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June 14, 2024
Betadine : (Povidone-Iodine)
Avoid! Warning About Using Povidone Iodine!!!
I actually created this account just to warn people about using this product, Povidone Iodine, on your face, even as a spot treatment, for any amount of time, because of the damage/pain it's caused me. Going off the other reviews here I tried/trusted povidone iodine to help heal faster after a skin reaction to coconut oil (salicylates) and flare/burn from Nizarol/Ketoconazole (I thought maybe my food reactions were fungal related so tested an antifungal shampoo). I used the Povidone Iodine for 3 days only May 5-7th, only as a spot treatment, and the purging/burns/scarring I've endured over the last month (today is June 14th) are some of the worst I've ever experienced in my 20+ years of skin issues (Accutane, Sulfur Soaps, Essential Oils, you name it). Iodine is corrosive, and the reaction it causes isn't a 'pimple' that you can clear/heal/forget about, but more like a burn at the innermost skin layer that continues - 1 month after using it for 3 days I'm still scraping dead/bad/burned skin away from the spots - add I'm not even sure my new resulting scars will ever heal because the wounds caused were so deep. I just had to try and warn others from trying/using this and avoid what I'm experiencing. Best wishes, Jason
June 4, 2024
Benzoyl Peroxide
Topical Antibacterial
Product used: (Treatment (Benzoyl Peroxide - 2.5%))
New formula and some weird logistics things.
So I have been ordering the treatment from the official website for years. The latest order has something that caught my attention. 1. The order takes faster to arrive in my country. Previous orders took about 3 week but this one took only 1 week. 2. I received an email saying I will receive two 8 oz products instead of one 16 oz I ordered. But in fact I did receive one 16 oz. 3. The consistency of the benzoyl peroxide gel is different. It's thicker, whiter, more lotion like. It no longer burns when I first put on like it burned before. And no irritation whatsoever if I leave it on my face even for hours. I almost think they put the moisturiser in the bottle by mistake. I will keep using and see if the new formula works.
June 2, 2024
Duac : Clindamycin (1.2%) and Benzoyl Peroxide (5%) Gel
ruined my skin
worked so well for about 10 days and after i got tiny bumps all over my face that started on my forehead and then spread. still don’t know what this is 😭

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