Used Lasers? Rate It:
Short term & costly! The Private Clinic are also usless.
5% improvement from the first treament.
Nothing negative to say about it so far because Ive only had one treatment.
- Removes 20% of redness
- Does not hurt
- Take very little time
- Face red for first few hours after treatment
- Expensive and requires multiple treatment
- Do not expect a clear face
Clear beautiful skin with no long term side effects
Diminshed lines and wrinkles
Not covered under my medical insurance but an eligible expense under a FSA or Medical Saving Account with letter of medical necessity from your doctor
Cost ($300.00/treatment)
Pain and swelling , increasing as intensity is increased.
Can cause hyperpigmentation on darker skin tones - I am a fair skinned blonde so I haven't experienced that side effect
Cleared my skin after several sessions, and reduced red marks left by acne.
a tiny bit painful (not as painful as smoothbeam), expensive
Clear up active acne andd improve skin texture. Minimal side effects. I have had acne for 15+ years, and have tried numerous treatments including Accutane and other laser treatments, this is the only laser treatment that cleared up my acne.(Accutane worked too, but the side effects are too much).
A bit pricey, and you do need to go to a doctor's office to get it done.(I drove 100 mile every 2 weeks for this treatment). Skin will be a bit dry and sensitive after the treatment, but putting on some B5 gel solved the problem in my case. I got some red marks after the treatment, but they faded in 4 to 5 days. I do get a flare of break out right after the treatment,but then my skin get cleared up. It takes several treatment to see results, so be patient.
Amazing results. Had it done to remove fine lines, some wrinkles, some sun freckles and sun damage. I got all of that and more.
Skin is so smooth and fresh.
It was a solid 9 days of down time and at 4 weeks of healing, I am still a bit red. All of this is exactly what I expected.
After suffering for 6 years i had 6 months of treatment and have no acne and much smaller scars
you have to be preparred to perservere with treatment, dont expect to have one treatment and be clear. I have had about 10 treatments over a year to see such good results although it began to clear after about 4
Waste of money. Acne flared up.
Works but you have to be patient-usually after the 3rd fourth treatment you start breaking out less
You have to be fine with being a little sensitive for a week after treatment--maybe a blister or two but so worth it.
It actually worked - 6 months completely spot free!!