Oral Retinoid
2786 Reviews
Oral Retinoid
Based on All Available Studies
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Note: Use with EXTREME CAUTION: Causes severe birth defects and fetal death.
Oral Retinoid
Side Effects
Oral Retinoid
Acne.org’s Real World Take
The nuclear option. It works reliably and provides long-term remission of acne, and even severe acne, in about ⅔ of people who properly take an adequate dosage. However, it permanently and irreversibly changes the skin and the body forever and users may experience long-term side effects for the rest of their lives. It’ll nuke it, but there is no going back.
Oral Retinoid
How to Get It
Have a dermatologist? Make an appointment to get this medication. Don't have a dermatologist? See The American Academy of Dermatology Physician Database to find one.
Read All About Isotretinoin (Accutane®)
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May 24, 2011


HIGLY EFFECTIVE (only if it's used under strictly dermatologist advices).


Very annoying and aggresive symptoms caused by Isotrerinoin.
Very high price (at least in my country).
Use only in severe acne.
Needs at least a combination of other 4 products.
Need a supervision of a doctor and in some cases blood tests during the treatment.

Im 17 years old, the treatment was for 6 months after that i enjoy a pefect face 0% acne, that was just for the 2 months after i finished with the Isotretinoin. One day i discovered a black point in my face, i think i would be normal because of my past several acne but by the time pass my acne became much more severe and in few weeks just after my 2 months of glorius skin, my face was worse than ever. I heard about so many people that the treatment was 100% effective for them and the effectivness was for a long time but for some reason it wasn't effective for me. If you choose Isotretinoin you have to be sure to handle first the annoying symptoms caused by the medicine (in some cases the symptoms of the medicine are worst than a light or moderate acne, i recommend to choose alternative products) and second you'll have to maintain (for the rest of your life) very clean your face, if you don't want acne come back and repeat the treatment again like me. Now seriously im thinking of taking the treatment again because the effects of the medicine, i don't know how but i have learned to accept and to be more confident in myself and i think its the most powerfull remedy for the acne.
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May 23, 2011


90% of People taking this treatment will never get symptoms of acne again.
The most effective medicine for acne i've tried.


Dry Lips, Dry Skin.
Got some muscle aches at the start but not so much now.
Had to curb alcohol intake.

Very effective results. I have much clearer skin and see this continuing to be the case. I can see that some people complained about this stuff a lot but If you have a bombsite of a back like mine did due to acne then this medicine is a godsend. Feel much more confident and there isn't as much pain.
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May 23, 2011


-clears ALL acne
-skin and hair oil-free
-skin texture improves almost immediately


-very dry lips
-dry eyes- bright light such as sunlight or an oncoming car is painful
-joint pain
-very dry/bloody nasal passages
-super sensitive skin
-dry/flaky/painful scalp
-lots of canker sores
-rash on the backs of hands
-the doctor appts and bloodwork every 30 days/ iPledge hassles

I took 40mg/day of the generic Amnesteen for 5 months. Before starting my course I had frequent dermatologist appointments for over 7 years....I was put on every topical possible, several different antibiotics, birth control, spironolactone....EVERYTHING. Finally, my derm decided to put me through a course of accutane. I was well-prepared for the side effects, but I had a very hard time with them. Obviously everything was very dry, but there were several things I wasn't expecting. First, I had severe joint pain in my neck, lower back and hips, knees, wrists and ankles. I tried going to a chiropractor, getting a massage, and both external and internal joint lubricants.... nothing helped. I also was extremely tired a lot of the time, and even when I didn't feel tired, my eyes felt tired because they were so dried out. Being outside in the sun or driving at night with other car's lights made my eyes sting pretty bad. The last thing that really gave me a hard time was my nose....bleeding and just being painfully dry and raw on the inside. Nothing seemed to moisturize the skin up there and it was a constant, very painful annoyance for 5 months straight. However, it was nice to not have oily hair for once, and when I did break out while taking it, the pimples went away very quickly. On accutane your skin is constantly renewing itself, so breakouts last half as long. I am a very healthy, fit, young girl- I'm extremely careful about what I eat, and I workout 4-5 days a week. My doctor told me that her healthiest patients have the hardest time with accutane. Not sure why, but it seems like if isotretinoin is the only bad thing you're doing to your body, your body notices it a lot more! Just a warning to the fit and active- working out gets a lot harder with achy joints. Even though the side effects are NOT fun, I have totally clear skin, which is all I've wanted since middle school (I'm a third-year college student now) and I am completely happy with t
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May 19, 2011


doesn't even matter


tons of side effects.
makes you want to die

Stay away from this if you have a history of depression, this will make it so much worse and harder to treat, its not worth it at all. If you're a guy resort to makeup and birth control before using this, seriously.
May 17, 2011


cleared up whiteheads, blackheads and all other red pimples
stopped skin from being so oily


Dry skin, dry chapped lips
some headaches
mild back pain

I was very happy with the results I got from taking this med. Even though I would get headaches, they were taken care of with advil. The dry skin wasn't too bad, just have to lotion a lot ( I used CeraVe) . I had a lot of whiteheads that would pop up during the day, blackheads all over my nose, and red, painful zits on my chin and cheeks. This took care of it within 2 months. The positive results outweighed the negative in my situation. I was nervous at first to take it, but I am so glad I did.
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May 16, 2011


If you do have a breakout on your skin while on this, it clears up a lot quicker then if you werent on this medication. The texture of your skin starts to look a lot better.


Dry eyes, dry lips.

I'm on 20 mg a day. I really have had no side effects. If anything my lips are dry, and my eyes feel slightly dryer (I wear contacts), so I wear glasses now whenever possible. But I do wear contacts once in a while. I go about my daily life, work 7a-4p. People keep commenting how great and clear my skin looks.
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May 14, 2011


Cheap If you have insurance
-generally works


Its not worth the risk!
-Unusual Dreams
-Dry skin
-Dry Lips
- Developed eye floaters!
-Runs risk for permanent long term side effects!

Basically dont take this. Are you really willing to risk long term side effects to be acne free? acne is completely normal, why would you want to risk your health for something loads of people deal with? I was on this for about 3 weeks until i began feeling strange. I felt out of body and out of mind, depression then kicked in. I developed so much anxiety on this medication it was scary, one day my chest began to hurt and I literally thought i WAS GOING TO HAVE A HEARTATTACK! I have never been so scared in my life. Also the second day into my course I had a disturbing dream. In my dream i dreamt that i had a gun in my hand, i walked up to my dad and then put the gun in my mouth and ended my life, this was very disturbing. I used to be a happy go-lucky guy before i took this garbage, now I have depression, derealization (absolutely horrifying, would not wish this on my worst enemy), visual static, and eye floaters. My doctor now reffered me to a neurologist to test for schizophrenia. Basically i can't seem to get my life on track ever since taking accutane. I feel bad for my family cause they are very worried about me. PLEASE PLEASE PEOPLE STAY AWAY FROM THIS DRUG. Once you have a life changing experience like I did you will learn how important health and life is, dont take life for granted. i can't even see a future for myself right now but if I ever feel normal again I will treat everyday like its my last, life is beautiful dont risk it with accutane you never know what can happen. I learned this 2 weeks into treatment and got my act together and threw this garbage away. YAY ACNE and HEALTH! Taking this medication is just plain stupid, no matter how bad your acne is realize that people dont look at you any differently. Thanks an make the right choice here guys. Hope I could help
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May 8, 2011


No more oily, shiny t-zone - astonishingly so!
Clear skin
No more painful acne
I feel more confident


Dry eyes, lips & nostrils - lips & nostrils crack & bleed
Dry & irritated anus. That's right. Butthole.
Developing dandruff
Depressive episodes
Muscle & joint stiffness & pain
Difficulty seeing at night
Audio hallucinations

I have a family history of very oily skin (great for thick glossy hair) and 15 years personally of painful cystic acne. I had tried altering my eating, the prescription birth control, every lotion. I had tried the low level antibiotics Oxytetracycline (which worked well but then I moved countries and it was no longer available), Monocycline and Doxycycline (which didn't work). I started on 10mg/a day (I am a fit person in the healthy weight range for my height who exercises regularly) on 1 Nov 2010. The first side effects were the usual *dry, cracked and bleeding mouth, nostrils/anus *dry scratchy eyes Which can be tolerated with the help of a lip balm with beeswax in it - I carry one at ALL TIMES and eyedrops for the eyes as well as vaseline for the other areas. On 6 May 2011 I stopped as I was suffering from the following side effects; *depressive episodes *audio hallucinations *muscle/joint stiffness to the point I was unable to walk without pain I did this - fairly low level being only 10mg/day) course as a LAST RESORT. Was it worth it? In this country it is subsidized by the health system so financially the costs were monthly visits to the doctor and the amount I spent on lip balm & vaseline. I love not having skin that is covered with an oil slick every couple of hours. And that I can wear minimal amounts of makeup. I love that I do not have deep, very painful lesions on my face - because I think that was the worst of it. I hope that it is the only course I have to do of it though! To sum up; To be used as a LAST RESORT on PAINFUL acne. Be prepared to deal with painful, embarrassing and confusing side effects. Be closely monitoring yourself with a diary and let your love ones know if you are on a course so they can watch out for you too.
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May 6, 2011


- Clears up skin while on drug/ short time after
- Nice skin glow during treatment
-Got rid of cystic acne
-Boosts self esteem


- Dry lips
-Sensitive skin
-increased redness
-possible long term consequences
-NOT a cure
-Acne comes back

I went on accutane (amnesteem) after my acne of 4 years developed into awful cystic acne. no other topical or oral medication seemed to work. I started my course last January and ended it last July (total of 6 months). During the treatment, it took time for my skin to clear up and red marks to heal, but my cystic acne cleared and my skin was no longer oily. However, my red marks were bad and still remained. A couple months after the end of the treatment, my skin started to increase in oily-ness, and I started to break out again. No cystic acne, but leading up to now, my acne has gotten pretty bad again, and my skin is MORE oily than before. My skin has also increased in redness due to new acne, and I'm considering a second course, as no topicals or meds are working (shocker). Understand that everyones skin is different, however, people should not be posting reviews to this drug a week or month after/during the treatment. You need to wait a couple months to see long term results, or whether your acne comes back. Because mine came back pretty badly.
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May 6, 2011


-amazing confidence
-can go out without foundation and not worry
-clear skin


-chapped/dry lips
-skin becomes very, very dry
-mild depression
-having to get shots

i started accutane last summer ( i was 15 years old) I've been off accutane for 4 months now, i took it for 6 months. My skin is so much better than before. i've only had 2 pimples since i got off, but they were small. my skin wasn't oily for the first 2 months i was off but now it's starting to get oily, but it's nothing i can't deal with. Before accutane i Hated leaving the house, every time i took my makeup off i would cry. I would lie to my friends about why i couldn't go out. On top of that i'm a cheerleader so i'm around the prettiest girls, which gave me the lowest confidence. now i feel like i'm equal with them. I'm not sure if the acne has stayed gone because i continues using birth control afterwards or if it's just that good. Also not all of the scars go away but they dramatically lighten.
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Finding a Doctor

The right dermatologist can make a big difference to your patient experience and the success of your acne treatment plan. Here are the steps to find a dermatologist who is a good fit:

  1. Use the search feature on the American Academy of Dermatology website to look for board-certified dermatologists in your area, and filter the search results for doctors with a special interest in treating acne.
  2. Read online patient reviews of any dermatologists you are considering and ask people you know whether they have any experience with these dermatologists.
  3. Do your research and go to your first appointment with questions prepared.
  4. Listen to what your gut feeling tells you once you see a dermatologist in person. If you are not completely comfortable, try a different dermatologist.

Finding a Doctor

Only a select few plastic surgeons specialize in acne scar revision surgery. Be certain to find a provider who specializes in acne scar repair and who is passionate and experienced in this area.

Be sure to:

  • Look at before and after photos, the more the better, especially patients with similar scarring to your own.
  • Be realistic about results. Look for improvement, not a cure.

Questions to ask a potential scar revision specialist:

  • Are you board certified? Be certain that they are board certified.
  • How long have you been performing these procedures? Normally, the more experience the better, however, some younger surgeons may be more on top of the latest procedures.
  • Can I speak to some of your other patients? Ask for references for several patients who had similar scarring and speak to them about the process and their satisfaction with results.

Red flags:

  • Their story changes: As you discuss different treatment options, if they tend to change their mind easily, or agree with whatever you say, consider this a red flag. A confident, experienced surgeon will possess strong, unwavering opinions.
  • Your gut tells you "no": Trust your gut. If you just don't feel that the doctor is the right fit, trust that and move on. On the other hand, if you feel they are the perfect specialist for you, trust that feeling.