Vitamin D (Vitamin D3)

91 Reviews

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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July 31, 2019
1 week in - still new pimples

Been taking 5000Ui daily for the last week along with K3, Vitamin A, and Magnesium supplements (all daily). I think it helps the active acne calm down faster, but I'm still getting new pimples, although my skin seems drier. I'll keep using for a month to see if it does anything more but so far it's not the holy grail/cure all for me. It's disappointing as I'm 26 and have had steady acne since I was 12. Tried everything (accutane, spend hundreds of $$ on skin care products, moisturisers, chemical peels) but seen very little results; I always have at least one pimple on my face. Vitamin D made sense to me as I rarely see the sun. Overall my skin looks brighter and healthier, but like I said I still get new pimples.

I haven't experienced any great mood changes, but it's still early. I'll update in a month.

August 15, 2019

3 week update: I definitely feel like Vitamin D is working for my skin. I've had 1 or 2 pimples over the last month but it's very much under control, and I think this supplement combination is the most consistent treatment for my acne since I was on accutane years ago.

In terms of mood/energy etc I don't actually notice much. If anything I feel like I'm way more lethargic and drained of energy since taking these vitamins. I'll update in a few weeks.

August 19, 2019

OK had a massive breakout - 10 new pimples, but I think it was some new product I introduced to get rid of red marks/PIE. Lesson learned :(

June 26, 2017
Not sure
This supplement can slow down your oil production throughout the day. This because especially in winter, your skin makes more oil to take in the amount of vitamin d your body is missing. For me it didn't work for acne though.
June 27, 2013
Where's the sun gone?!


Helped maintain 'holiday skin' for a while
Improves overall mood :)
Haven't had any cystic breakouts


Hasn't noticeably affected acne

I started using vitamin d because it was on a really good deal (only cost a penny!) and I was feeling depressed about the great british 'summer' that wasn't happening. I wasn't sure if it would help my acne but I used it to try and prolong holiday skin. It did work for a while and delayed my skin from going back to normal but it hasn't really made much difference otherwise. My mood seems a lot better though, so on a non-acne related note I'd recommend it. I have also noticed I haven't had any cystic acne (touch wood!) in the month I've been using them where I'd normally get 1 or 2. When my tablets run out I will probably buy again but only if they are on offer!
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