Oral Retinoid
2786 Reviews
Oral Retinoid
Based on All Available Studies
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Note: Use with EXTREME CAUTION: Causes severe birth defects and fetal death.
Oral Retinoid
Side Effects
Oral Retinoid
Acne.org’s Real World Take
The nuclear option. It works reliably and provides long-term remission of acne, and even severe acne, in about ⅔ of people who properly take an adequate dosage. However, it permanently and irreversibly changes the skin and the body forever and users may experience long-term side effects for the rest of their lives. It’ll nuke it, but there is no going back.
Oral Retinoid
How to Get It
Have a dermatologist? Make an appointment to get this medication. Don't have a dermatologist? See The American Academy of Dermatology Physician Database to find one.
Read All About Isotretinoin (Accutane®)
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December 13, 2016
Works very well
It is a very good product. It starts working immediately and you can see the signs very quickly. You will stop getting breakouts almost as you start taking the pills. This is because it will make your skin very dry. Like very very dry. So use moisturizers, sunscreen and lip balm as much as you can. They will probably start you off with a small dose and then increase it. I had to do blood tests every month to make sure no side effects were happening. And nothing did except for the dry skin. After a while my skin was very clear. So i stopped taking the pill. A bit of acne started coming back afterwards but now with use of creams it's under control. So overall a very good product. Defenitley saved me during high school. Would recommend it for anyone with bad acne
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November 22, 2016
Worked but didn't last
Started working immediately, no initial breakout, minimum side effects beyond chapped lips and dry eyes at times. I was taking 30 mg for 10 months. Acne stayed away for 10 months after I finished the course, started coming back slowly. Now it is back, not a severe as before but still not great. I am 31 year old female and had acne when I was younger. Managed to keep it under control with Yasmine over some 14 years but it came back pretty strongly after I got off of it which is when I went on accutane. I read that unfortunately for woman in their 30s the results of accutane usually don't stick. I am currently taking Vitex. It seems to be managing my acne somewhat but not completely- still have bad days, but not life ruining. I have been on it for two months. Going to try pairing it with Estroblock and see what happens.
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July 14, 2017
Your dose seemed low. And is common for low doses that acne will come back after treatment
November 21, 2016
Just be patient
I remember when my acne got so bad that I didn't want to go outside anymore.. I didn't want anyone to see me. I tried essentially every single over the counter and prescription acne medication on the market. My dermatologist was an older woman who really didn't want me to take accutane because of the side effects that may come with it. Eventually I couldn't take it anymore, everything she had been prescribing me wasn't working. I went to a different dermatologist that took one look at me and said you need accutane. I think like all people that start accutane it's such a talked about pill you almost expect it to immediately start working. I started on fourty milligrams of accutane, then my face within the first month went crazy! My acne hit me with full force. I have never felt so low in my life I had around fifty cystic pimples on my face.. it felt almost impossible to deal with. My dermatologist bumped me up to 60 and then all the way up to 80. I was on accutane for about eight months and it wasn't until my sixth month of accutane that my face started really clearing. By the eighth month I had absolutely no pimples. None whatsoever. I mean it was the most life changing thing for me. I used to read these reviews and say accutane isn't going to work for me like it did for everyone else. My advice is just hang in there, seriously it will get better. I followed up accutane with retin-a and now you can't even tell I ever had acne, something I didn't think was possible. There is a light at the end of the tunnel!
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February 3, 2017
I had a very very similar experience. The first month or two of accurate was the absolute worst I have EVER seen my skin. Looking back at pictures makes me cringe. I broke out over my entire face all at once, in places I never had acne before. For me the obvious purging did not stop until month 3 or 4. Around month 5 and 6 it started getting much better, and at 7/8 months I am completely clear and have only had a handful of spots in the past 3 months. Dryness has not been a problem for me, but know that you should carefully treat your skin with hydration masques, constant lotion, and very gentle cleansers (not soap). So far it is worth it for me, I have not not had breakouts for this length of time in at least a decade.
November 15, 2016
Accutane seriously saved my life. I've only been on it for a month and my skin is COMPLETELY clear. Nothing else worked prior to accutane. As a 21 year old, I had given up hope that I would ever have clear skin. It is definitely a big commitment with all the doctors appointments and what not, but it is so worth it. Amazing product and I haven't had any major side effects from it. Some fatigue here and there but compared to the minocycline I was on before this, its nothing! Give it a try! It is not as bad as everyone makes it seem! Im sooo happy I tried it!
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November 4, 2016
Yay for accutane!
Hello everyone, I haven't ever written a post before but I always promised myself I would if accutane worked. Acne type: Moderate but persistent Duration: 4 months (starting November 2015) Dosage: 55mg dosage the whole time - 1mg per kg you weigh. Side effects: Mild dryness, mild backpain, very dry stools (TMI I know!) All of the side effects were treated easily by investing in vaseline for the lips, cetaphil moisturiser for face/body, drinking A LOT of water. I had to be on the contraceptive pill, and use 1 other form of protection with monthly blood and pregnancy tests. DO NOT RISK GETTING PREGNANT! Month 1: Initial breakout from day 3-day 15 from what I remember - it was straight away probably because I started on a high dose Month 2: Acne tamed but got a mini flare up in week 6 which set me back Month 3: Face really started to clear up and became less conscious about it Month 4: Clear and honestly my face was glowing! People who didn't even know I was on accutane said to my my face was actually glowing. It is now November 2016 - exactly 1 year after I started, and 8 months after my final dose - I won't lie and say I haven't had the odd spot, and when I do I completely panic and fear the worst, but believe me accutane DID and DOES work. I can actually leave the house with no makeup on - feels incredible! I hope I stay acne free forever, (please pray I do), but for the time being I am really happy that I took it. if it is offered to you, do take it. It is worth it, and works wonders. It is nerve wracking and scary, but honestly by the end you won't want to get off it! There is an incredible support system out there to help you - these blogs, instagram journeys, endless websites. Good luck to anyone on it or thinking of going on it - I really hope and pray it works for you! :)
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November 6, 2016
wow! hoping for the good result too.. by november 18 my derm told me to take ISONOIN i have a lot of breakouts again...so bumpy and lot of cyst :( currently im a college student... hoping that theres no breakout again while taking the prescribed med... im suffering for acne since high school... your review was a big hope for my suffering.. sorry for my english.. (PH)
November 4, 2016
Works wonders
I've struggled with cystic acne since the beginning of my teen years and into my adult years as well. My dermatologist first placed me on a round of Doxycycline as a precautionary measure, but that didn't help much so the next step was Accutane. I took 1 course in my early high school years and another towards the end of my high school years. Miraculously, my acne was gone after the first treatment and stayed that way for a while until it started to creep back a year or so later. This is quite normal in severe acne patients. Since my 2nd course ended years ago, I only struggle now with the random hormonal bumps around that time of the month (Caziant bcp has helped tremendously with that). Yeah the monthly blood draws suck and skin dryness is a pain, but it's well worth it. Just stock up on tons of Aquafor (a TRUE lifesaver and something I still use today). I didn't have any other adverse side effects except for mild joint pain and hemorrhoids from time to time.
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October 23, 2016
Accutane is honestly the most incredible thing ever. After 4 months of being on the drug, the only thing I regret is that I wish I had tried it years earlier. I never thought about writing a review, but I knew it would be worthwhile to let others know about my amazing experience and to give them some hope if they're feeling blue about acne. I'm a 22 year old male, and started getting acne about 8 years ago. While never incredibly severe, it was persistent, irritating and psychologically damaging. I would get it on my face and even ass sometimes, but the worse was always on my back and chest. No matter what I tried, it would always come back. I tried numerous over the counter and prescription topicals, as well as antibiotics like minocycline. None of them seemed to do much work, and last year my face started randomly breaking out so bad I barely wanted to leave my room. I finally gave in to Accutane after avoiding it due to all the 'horror' stories, and all I can say is 'wow.' I took the antiobiotic Bactrim a few weeks before and into starting my Accutane course to reduce the possibility of an initial breakout, and boy did that combo do wonders. Since starting Accutane, my whole body has completely cleared up, and I have had maybe one zit since then. It has 100% changed my complexion, and I can't even believe I suffered through all those years of acne. As for the side effects, they are pretty much zero. The only issue I've had is somewhat dry lips, and for that Dr. Dan's Cortibalm is a life saver. As well, although not recommended, I boozed pretty hard while taking this drug, and haven't had any liver related problems thus far. In regards to people who complain of depression and severe side effects like muscle/joint pain and hair loss while on Accutane, I don't discount those claims, but I would highly suggest giving Accutane a first hand experience before believing everything written on the Internet. Reviews tend to bring out all the naysayers and nervous nellies; rarely do you hear from the positive end of things. Anyways, I'll conclude by saying that Accutane is a life changer. Go see a dermatologist as soon as you can if you've been considering this drug and ask them for more information. I would not even hesitate if I had to take another round of Accutane, that's how effective it has been.
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October 15, 2016
Amazing drug.
I never give anything a perfect review, but oral isotretinoin has certainly come close to deserving one. I was on Accutane from February to November of 2014. In my 10+ years of battling acne trying and pretty much everything, nothing has been as effective and long-lasting at completely clearing my skin. Some unpleasant side effects but for me they were worth the sacrifice, particularly since acne has such a negative effect on me psychologically (I'm a skin picker). While the results weren't exactly permanent (it relapsed but nowhere near as bad as it was in the past--I'm on Estelle right now), it did give me blemish-free skin for over a year after finishing my course of medication, and that's something no topical or contraceptive will ever come close to offering. Changed my life, no joke.
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September 26, 2016
Best thing I decided!
I've been on Roaccutane/Isotretinoin for 5 months now and it is honestly the best choice I ever made for my skin. I had acne for 7 years and tried everything, from being on antibiotics for 2 years and trying all different types of creams/gels I could find. I knew that none of these would really work, because after having acne for a while you understand that it is coming from the inside, not just from the surface of your skin. I would sit there for hours searching about Roaccutane but all it really did was scare me and it put me off even thinking about going on it. I was so tired of looking at myself in the mirror and being so self conscious about my skin when out in public (even in front of my own family), I knew I had to really make a change. So after 2 years of thinking about this drug, I decided to go to my doctors and begin my roaccutane journey (and also stopped searching about all the negative side effects). I knew of all the side effects of being on this drug, but all I could think now was why put yourself through hating your skin so much and for so long, when you can just put up with whatever side effects you will get but you will end up with nice skin!. In my first month of taking the pills (i started on 20mg), I actually saw a change in my skin and had no side effects. As the weeks went on I still had no side effects, I would break out a bit still (but that happens in the first month or 2 of taking this). I was already obsessed with moisturising my skin and lips anyways that I actually didn't experience any severe dryness. I then asked the doctor to give me a higher dosage, so she gave me 25mg because she said I was doing so well that she didn't want to put it up too high. Highering my dosage obviously meant I broke out a bit again but it all went down after a month and a half of being on it. If you are going to take this drug then you need to moisturising a lot of your skin and lips! and that doesn't mean using a light moisturiser! I use the cerave one which is really thick so I still don't see any dryness on my skin and I put chapstick/vaseline on at every chance I can get. When your doctor says DON'T USE OIL, use only oil free products seriously don't use it. You're just reversing the whole purpose of the drug itself. And you need to drink lot of water! (1 litre at least a day). Just because you read of someone's bad experience, does not mean that you will have the same. Don't be scared to try it, otherwise you're not going to get those results you want. I'm so happy I'm on it, I haven't seen my skin this well in over 7 years and I still have a bit more to go. If your side effects are severe then you just stop taking them. You can get through a bit of dryness to get to being happy with your skin!
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September 5, 2016
Increased the severity and painfulness of my acne.
I was on a 60mg dose overseen by a dermatologist back in 2002, I was 20 years old 60kg and my acne was moderately bad. This stuff made it severe and painful and the doctor even took photographic evidence because the increase in severity was so dramatic. I was on it for several months trying to give it a chance (it gets worse before it gets better etc) but had to come off because of the pain and increase of severity of my acne. I also developed IBS several months later for which I was hospitalised due to the pain and still suffer to this day, I do not know if it was 100% related to the treatment or prolonged antibiotic use after Roaccutane or just pure coincidence but it is worth mentioning. I know how it feels to want a miracle cure for acne and I realise it works for some, but please explore as many safer alternatives first especially if you do not have the severest form of acne, this is an extremely potent and unpredictable drug and has the potential to make you worse (which is any acne sufferers worst nightmare) and can potentially give you additional chronic life long side effects. Good luck. x
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November 17, 2016
Don't take this unless you look like a beast even then life might be better without tan . Side effects are life long be warned.

Finding a Doctor

The right dermatologist can make a big difference to your patient experience and the success of your acne treatment plan. Here are the steps to find a dermatologist who is a good fit:

  1. Use the search feature on the American Academy of Dermatology website to look for board-certified dermatologists in your area, and filter the search results for doctors with a special interest in treating acne.
  2. Read online patient reviews of any dermatologists you are considering and ask people you know whether they have any experience with these dermatologists.
  3. Do your research and go to your first appointment with questions prepared.
  4. Listen to what your gut feeling tells you once you see a dermatologist in person. If you are not completely comfortable, try a different dermatologist.

Finding a Doctor

Only a select few plastic surgeons specialize in acne scar revision surgery. Be certain to find a provider who specializes in acne scar repair and who is passionate and experienced in this area.

Be sure to:

  • Look at before and after photos, the more the better, especially patients with similar scarring to your own.
  • Be realistic about results. Look for improvement, not a cure.

Questions to ask a potential scar revision specialist:

  • Are you board certified? Be certain that they are board certified.
  • How long have you been performing these procedures? Normally, the more experience the better, however, some younger surgeons may be more on top of the latest procedures.
  • Can I speak to some of your other patients? Ask for references for several patients who had similar scarring and speak to them about the process and their satisfaction with results.

Red flags:

  • Their story changes: As you discuss different treatment options, if they tend to change their mind easily, or agree with whatever you say, consider this a red flag. A confident, experienced surgeon will possess strong, unwavering opinions.
  • Your gut tells you "no": Trust your gut. If you just don't feel that the doctor is the right fit, trust that and move on. On the other hand, if you feel they are the perfect specialist for you, trust that feeling.