Used Subcision? Rate It:
The marks left from it take a while to fade (at least on asian skin).
They look like acne in the beginning and then take as long as acne to fade. (hyperpigmentation)
cheap and affective
takes time and bruising
very cheap cheap
painfull risk of infection so take keflex or other antibiotic for staf ect
I had been searching for a viable remedy for rolling acne scars and through recommendation on this website i landed on dr sadove in Gainesville fl. I contacted him and sent him photos for a virtual consultation. He concluded that subcision with fat grafting would be the best option at a price of 4000. He said I was a perfect candidate and believed that I would see a huge improvement. Feeling excited by his confidence I made the appointment. Day of procedure everything was fine. I came out looking incredibly smooth but like a chipmunk as anticipated. Saw dr. Sadove the morning after. He was very happy how it looked and said "you're looking like a 90% improvement". Looking back now I'm thinking how could you have possibly known the results fresh off a fat transfer and a ton of swelling. I mentioned a dent on my left cheek that I never had before, where it looked like the fat didn't go. I asked him about that and he tried to massage it into place. 6 months after the procedure I am looking very uneven on each side. Right side looks okay, tolerable. Left side is larger and uneven, looks wavy and lumpy in spots. Dent is still there from day after treatment. Both sides considerably larger in size than they used to be. Feeling very displeased with my results, I make an appt to see him to address my overfilled face. Couple days before I call to confirm the appointment. They're like what?! You're coming in tomorrow? I said yeah I made the appointment like 2 months ago. Receptionist looks through her files about 10 mins and comes back and says, oh we don't have you on the schedule we must have got you mixed up with our other patient who has the same name. I'm like well I made the appointment, took off work, and am driving down 4 hours away. She says okay we'll make it work. I'm thinking to myself, wow your whole filing system crashes if you've got a duplicate first name.wtf. Before I hang up I confirm again everything at the appointment will be complimentary since I am coming back to fix what I was unhappy with. She assures me absolutely. I also expressed my discontent to the doctor and he assured me everything would be complimentary. Anyways I show up two days later right on time. Doctor is nowhere to be found. Receptionist/nurse is running around and making calls trying to find him. 45 mins later he walks through the door with a new keurig. Finally brings me in his office. I begin illustrating to him how upset I am about how my face looks.....still puffy, very uneven, dent on my left side, and overall way larger than I used to be. He begins shuffling through my before and afters, and kind of chuckles, "I think I see a big improvement". Again I articulate why I am upset and the lumpy spots I don't like. He kind of laughs and says, "you know how many girls pay a lot of money for that fullness." I just looked down feeling depressed and broken. I said, "well I'm not a girl and I don't want that fullness, what can be done to reduce the fat and remedy the unevenness?" His response was unhelpful and rushed. Basically told me no, just give it more time, maybe it will go down. I pressed him a little more and he decided to inject a bit of cortisone in my cheeks to dissolve some of the fat. All in all he basically laughed at me the whole time, didn't take my concerns seriously, and gave me an attitude when I told him I wasn't happy. He said oh we can inject a little juvederm in that dent on the left side to help that. I say okay I guess. He takes me to the back room and goes okay this syringe will be 650. I'm like wtf I thought you told me it was complimentary. He says oh it's not free but I'll give it to you at cost. I said no and we left. My wife said that was the worst experience she's ever had with a doctor, you are not going back there ever.....Now 14 months later no improvement, still uneven, lumpy, and unhappy with my results. It's completely wrecked my self esteem and confidence. I've been seeing a couple surgeons locally trying to find a remedy. Would post pictures but I'm too embarrassed. Stay away from this doctor. Horrible experience.
I had subcision, dermapen and TCA cross under dr anil in london - I had 3-4 sessions over a year and it was the best choice I ever made. He?s a great doctor, not ridiculously overpriced and he isnt just after your money. I wanted botox but he said it wasnt the right time yet. I really trust him and I?m really grateful for the improvement in my acne scars. Happy to answer any questions, I have added a before and after. So difficult to replicate the lighting but I believe the after photo is obvious! Its realistic to expect perfection but I?m so happy with the results I have and happy to answer any questions
actually works
Improves shallow, rolling scars a lot, esp paired with a laser treatment soon after.