Fish Oil

301 Reviews

The list of ingredients above is provided for informational purposes only. Always check the actual product label in your possession for the most accurate ingredient information due to product changes or upgrades that may not yet be reflected on our web site.


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February 22, 2019

Did not notice a difference. Took it for 4 months and went back to zinc 

May 31, 2018
Was great at first...
Was great the first few months of taking it. My skin has never been softer and acne went away for the first few months. But came back with a venegence. Also I want to mention at the same time I started this I quit dairy. So that may have been it not the fish oil. Im still dairy free today.
April 20, 2018
Works for tone and texture but beware of cystic pimples!
I have mixed feelings towards Omega 3 (fish oil) supplements. On one hand, they do wonders for the overall texture of my skin and evening out my skin tone where there is no acne. However, after 2 separate attempts with 2 different brands of expensive Omega 3 supplements (both each around £20 for a months supply) I broke out with cystic pimples on my chin BOTH TIMES - I didn't change anything else in my diet apart from the Omegas so I know it's this. Luckily, the second time around I worked the correlation out straight away and stopped taking the supplements the day my first cyst popped back up; so hoping they won't hang around for too long! The first time I hadn't worked out the correlation so I continued taking and my cysts persisted for a couple of months. Overall, if your skin doesn't break out with the Omega's I would definitely recommend for overall tone and texture but be super careful with these!
November 17, 2015
May cause cystic acne
I took these for about a month and they did nothing for my general health. I didn't feel like they were beneficial a all. Also my skin was left unimproved and I even got a few cystic pimples on my chin. May be helpful for some but definitely not for me! They may have more effect in the long term but I had to stop because of the cystic acne.
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July 13, 2014
I took fish oil pills for about a year. It worked at first for my eczema rash on my face and acne. I just took it on a daily basis, and it just seemed like I never took it. I stopped taking it 2 days ago and my acne cleared up so fast I couldn't believe it. I really don't know about fish oil or how I feel about it now. I guess try something else.
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July 10, 2013
Caused nodular/cystic acne for me


improved hair strength


Not for me, but may work for others
recurrent nodular/cystic acne

This was great for the overall look of my skin, the brightness and firmness, and for my hair. However, not long after taking it I started to get very red nodular/cystic acne on my cheeks and jawline, something I'd never had before. Not sure if it was the brand I was using or the amount I was taking (probably far too much, knocking the Omega 3-6-9 balance off). Since I've stopped (about 2 weeks), I've noticed the spots have gone down or away completely.
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October 8, 2012


Natural product


Expensive depending on the brand
Fishy taste

Fish oil is one of the many vitamins that i take that do not do much for my skin. This supplement actually breaks me skin out instead of helping clear it. I have noticed that whenever i take it i break out really bad along the jawline area. When i break out it is very deep and painful pimples that don't seem to go away regardless of how many acne products i use on it. I have heard that this vitamin does wonders for other people tho and i encourage everyone to at least try it if you want to find an acne supplement that is natural and healthy for you.
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November 23, 2011


-My skin is softer
-Alleged health benefits


-Will not clear acne on its own
-Fish burps

I started taking Omega 3 pills to help with my moderately severe cystic acne. While there may be some health benefits to this supplement, it definitely will not clear your acne on its own. I do notice my skin is softer, however. Bottom line: this may be a good way to improve your overall health and thus the health of your skin, but on it's own it is not an effective acne treatment.
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September 28, 2011


Makes you heart healthy!
It is good for your health so i am told...


I mean, this is not an acne product to me.. I take my multi vitamins A to Z plus this.. And still havn't seen no change in my acne..

I take this for my internal health, not my acne. I recomend this for the sake of your health but not for your acne.
August 22, 2011


Mood stability


Broke out in cystic acne

I started fish oil for mostly health benefits but also to assist with my bad skin. First time I was on it hardcore I broke out in cystic acne for the first time in my life. Stopped taking it and it slowly went back to the normal small pustular acne I always had. Tried it again as I hadn't made the connection about the fish oil and cystic acne and yet again broke out in bad cystic acne which takes so much longer to clear and get better. Didn't work for me. Definitely think it makes it worse.
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