I no longer take care of myself, all the house is dirty, I no longer talk to my friends. I'm in a really bad shape. I'm totally tired and my parents are lost with me even my psy.

I have been where you are and if there is one thing i can suggest, it's this. When you feel like crap, get up and go out anyway. Walk around the block, even if it means doing it at night when no one else is around. Go the park, lay out on a blanket and stare at the sky. Acne can last for YEARS and you don't want to spend your life waiting it out. I am in the thick of it so you are not alone



Face started burning after moisturizer.....gak! Never a good sign (think eczema). Gonna skip differin for now and try waiitng the recommended 5-10 minutes between washing - aczone- moisturizer.


This truly sucks! The last time i tried not treating acne, my face deteriorated to the point of accutane.



God Help Me.


Posted : 05/14/2015 10:21 pm

My face was clear... until last winter (December). I don't know if it was the weather, cus it was my first time in a very cold country; or my diet or hormones. Anyways, I didn't do anything hoping that it would go away on its own. And yes, it didn't. Now I'm getting lots of "what happened to your face", "you look stressed" and face-burning eyes.


Been in the regimen for 6 weeks but still breaking out.

I'm still hoping tho.


My skin and looks are permanently ruined for the rest of my life.

Chin up, bro! I understand how you feel but don't let acne beat you like that


Posted : 05/14/2015 11:50 pm

I feel great. Was stressing out this morning, and trippin on this strong cookie urge which I felt would cause me acne. I've been too hard on myself with diet lately, so I'm gonna make a whole new grocery list with enough foods to eat something different everyday.

My face was clear... until last winter (December). I don't know if it was the weather, cus it was my first time in a very cold country; or my diet or hormones. Anyways, I didn't do anything hoping that it would go away on its own. And yes, it didn't. Now I'm getting lots of "what happened to your face", "you look stressed" and face-burning eyes.

What made you move to Canada? Work?
R u from Japan?


Posted : 05/15/2015 4:04 am

I stopped using cleanser and moisturizer on my face. Only hemp oil from now on, even taking off eye makeup with it. So far I haven't broken out from it, hopefully it will stay that way, cause I like how my skin doesn't crave for the moisturizer anymore. I'm hopeful that not using all those comedogenic ingredient will help me clear up those persistant little pimples I'm still getting despite being almost 2 years on Yasmin and Spiro.


Posted : 05/15/2015 2:10 pm

Today is so-so. I'm under a lot of stress as I am putting together a senior reception for our kids at church. It's on Sunday, so for the next few days I am under a time crunch to get everything decorated and set up. Plus, I'm nervous about them enjoying it, etc. lol I've been working out to help reduce stress. I've also started drinking some kefir (you can find it in the milk shelves at Walmart) to get good probiotics in my system.


As far as my routine, it seems to be going ok. At least it doesn't appear to be negatively impacting my skin. I am still using the cerave cleanser at morning and night and then in the morning I use the PC 2% BHA clear toner, wait 20mins then follow with the Cerave pm moisturizer. At night, I just follow cleansing with the pm moisturizer. Of course I spot treat at least 2x a day with bp or tea tree oil. I've been encouraged because plugs keep coming out. My chin is clearer even while using the moisturizer 2x a day. It doesn't seem like either product is breaking me out or clogging my pores. I think the BHA is working more effectively in the lower ph environment. Even some plugs (the most stubborn for years!) on my nose have started pushing out and my pores there do seem clearer, to me anyways. Overall, the rest of my skin looks cleaner. Now, my Tzone where I have the most plugs is a mess yet. Right now I have spots where my eyebrows and bridge of nose meet. :( I am really hoping that this is the purging of the plugs. I got this also when I started the whole PC line last year. I went back and looked at my calendar and I wrote I had spots but they weren't as huge as before and did eventually resolve. I really hope this si what is going on now and the BHA is doing its job. IF that is the case, I can handle this.. We'll see.


I think I have oily dry skin...would figure. When my skin gets dried out I ALWAYS get huge cysts and breakouts. I guess my skin just can't cope with the bacteria when my layers are compromised. Every single worst breakout of my life that I have written down was after I noted my skin getting dry. That is why I am using teh moisturizer even though I don't feel like I need it. So, far my skin has not felt dry at all. Hasn't cracked..hasn't felt tight, not flaky, etc. I only use a small amount, though since my skin is still oily. This doesn't seem to make it over oily, though. Thankfully!


PS.. I try to cry once a week--it really does help with stress and I feel so much afterwards. This isn't too hard since I always get teary eyed at those touching videos you find on facebook. I read somewhere that when you cry from distress (anything other than happy tears), your body actually releases toxins, etc to cleanse the body. So, if true, crying IS a healthy habit!


Posted : 05/18/2015 8:20 am

I hate this!! The last couples of days my skin was doing so good and now today BAM got petechiae, hives and acne on face. When you think you skin will get better... NO its always has to comes to an end! I feel like sh** crying all day in my bed. I just want to punch everything!!! I'm so jelaous of peoole who always has 100 % clear skin, its not fair!!! Gosh today my nerves are exploding!!!!!


Posted : 05/22/2015 8:59 pm

I'm so angry. Angry at my naturopath for being so hard to reach, angry at my skin for being deliberate and spoilt, angry at my friends for not having to deal with this and angry at myself for letting this impact me as much as it does.


I honestly don't want to go through another minute of this. Another birthday approaches with bad skin. That would make it the 5th year I've felt like crap.


Feeling ver weepy lately and not caring .....


Posted : 05/22/2015 11:58 pm

Feeling pretty good got a couple of white heads near my t zone and around my nose but not popping them until I need to.I had nearly clear skin while on the regimen but have decided that there has to be another way than putting on bp day and night. 4Th day off the regimen


Posted : 05/23/2015 4:22 am

Hi All,

Im so joining the crying team today. I woke up, looked in the mirror and started crying like a baby. My skin was doing so great for past 1.5 months. No spots, all my red marks faded away. Ive been drinking salviae folium and taking doxycyline since the 2nd of April. I was so happy with my skin and now I just want to die. Thats how bad it is. My cheeks are covered with painful, under the skin cysts that are red and look so angry. I cant even extract them, as theyre so deep under the skin. My chin is covered with small spots as well. What the hell is going on? I havent change anything in my routine, still using the same products. I can only blame it on the fact that its this time of the month for me.

Well, Im not leaving the house for next 3 days. Thank God for Monday bank holiday in the UK. Theres no way I could show my face to anyone at this state.

I need some alcohol today to ease the emotional pain.



Posted : 05/24/2015 2:21 pm


getting a giant painful zit on my nose, which almost never breaks out, only blackheads. Wah. But that's life with zits, unfortunately. Hope everyones week turns out well :)


Has your acne gotten any better after 6 years?

# 300

It actually has, quite a bit, but breakdowns still are no fun for anyone.

Melloman liked

Posted : 05/25/2015 9:29 am

Feeling discouraged. I feel like such a fraud. I put on a smile on my face and act like everything is ok and that I'm this big confident person when I feel like crap. Having acne is bad enough but not being able to treat it due to eczema is just cruel. Grrrrrrr......


Why even bother


Posted : 05/26/2015 8:51 pm

I really wish that I was born with better genetics.


Your genetics are probably fine.


Industrial agriculture isn't doing anyone any favors. Monsanto and other corporate food conglomerates need to be put out of business. They are no good. And in all likelihood, they are killing us. There is much evidence to suggest this is the case, too. But as long as people are kept in the dark or simply don't care, the outlook won't change at all.


For anyone reading this, the best advice is: support your non-gmo initiatives. we have got to get this shit out of our food supply.


Scientists in a lab can apply all the 'engineering' they want but nature clearly knows best. The world looks more like a dystopian novel every day. And continuing on this path, this country and many others around the world will surely self-destruct. As much as I hate politics and anything even remotely associated with it, involvement in communities and in efforts to bring these powerful corporations to their knees is needed now more than ever. This country has been exploiting its people on every level from the grocery store checkout lane to the hospital where they eventually end up. It's insidious and wrong. It needs to stop.


The only way attention will be brought to the issue is when you strike them where it hurts: the bottom line.


Posted : 05/28/2015 8:43 am

If my genetics are fine then why can the average person eat whatever they want and not get acne?


I think we're forgetting that problems can manifest in different ways for different people. It's no secret that millions of other people in the U.S. are sick in one way or another. We also forget that acne has been increasing. And obesity. And autism. And diabetes. And cancer.


As simple as this idea is, no one in the sciences really seems to be considering the fact that our food supply is simply toxic. Your genes probably aren't the problem. More likely are corn, soybean and wheat genetics. The same ones that are being modified by engineers who don't know what the hell they're doing. Humans were probably not designed to ingest pesticides.


Actually there are people who are researching these things but it gets thrown out and ignored.


Just because you might not eat those things anymore doesn't mean they couldn't have done some irrepairable damage. There is evidence that some pesticides may have DNA-damaging effects. This isn't to say that acne you might have will never go away or get better though.


The organic movement is facing a lot of criticism i.e. "it's no healthier than GMO, etc". I would be willing to throw down a fair sum of money with complete conviction betting that those sorts of statements are utterly false.


If you look at all the groups in the world that characteristically don't suffer from western disease, you will see that as primitive as they are, and as varied as are their diets, they all have one thing in common: they have not been exposed to industrial agriculture. Yet, even relatives of similar genetics nearby in more "westernized" environments, begin getting sick and developing these types of problems.


I mean...I doubt there's some "magic formula" that keeps them free of disease. They're about as primitive as you can get. They sit out in the sun. They pluck fruits off trees and eat them. They go fishing. They eat coconuts.


It's probably not rocket science.


It seems that no one really wants to just admit the obvious: our diet and lifestyle is killing us.


It's like one side of industry is inducing the diseases we see, and the other half that can't seem to figure it out.


I think there's a reason why acne is a disease that's most often associated with food, and specifically western food.


It also seems that so many sufferers are looking for some magic bullet solution so that they can just go back to their old habits. But, once you know the types of things that are actually in your food, why anyone would want to is beyond me. Healing while chowing down on toxic garbage are two inherently opposing goals. Most packaged food is just mass. Does it stuff your gut? Check. Taste good? Maybe, if you've forgotten what real food tastes like, that is. Check. Good nutrition? forget about it.


Even if you drink water, eat organic, eat this eat still can't replicate a primitive diet here in the US. You're still breathing in toxic chemicals, the root vegetables and fruit you eat still soak up pesticides, nutrient-depleted soil makes the food less nutritious, inadequate growing conditions can stress out the plants and probably change the composition of your food, etc etc. Our environment has to fundamentally change.


It's not like you can just throw a seed in the dirt and have it sprout up the same way every time irrespective of its surrounding environment. Living things are influenced by their environment.


Thus, I propose that those engineers be relieved of their posts and relegated to deep-frying the french fries no one wants anymore. Their approach is unsustainable, and a dead-end.


At the end of the day we have to ultimately realize that a nutritous and health-promoting supply of food is a very real threat to many industries. No one goes to pick up prescriptions when they're in good health and feeling well, with a robust immune system. No one needs to buy supplements when your food is your supply of vitamins/minerals and antioxidants. Companies are literally throwing down millions upon millions of dollars to prevent organic farming from taking over and to keep the average consumer in a state of ignorance. Are you rich like that? That sort of money isn't exactly chump change. There is the simple aspect of competition to consider but ultimately those companies are looking out for their own profits only and it has nothing to do with your benefit.


If there's something to be taken away from all of this it's that learning to accept and prefer a simpler more basic way of life may not be such a bad thing. Of course this isn't promoted in general because there's always the next ad trying to sell you something. Ultimately though, for those primitive people, it may very well be that their lack of modernization is what is saving them.


Update as of 05/29/15: Ah. Perfect timing. Apparently Monsanto is releasing yet another more potent herbicide with even more chemicals.
