Apple Cider Vinegar (as a drink)

191 Reviews

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December 31, 2017
Just starting ACV as a drink: two weeks in.
I'm 34yo male, suffered since 14, used everything from long and various dosage courses of isotretinoin, antibiotics etc etc etc. You get the picture. Had not tried this as of yet but have had suspicions for a while my issue is an internal digestion one. I get now more inflammed 'red dot' and 'under the skin' type acne than when I was a teenager, which was more pustule. My diet has been ultra clean for years. I gave up dairy some time ago, and never eat artificial sugar. I try to keep all food I eat on the low GI side of the scale. I trialled not eating gluten but this didn't really have an effect on me. I also take zinc piccolate twice a day. And so, here I am, two weeks in to trying out ACV as a drink. I have a bad breakout, worse than normal. I'm hoping this is the so called 'purge' stage. I'll write back here in a couple more weeks to provide any progress in the hope it can help anyone.
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March 18, 2018
April 11, 2018
Hye, I've also started, stopped and just started using ACV again because I started to break out. Twice when I've restarted I have broken out which is discouraging. Can you please update us as to whether or not this is just an initial phase? Thanks
April 22, 2018
Hi there. I'm afraid using ACV as a drink did little for me. I am however using it with the Aztec healing facial clay and am finding some relief. I have also drastically reduced my diet to little gluten and no dairy or vegetable oil. I eat lots of fruit and veg, drink lots of water. My skin has somewhat improved but acne remains an everyday concern and obsession for me. In reality I'm managing a condition I cannot cure. Please feel free to drop me a message if you think I can help you in any way. Regards
August 5, 2017
Bragg's ACV with the "mother"
I drink 2tbsp a day diluted in water. Good for overall health. Helps with yeast overgrowth. Use it for your salad. It lowers blood sugar and bad cholesterol. Haven't drank it long enough to see if it helps with my skin or not. Been drinking it for 5days.
December 19, 2016
Not Convincing
ACV has been a great topical for me, but I'm not convinced it does much as a drink. Even when diluted, ACV can be quite harsh on your throat, and it's not very pleasant to consume.
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November 8, 2016
I'm wondering do you loose weight by drinking this because I don't wana loose weight
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June 7, 2017
I've used AVC before to lose weight and yep it is effective. But, I think maybe you sould try first. Maybe our have a different reaction to this.
July 4, 2016
Hi I'm a 17 year old male and have had acne since 13/14. I never get cystic acne but I have a face full of medium sized red dots. I used benzoyl peroxide with clindamycin as phosphate 1% and benzoyl peroxide 5% last summer and my face was almost completely cleared but I still had about 15 red spots on either side of face so I went to my doctor again because my prescription was used up and she prescribed Epideo to finish clearing up my face. Ok, that is when ALL HELL broke LOOSE! I started breaking out NONSTOP. My face got totally red and pealed like crazy in the beginning but now I'm more used to it. I'm still using it a couple times a week. When I was so dry I started using coconut oil which helped so much with dryness but I firmly believe that it breaks me out, I have tried it twice and each time it feels GREAT but after about a week after using it once or twice I break out in very small dots everywhere. I firmly believe in curing acne naturally and have for the past couple months eliminated all dairy, most sugar and most meat from my diet and I always eat a homemade vegetable soup consisting of green peppers, tomatoes, sweet potatoes and celery. I eat this for most of my meals daily. And have been using a multivitamin plus zinc and vit d3 4-5,000 IU per day. Plus I drink lots of alkaline water every day and wash my face with acidic 4.0 water. My face has not cleared up in the least. Do you think it's because I have only been doing it for 2-3 months or am I doing something wrong. I also run/work in a woodworking business with LOTS of dust, is this a negative for my skin? If so what can I do to help? I've read MANY reviews on and YouTube of how people healed there acne by drinking and/or using Apple Cider vinegar as a topical. And what I have noticed is most people that this has helped are people that are close to there 20s or older I'm 17, so if someone could give me some advice if I should run to the store and pig out on ACV or not, and my whole acne disaster I would be soooo grateful. My email is daviddyck17@[link removed] Thanks!!!! P.S. I hang out only one day a week and try to hide my face as much as possible. I HATE my face and have for so long, if this would help me get cleared I would have my life back!! #fingerscrossed
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August 6, 2016
Definently steer clear of any products containing coconut oil because coconut oil is rated highly comedogenic and is not good at all for acne prone skin (clogs pores)...the best oils that are excellent for acne prone skin are hemp oil, argan oil, and Rosehip oil (in that order, and should be organic cold pressed). As for Apple Cider Vinegar, I am not sure if that will help clear acne up- definently make sure to dilute it if you try (maybe mix with Aztec Secret Indian Healing Clay or another type of Betonite Clay and make a face mask?). I have heard mixed reviews on ACV for hormonal acne and some say it's no good for that, but you said yours isn't hormonal, so it may help some. Another important tip-- D3 is AMAZING, but it needs Calcium & Magnesium to work the way it's supposed to work. I would recommend asking your doctor if you should add in a CalMagD supplement with your D3 regimen. ALSO, take a look at your D3 vitamin and see what it's made with. Many D3 supplements contain stuff that can exasperate acne more than help it. I am using Islands Miracle 5,000IU D3 supplement now and it is has olive oil in it (which is great for immflamation when taken internally). I like that one and I purchased it off of amazon. As for my CalMagD supplement, I really like Nutrilite Brand that I purchased online at [link removed]. The combination of both of those for me has worked wonders. You are still very young so I have faith you will grow out of the acne stage (girls tend to suffer from it all through their 30's too, so we're not so lucky lol). My last piece of advice would be to just be very conscious of the ingredients in your products. A lot of products that are supposed to HELP acne have ingredients that are known acne triggers. Also, don't over wash your face. Try moisturizing with the hemp, argan or Rosehip oil too--all 3 of those are excellent options!! Good Luck!
August 26, 2016
Look into The Regimen, please. It will get better. Don't convince yourself that you hate your face. It will go away eventually. Use the regimen day & night and be CONSISTENT. Even after it seems clear. Best of luck to you, I hope you get clearer and start feeling better!
December 7, 2016
Hi, I've been reading a book called The Clear Skin Diet for my own acne. It seems like some of the veggies in your soup are not overly beneficial for your skin? Try deep green or deep red veggies, or things like avocado or fish which have good oils. I'm enjoying the book as it's quite detailed and has given me a good starting point to try to improve my acne through diet.
January 15, 2017
The last time I broke out so much it was due to an acne skin infection. Taking antibiotic and a topical antibiotic helped clear me acne. You should talk to your pcp.
May 19, 2017
I tried all natural but only removing gluten from my diet and using other grains such as rice, corn, millet, and flours such as chick pea, almond, rice. That along with changing my pillow every 4 days and using Aloe gel on my face did wonders. After gluten free the biggest help was doing oil cleansing to wash my face. WOAH. Still can't believe. Have half a dozen friends and family doing it now as a result. Research it- it might work for you. Ps the only thing that works for me is. Mixture of oils such as coconut, almond and sunflower with some glycerine.
July 22, 2017
I've been drinking ACV the raw organic one that says "mother" fir one month already. I lost 6 pounds . I had backne n acne in my face . I felt my blackheads were even coming out fast with me even squeezing them. This was so weird for me and amazing at the same time. I'm also seeing that my cellulite in my upper leg area are improving. Drinking ACV alkalinizes your body. Maybe my body needed this badly?? But I'm sure happy with the results. One thing to note: I only drink one 8 glass water with two spoons of raw cvinegar and one full squeezed lemon every morning before meals.
March 9, 2016
Not The mother mentioned in it.
I started to use ACV 2 weeks back ,but "the mother" is not mentioned in it ,So is it harmful to my skin? , Though i am not getting fruitful result. Can anyone suggest me what to do?
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May 21, 2016
Don't worry abt the mother. The reason it isn't in there is because it isn't naturally in apples and ACV is made from the crap that comes out when apples are left for years to ferment. Also, it isn't safe to drink the mother. Hope this helped!
August 28, 2015
I was really hoping this was gonna work for me... I tried drinking it for a week and just couldn't get used to the taste.. I tried using honey to sweeten it and really diluted it but it was still impossible for me to drink it without feeling sick.. I tried applying it topically too and saw no difference and it stunk up my bathroom... Oh well Im glad it worked for other people! Its worth a try...
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October 10, 2015
I have read the benefits of apple cider and coconut oil. I recommend you reading some info on cold pressed organic coconut oil.... It too is great for EVERYTHING. Maybe this could be for you :)
August 17, 2015
I had more pimples but less noticable after drinking acv.
After drinking ACV diluted with water, I had pimples and only 1-3 cyst acne on parts pn my face where I don't usually get it 😦 but it's not swelling red and it's kinda dry too. But do you think it's just my skin purging? Please I need answers immediately 😢😦
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August 17, 2015
How long have you been trying it for?
November 18, 2015
Definitely you skin purging
November 7, 2016
Did u loose weight
December 12, 2014
so far so good
so im 17 and about 2 months ago cystic acne showed up covering my cheeks. nothing has worked my next go to was accutane but I decided to try acv before all those harmones. It's been 5 days and my cystic zits are starting to come to a yellow head and I think thats called purging I drink it twice a day and apply it as toner I hope it continues to work!
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August 3, 2014
So far it seems to be making a difference...
...I think acv has contributed to reducing the inflammation of my acne and helped with digestion discomfort, I will update this if it seems to be a placebo. I have been taking it for a week and a half...we shall see :) I take 1 tablespoon of acv with a cup of water most days. A few weeks ago I made a hair rinse with it, my hair was soooo shiney, I personally wouldn't recommend doing this too often particularly if you wash your hair every day, it may be to acidic and dry your hair out, I discovered that for myself, but I am going to do it once a month instead and see how I go :) Update: I think this may be a good accompaniment to a balanced diet, but I am yet to find something natural that will balance out my hormones, definitely noticed an increase of inflammatory acne around my menstrual cycle (not due to acv, just an observation over the years)
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